How to use bots in your title packs

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How to use bots in your title packs

Post by Kak0 »

With the release of ShootMania comes a brand new feature: Bots ! This post will give you all information you need to use your custom bots in your title packs. To help you understand this feature, please download the Horde mode's data here : Horde is a Shootmania mode created specifically to give you an example of what can be done with Maniaplanet bots.

Important note : This feature is meant to be used in your custom title packs. The reason is that if you use custom bots (model, skins), the player who wants to play your mode will need the assets to load the bots. If a player install your title pack he will automatically download these assets. In this tutorial though, we explain how to test custom bots in Storm. You shouldn't set up a Storm dedicated server with a mode or with maps that use bots. For more informations about title packs, please read this thread (and particularly this post).


Here we will explain you how to create maps for this Horde mode.

1) Install the bot files
You first have to install the specific kind of bots used by Horde mode (a creature that looks like a toad):
- Copy the item file OrganicSmall.Item.gbx into MyDocuments\ManiaPlanet\Items\Characters (create folders if necessary)
- Copy the skin file into MyDocuments\ManiaPlanet\Skins\Models\Minion (create folders if necessary)

2) Install the script files
You also have to install the mode itself, which consists of two scripts:
- Copy the maptype file HordeArena.Script.txt into MyDocuments\ManiaPlanet\Scripts\MapTypes\Shootmania (create folders if necessary)
- Copy the mode file Horde.Script.txt into MyDocuments\ManiaPlanet\Scripts\Modes\Shootmania (create folders if necessary)

3) How to place bots in a map
(If you don't want to create your own maps, just use the maps mentionned at the end of step 4 and go to step 5)
Open the map editor (in advanced mode) and create a new map.
There are two ways to place bots in your map:

3.a) Autonomous bots
Switch to Item Mode (by clicking on the tree-shaped icon at the bottom of the screen) and select the bot you have installed in step 1.
You can place it on the map with left click, turn it with right click, remove it by clicking on it while holding "X" key, etc. just as you do when you place blocks in Block Mode.
The bots you place with this method will appear in any mode, even if the mode is not supposed to handle bots. They defend the zone where they were placed. They attack players who come too close but stop following them if they leave the zone. These bots have two points of armor, and respawn automatically a little while after they are eliminated.

3.b) Script-managed bots
Switch to Item Mode (by clicking on the tree-shaped icon at the bottom of the screen) and select the bot you have installed in step 1. Then click on the icon that has appeared at the bottom left corner of the screen (just above the "Save" icon) to switch to Path Mode.
You can create a new path with RIGHT CLICK, and then add points to this path with left clicks. You can also select an existing path by holding "Ctrl" key while you click or remove some points with "X" + click.
This method creates paths, not bots. Bots will appear in game only if the mode script decides to spawn bots on the paths of the map (as Horde mode do).

4) How to create a Horde map
Create a new map. Click on the script name at the top left corner of the screen and select HordeArena (the map type script you have intsalled at step 2).
Then build your map, keeping in mind that you must place one spawn (where the player(s) will appear) and at least one pole (that the player(s) will have to defend).
Place some PATHS in the map as described in the 3-b) section. All paths should end near a pole.
You can define the Map Objectives by clicking on the little hammer on the bottom-right corner of the screen and clicking on Set Map Objectives. In this mode, the map objectives are times (in milliseconds) that players have to reach to earn medals (just like TrackMania).
Here are some examples of Horde maps (copy them into MyDocuments\ManiaPlanet\Maps\My Maps)
- A single player map: Horde_Single.Map.Gbx
- A two players map (best players can try it alone ^^): Horde_Double.Map.Gbx

5) Let's play Horde!
While you are in the map editor, you can test your map simply by clicking on the green flag at the bottom right corner of the screen (if it is not green, it means that you forgot to place one spawn and a pole in your map).
The other way to play is to create a server in your local network:
- select the Storm station
- select "Local Play" and then "Create"
- choose the script "Horde" and click on "Launch"
- choose the maps you have created or the ones provided in the .zip file
- if you play with other players, make sure everyone has put the files in the places described in step 1.

In this mode, the players have to cooperate to defend their poles from waves of toads (bots) that spawns in the map (in the maps provided in the .zip file, they spawn next to the cristals). Each time a wave of bots spawns, the difficulty increases, making the toads more powerful (first gaining speed, then gaining armor). After 12 waves, the Insane mode is activated, making the bots spawn continuously. The game ends once 10 bots have reached the Poles. All players have the Laser. If you hit 10 toads without failing a laser, you enter in Frenzy during 10 seconds, increasing your reload rate. The goal is to defend the poles during as long as possible. Your time then grants you a medal determined by the ones stored in the map.


This section is for advanced players who want to create their own bot skins or their own modes using bots.

1) Create new bot skins
available soon!

2) Use bots in your own mode

This part will explain you how to use the ManiaScript API to customize your bots.To understand how bots are managed in script, you should take a look at the script "Horde.Script" given in the .zip file (cf the beginning of this thread).

Tell the game you are going to use bots
Place the following instruction at the beginning of the main function (StartServer section if your script extends ModeBase.Script.txt) :

Code: Select all

DbgEnableNavMesh = True;
Prepare the model
Before the Mode::LoadMap call, you need to tell the game that you wish to use a custom bot. For this purpose, call the ItemList_Add() function with the path to your file (e.g., in our case, ItemList_Add("Characters/OrganicSmall.Item.gbx")). This function returns an Ident that you need to store somewhere, in order to use it when you spawn a bot of this kind.

Spawn a bot
To spawn a bot from the script, you need to use the CreateBotPlayer function. This function takes five arguments:
  • [Ident] the model of the bot which you have stored from ItemList_Add (0 for the StormMan)
  • [Integer] the team of the bot
  • [Integer] the armor of the bot
  • [CSmLandmark] element of the BotPaths array, which represents the path of the bot (the bot spawns on the first point of the path)
  • [Integer] Time of activation

It returns a CSmPlayer pointer to your bot, just like the function SpawnPlayer would have done for a human player. The difference is that the bot's Driver component (type CSmPlayerDriver) is not Null. This Driver is what defines what the bot does.

The bot's Driver contains all the parameters you can tweak to customize your bot. First, let's see the parameters to define the bot's behaviour against potential targets :

AggroRadius (Real): distance from which the bot attacks its target
DisengageDistance (Real): when the bot is further than this distance from its initial point, it retreats. During its retreat the bot doesn't attack anyone.
Accuracy (Real): Real between 0 and 1 that defines the efficiency of the bot (1 means he always shoots straight at its target)
RocketAnticipation (Bool): Boolean
ReactionTime (Integer): Time the bot takes before handling its target
ShootPeriodMin (Integer): Minimum time between two shots
ShootPeriodMax (Integer): Maximum time between two shots
AttackFilter (enum CSmPlayerDriver::ESmAttackFilter): Defines what kind of players the bot needs to attack
  • OppositePlayers: only players of the opposite team
  • OppositeBots: only bots of the opposite team
  • AllOpposite: players and bots of the opposite team
  • AllPlayers: players of both teams
  • AllBots: bots of both teams
  • All: everyone
ForcedTarget: Whatever the current behaviour is, the bot will start chasing the target defined in this variable (CSmPlayer class) and won't stop untill this variable is set to Null.

Now that we have seen how the bot can handle a target, let's see how it can move. There are three predefined behaviours, stored in the Behaviour member (enum CSmPlayerDriver::ESmDriverBehaviour):


The bot doesn't move. It will fire at the targets in its AggroRadius.


The bot wanders in a zone defined by a point and a radius. More precisely, the bot goes to a random location in this zone, then waits, and chooses another point in the same zone (and loops on this pattern). Use the following Driver's parameters to customize this behaviour :
  • Saunter_AnchorPoint (Vec3) -> Center of the zone
  • Saunter_Radius (Real) -> Radius of the zone
  • Saunter_BaseChillingTime (Integer) -> Time between two moves (in ms)
  • Saunter_ChillingDeltaTime (Integer) -> Used to add some randomness in the chilling time. For example, if the BaseChillingTime is 1000 and ChillingDeltaTime is 300, the chilling time will be a random value between 0.7 and 1.3 second.
The bot will engage the targets within its AggroRadius, following them and shooting at them until they are out of sight or until the distance between the bot and its AnchorPoint is above its DisengageDistance. The bot then disengages and goes back in a random point in its zone.


The bot follows the path bound to the BotPath object it was attached to. The only parameter you need to modify is named Patrol_Mode (enum CSmPlayerDriver::ESmDriverPatrolMode). There are three values:
  • OneTrip (default one) -> the bots stops at the end of the path
  • BackAndForth -> the bot goes back and forth between the first and last points, always following the defined path
  • Loop -> When it reaches the end of the path, the bot returns to the first point of the path by the shortest way possible
The bot will engage the targets within its AggroRadius, following them and shooting at them until they are out of sight or until the distance between the bot and the point where he engaged the target is above its DisengageDistance. The bot then disengages and goes back to the closest point on its Path, resuming its Patrol.

Unspawning a bot doesn't require anything special, but once it is unspawned, you should call the DestroyBotPlayer procedure.

Miscellaneous tips:
- The number of bots spawned at the same time should be limited, for performance issues. Keep in mind that there can't be more than 256 players on a map, bots included.

3) Different behaviours for different paths
In some cases, you might want to create different categories of BotPaths. For instance, if you do a team mode, you might want to have some paths for Blue bots and some others for Red bots. When you create a BotPath in the editor, use the spacebar to change the color of the path. This changes the Clan variable of the BotPath in the script. You can then use this variable to determine what you want to do with this BotPath.


This API will be completed in future updates, with more behaviours and more possibilities. Don't hesitate to ask questions if some parts remain unclear, and please give us your feedback on this feature. Horde is of course just a very simple example of a solo/co-op experience that you can create with this feature, and we can't wait to see your creations !

Have fun !

Edit : Update 24/04/2013
Script API :
  • Fixed an issue with bots movements in Saunter mode, they shouldn't be stuck anymore.
  • Changed the way a bot disengages an enemy while in Patrol mode : they joins the path as fast as possible, instead of cutting to the next waypoint on their path. This partially fixes an issue with the bots not engaging sometimes, although there seems to be some situations where it still happens. We are still investigating on this issue.
  • You can now change the zone in which the bot wanders while in Saunter mode with the variable Saunter_AnchorPoint (Vec3) in the bot's Driver.
  • There is a new variable in the Driver called Target (CSmPlayer), which stores the current target of the bot. This target is the closest player on which the bot can shoot (i.e. in the Line of Sight, within the AggroRadius, and that matches the AttackFilter). Note that there is no point in trying to set this target in the script, it is recomputed by the game engine when the bot is updated.
  • New AttackFilter value : Nobody. This enables you to create peaceful bots without having to tweak other variables like AggroRadius.
  • You can define a set of players that the bot should not target, with the Driver's variable TargetsToAvoid (an array of CSmPlayer).
  • New predefined Behaviour : Escape. The bot doesn't attack, it only flees when an enemy is too close, and keeps its current position otherwise. When the distance between an enemy and the bot is lower than Escape_DistanceSafe, the bot chooses a random point located between Escape_DistanceMinEscape and Escape_DistanceMaxEscape meters from its current location.
Editor :
  • You can now move a point of a path by left-clicking on it and dragging it to another location.
  • You can now add a point between two other points by left-clicking on the path between these two points and dragging it to another location.
Edit : Update 16/05/2013
Script API :
  • Before, when you wanted to respawn a bot, you had to destroy it and create it back. You can now respawn a bot like you would respawn a human player, with the function SpawnBotPlayer. This function takes the same arguments as SpawnPlayer, except that the Player has to be a bot and the spawn location doesn't have to be a CSmBlockSpawn, it can be any CSmScriptLandmark (including CSmScriptBotPath). Please note that you still have to call CreateBotPlayer for the first spawn, and you still need to destroy a bot when you don't use it anymore.
  • Fixed some issues that could occure while changing the Behaviour of the bot.
  • Fixed the bug that made rockets disappear when the bot who shot them was destroyed (should fix the bug of the non-appearing +1 as well)
  • Fixed some issues that could occure when a bot was in Patrol mode and was returning to its Path
  • New variable Path in CSmScriptBotPath, to access the points defined in the map editor (read-only)
  • New variable IsStuck in the Driver, to know if the bot can't move (this variable is True when the bot didn't move for 1 sec or more, when he is supposed to move)
  • New API to control the bot entirely with the script. The corresponding Behaviour enum is called Scripted. Here's the list of available functions:
    • ScriptedBot_Move(CSmPlayer Bot, Vec3 Position) : Moves the bot to the given position
    • ScriptedBot_MoveDelta(CSmPlayer Bot, Vec3 Delta) : Same as the previous function, but with a position depending on the current position
    • ScriptedBot_Aim(CSmPlayer Bot, Vec3 Position) : Aims at the given position
    • ScriptedBot_AimDelta(CSmPlayer Bot, Real DYaw, Real DPitch) : Turns the bot's aim with the given angles
    • ScriptedBot_MoveAndAim(CSmPlayer Bot, Vec3 Position) : Same as calling ScriptedBot_Move followed by ScriptedBot_Aim
    • ScriptedBot_RequestAction(CSmPlayer Bot) : Makes the bot use its current action (right click)
    • ScriptedBot_RequestGunTrigger(CSmPlayer Bot) : Makes the bot fire
    • Boolean variable Scripted_ForceAimInMoveDir in the Driver : Forces the bot to aim in the direction he is moving (just as he does when he is in a predefined mode). False by default.
Edit : Update 22/05/2013
Script API :
  • Crashfix : Game could crash when the bot engaged an enemy while not moving
  • Crashfix : Restarting server (Del) while bots were being destructed resulted in a crash
  • Crashfix : ForcedTarget could contain an invalid pointer
  • Bugfix : when a bot's AmmoGain variable was not set in the script, it took a random value (which could lead to the bot running quickly out of ammo or having infinite ammo)
  • Bugfix : the bot could sometimes run in circle while trying to reach a point
  • Bugfix : the bot could sometimes ignore targets
  • Bugfix : there were several issues when using the Patrol behaviour with a one-point Path
  • Bugfix : in Patrol behaviour, BackAndForth mode, the bot could go in the wrong direction when disengaging
Edit : Update 02/07/2013
Script API :
  • Crashfix/Bugfix : The game could crash when using a bot in Saunter or Escape behaviour
  • Bugfix : Bots could go in the wrong way when disengaging in Patrol behaviour using the Loop mode between the last point and the first point
  • Bugfix : Bots have less trouble with slopes
  • Bugfix : Bots could act strangely after being respawned in certain cases
  • New Feature : You can now set the Field of View of the Bot. This is an angle in radians (in other words a real between 0 and 2Pi) that defines the area in which a Target is considered as visible. The default value is 2Pi/3 (which was also the setting used in previous versions)
  • New Feature : Bots now take bumpers into account. They don't realize that bumpers make them go faster, but they understand bumpers can help them reach otherwise unreachable points. Bots don't use air control though, so they will always land in the same area (you can use the helpers available in the Block Property mode in the editor)
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Re: How to use bots in your title packs

Post by w1lla »

Pfff alot of Information but absolutely usefull ;) :clap: :shock:

Will try to make some bots soon :P in custom titles
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Re: How to use bots in your title packs

Post by steeffeen »

this is HUGE! :shock: :yes:
can't wait to use them in a mode :pop:
    Game Mode and Title Pack Creator, Developer, ShootMania-Player & more

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    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by coolsnake »

    Looks awesome. I do get this error when trying to load the script in local play though.
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    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by Hylis »

    with the new version that is just released?
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    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by coolsnake »

    I wish I waited ten minutes for posting that. :) That was the problem, I still have this come up when I load the map though.
    EDIT: Might have been my fault one way or the other because I mess with title pack stuff a lot, fixed it by renaming sm.script.txt
    in ManiaPlanet\Scripts\Libs\Nadeo\ShootMania to something else.
    Last edited by coolsnake on 10 Apr 2013, 10:46, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by Chevron »

    When I click on the green flag the game crashes.

    Code: Select all

    [Win32] CmdLine="D:\Games\ManiaPlanet\ManiaPlanet.exe" 
    [Sys] Minimum app. @ = 0x00010000
    [Sys] Maximum app. @ = 0xFFFEFFFF
    [Sys] "NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M    "(0x10DE,0x1247) with (nvumdshim.dll)
    [Dx9] D3DX SDK 9.2, DirectX SDK 9.0, Runtime 9.0, using HAL device on
    [Dx9] "NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M    "(0x10DE,0x1247) with DDI9 driver.
    [Dx9] Gpu Memory MBytes = 2.01e+003
    [Dx9] Agp Memory MBytes = 2.05e+003
    [Dx9] Device created in Windowed.
    [GameCtnApp] starting game.
    [GameCtnApp] main menu.
    [GameCtnApp] main menu.
    [GameCtnApp] main menu.
    [GameCtnApp] init challenge 'Horde_Single', 'FYHQhDK27KjiuuHJqRWNGY5qzEl', env= Storm, deco= Land48x48Day
    --- ExceptionWin32 catched ---
    date=2013-04-09_22_14 Svn=50023 GameVersion=3.3.0
    [Sys] Windows version = Seven
    [Sys] Os = Windows 7 Home Premium(7601.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431) 64b
    [Sys] Cpu = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz @ 2 394MHz (bench)   (Nb=4)
    [Sys] SSE2 = 1
    [Sys] Physical memory = 6 049 Mb
    [Sys] Windows GDI resolution = 1 600x900x32b
    [Sys] ExeChecksum = 0x8392FE9E
    [Sys] ---- GlobalMemoryStatus(Startup) ----
    [Sys] MemoryLoad = 26%
    [Sys]                Total Mb  /    Free Mb
    [Sys]   Physical =   6 049 Mb  /   4 465 Mb
    [Sys]   PageFile =  12 095 Mb  /   9 868 Mb
    [Sys]   Virtual@ =   4 096 Mb  /   3 989 Mb
    [Sys] ----------------------------
    [Sys] ---- GlobalMemoryStatus(Now) ----
    [Sys] MemoryLoad = 41%
    [Sys]                Total Mb  /    Free Mb
    [Sys]   Physical =   6 049 Mb  /   3 546 Mb
    [Sys]   PageFile =  12 095 Mb  /   8 101 Mb
    [Sys]   Virtual@ =   4 096 Mb  /   2 962 Mb
    [Sys] ----------------------------
    [Sys] Largest committed free block size = 1 580 Kb
    [MemInfo] Memory fragmentation analysis
    [MemInfo] system PageSize = 4kb, using large address space = yes
    [MemInfo] The process has 28 Heaps:
        Heap 0 is a LFH (low-fragmentation) heap. ('X' This the DEFAULT process heap.)
        Heap 12 is a LFH (low-fragmentation) heap. ('#' This the heap used by the CRT.)
    MappedFile n°0 (  3MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\Globalization\Sorting\SortDefault.nls
    MappedFile n°1 (  9MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\Fonts\StaticCache.dat
    MappedFile n°2 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\cs-CZ\KernelBase.dll.mui
    MappedFile n°3 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Caches\{DDF571F2-BE98-426D-8288-1A9A39C3FDA2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db
    MappedFile n°4 (  2MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\ProgramData\ManiaPlanet\PacksCache\ShootMania.pak
    MappedFile n°5 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\FWPUCLNT.DLL
    MappedFile n°6 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\winrnr.dll
    MappedFile n°7 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\NapiNSP.dll
    MappedFile n°8 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\netprofm.dll
    MappedFile n°9 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\schannel.dll
    MappedFile n°0 (  1MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll
    MappedFile n°1 (  2MB): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
    HeapUsages         Total   Commited   Uncommit   Overhead
    CrtHeap    =     750 864    733 746      2 764      6 022
    DefaultHeap=       3 715      1 623      1 580         84
    OtherHeap  =     135 979    108 574     22 628        585
    Current thread stack usage: 76KB over 1 024KB (7%)
    22 threads (22 stack retrieved)
    Images     =      97 788
    FileMapped =      18 432
    Shareable  =      32 532
    TotalHeap  =     890 557    843 942     26 972      6 689
    Stack      =      17 728
    PrivateData=     121 068
    TotalMem   =   1 178 104
    Map: 64MB per line (512KB per char)
    Heaps:			#=Crt, X=Default, o=Other, +=Uncommited
    Images:			I
    Not Avaiblable:	-
    Virtual Allocs:	C=Commited, R=Reserved, M=Mixed, '.' ','=Free
    Bigger Free Blocs are:
      2 048MB
    #00000CoC+RRR++####II+RR+oooo##ooooooooooo++++++##CCCCCCCCCRRC11111111111111111##RCC2RRRCoooooXXIIII+++#oIIIIIIIIIIII++CCCCCCCCC 0x04000000
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    ................................................................................................................................ 0xC0000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xC4000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xC8000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xCC000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xD0000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xD4000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xD8000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xDC000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xE0000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xE4000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xE8000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xEC000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xF0000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xF4000000
    ................................................................................................................................ 0xF8000000
    ...............................................................................................................................- 0xFC000000
    [Dx9] D3DX SDK 9.2, DirectX SDK 9.0, Runtime 9.0, using HAL device on
    [Dx9] "NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M    "(0x10DE,0x1247) with DDI9 driver.
    [Dx9] Gpu Memory MBytes = 2.01e+003
    [Dx9] Agp Memory MBytes = 2.05e+003
    [Dx9] Device created in Fullscreen.
    Win32 Exception : Access violation
    	=>Occured at address 0x00654F29
    	The thread tried to write to the invalid address (data) 0x00000016
    	eax=0x123D5974   ebx=0x14D2BE10   ecx=0x0D19BD30   edx=0xFFFFFFF7
    	edi=0x00000000   esi=0x00000002   ebp=0x0018F994   esp=0x0018F9CC   eip=0x00654F29
    	@ [nofiber] / t=(114890, 86597)
    	Called from address 0x00EE12C0
    	Called from address 0x00EA1C88
    	Called from address 0x00ED786B
    	Called from address 0x00EE4EE9
    	Called from address 0x00CB8550
    	Called from address 0x00EE4F20
    	Called from address 0x00CB8550
    	Called from address 0x778871D5
    End of stack...
    [Sys] Time is 11h 41mn 26s 90ms
    Ebp was corrupted (0x0D19BD30)and fixed to :0x0018F994
    Stack was copied from 0x0x0018F914, 16 384 bytes
    00654EE9: 00 00 00 00 E8 3E 1E 54 - 00 89 44 24 44 8D 44 24
    00654EF9: 44 50 8D 4C 24 1C E8 6C - 9D 1B 00 8D 4C 24 14 51
    00654F09: 8B CD E8 40 F9 FF FF C7 - 07 00 00 00 00 8B F0 83
    00654F19: 7C 24 5C 00 8B 45 24 8D - 14 F6 8B 74 90 20 75 03
    00654F29: FF 46 14 8B 4C 24 14 C7 - 44 24 3C FF FF FF FF 85
    00654F39: C9 74 05 E8 CF 66 52 00 - 8B C6 8B 4C 24 34 64 89
    00654F49: 0D 00 00 00 00 59 5F 5E - 5D 5B 83 C4 2C C2 1C 00
    00654F59: CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 51 - 56 8B 74 24 0C 57 8B F9
    0018F974: 00000000 
    0018F978: 00000000 
    0018F97C: 00000000 
    0018F980: 00000000 
    0018F984: 14CDA664 
    0018F988: 00000210 
    0018F98C: 00000000 
    0018F990: 00000001 
    0018F994: 0018FA00 Ebp copy
    0018F998: 00EE12C0 Occured at address 0x00654F29
    0018F99C: 00000002 (1st Parameter)
    0018F9A0: 0D19BD30 (2nd Parameter)
    0018F9A4: 00C5DA74 
    0018F9A8: 14D2BE78 
    0018F9AC: 013666F4 
    0018F9B0: 00000000 
    0018F9B4: FFFFFFFF 
    0018F9B8: 0D19BD30 
    0018F9BC: 00000000 
    0018F9C0: 14D2BE10 
          Linked to file="C:\Users\Chevron\Documents\ManiaPlanet\Items\Characters\OrganicSmall.Item.gbx"
    0018F9C4: 00654EC2 
    0018F9C8: 0018F9E0 
    0018F9CC: 25156569 
    0018F9D0: 036C4590 
    0018F9D4: 20987A30 
    0018F9D8: 0018FA64 
    0018F9DC: 00000000 
    0018F9E0: 14D2BE10 
    0018F9E4: 00000001 
    0018F9E8: 00000000 
    0018F9EC: 00000000 
    0018F9F0: 00000000 
    0018F9F4: 00000000 
    0018F9F8: 00000000 
    0018F9FC: 00000002 
    0018FA00: 0018FD34 Ebp copy
    0018FA04: 00EA1C88 Called from address 0x00EE12C0
    0018FA08: 00000000 (1st Parameter)
    0018FA0C: 00B56E8E (2nd Parameter)
    0018FA10: 00000000 
    0018FA14: 00000001 
    0018FA18: 0018FA48 
    0018FA1C: 00000001 
    0018FA20: 00000002 
    0018FA24: 0018FA40 
    0018FA28: 00000000 
    0018FA2C: 00000000 
    0018FA30: 466F8428 
    0018FA34: 0018FA48 
    0018FA38: 00000001 
    0018FA3C: 00000000 
    0018FA40: 00000001 
    0018FA44: 00000001 
    0018FA48: 00000000 
    0018FA4C: 466F8F10 
    0018FA50: 14D2BE10 
    0018FA54: 00000001 
    0018FA58: 00000002 
    0018FA5C: 2D45EFEC 
    0018FA60: 00000002 
    0018FA64: 0018FA88 
    0018FA68: 00B56FCA 
    0018FA6C: 466F8428 
    0018FA70: 12CBB9F8 
    0018FA74: 00000001 
    0018FA78: 12CBB9F8 
    0018FA7C: 00000001 
    0018FA80: 2D45EFEC 
    0018FA84: 00000002 
    0018FA88: 0018FD40 
    0018FA8C: 00B4B67B 
    0018FA90: 251561F9 
    0018FA94: 00000103 
    0018FA98: 0018FA88 
    0018FA9C: 7782F901 
    0018FAA0: 00000103 
    0018FAA4: C00000A3 
    0018FAA8: C00000A3 
    0018FAAC: 0018FAE0 
    0018FAB0: 7784623F 
    0018FAB4: 77846244 
    0018FAB8: 6E068CA4 
    0018FABC: C00000A3 
    0018FAC0: C00000A3 
    0018FAC4: 00000103 
    0018FAC8: 0018FAB8 
    0018FACC: 7782F901 
    0018FAD0: 0018FB58 
    0018FAD4: 778871D5 
    0018FAD8: 199DB8FC 
    0018FAE0: 77846244 
    0018FAE4: 71FA687D 
    0018FAE8: 466F8428 
    0018FAEC: 00000594 
    0018FAF0: 0018FB68 
    0018FAF4: 71FAB810 
    0018FAF8: 71FAB82C 
    0018FAFC: 254356E7 
    0018FB00: 0D17BF54 
    0018FB04: 033B4DD0 
    0018FB08: 00000000 
    0018FB0C: 0018FBA8 
    0018FB10: 00000001 
    0018FB14: 00000000 
    0018FB18: 00000020 
    0018FB1C: 0018FCD0 
    0018FB20: 0018FBE4 
    0018FB24: 00300000 
    0018FB28: 0018FBF8 
    0018FB2C: C00000A3 
    0018FB30: 00000000 
    0018FB34: 04C10CC8 
    0018FB38: 00000000 
    0018FB3C: 00000594 
    0018FB40: 06F31B70 
    0018FB44: 0018FB2C 
    0018FB48: 00000000 
    0018FB4C: 00002733 
    0018FB50: 0018FAFC 
    0018FB54: 13D1EAA0 
    0018FB58: 13D1EAA0 
    0018FB5C: 0018FB78 
    0018FB60: 00B649AB 
    0018FB64: 13D1EAA0 
    0018FB68: 445928C8 
    0018FB6C: 44592840 
    0018FB70: 44592840 
    0018FB74: FFFFFFFF 
    0018FB78: 0018FB94 
    0018FB7C: 006A8555 
    0018FB80: 0018FCC8 
    0018FB84: 00000000 
    0018FB88: 036C4590 
    0018FB8C: 445A1810 
    0018FB90: 00B52A99 
    0018FB94: 00000001 
    0018FB98: 0018FCFC 
    0018FB9C: 25156071 
    0018FBA0: 445A1810 
    0018FBA4: 00000000 
    0018FBA8: 00000000 
    0018FBAC: 00AF43DD 
    0018FBB0: 016A8A38 
    0018FBB4: 00000014 
    0018FBB8: 01365FB0 
    0018FBBC: 0018FBE8 
    0018FBC0: 00000000 
    0018FBC4: 25156771 
    0018FBC8: 00000000 
    0018FBCC: 04889DB0 
    0018FBD0: 0018FC84 
    0018FBD4: 00000000 
    0018FBD8: 25156765 
    0018FBDC: 00000001 
    0018FBE0: 0D17BE90 
    0018FBE4: 466F8428 
    0018FBE8: 00000000 
    0018FBEC: 00000002 
    0018FBF0: 00001402 
    0018FBF4: 00000000 
    0018FBF8: 0018FCC4 
    0018FBFC: 000152AF 
    0018FC00: 048C7DD0 
    0018FC04: 00AF61E0 
    0018FC08: 036C4638 
    0018FC0C: 00000000 
    0018FC10: 25156069 
    0018FC14: 0001C038 
    0018FC18: 00000001 
    0018FC1C: 00000000 
    0018FC20: 0018FCFC 
    0018FC24: 469CB020 
          Linked to file="<virtual>D:\Games\ManiaPlanet\GameData\Menu\Control\Frame\ShootMania\FrameShootManiaUI.Frame.Gbx"
    0018FC28: 00000001 
    0018FC2C: 0018FCFC 
    0018FC30: 007D2963 
    0018FC34: 0018FCFC 
    0018FC38: 0018FCFC 
    0018FC3C: 469CB020 
    0018FC40: FFFFFFFE 
    0018FC44: 00000000 
    0018FC48: 00000000 
    0018FC4C: 00000001 
    0018FC50: 005B3E33 
    0018FC54: 005B5B1E 
    0018FC58: 251560E5 
    0018FC5C: 0018FCFC 
    0018FC60: 445A1810 
    0018FC64: 445A1810 
    0018FC68: 013654E0 
    0018FC6C: 00000000 
    0018FC70: 00000000 
    0018FC74: 00000001 
    0018FC78: 00000002 
    0018FC7C: 0077F920 
    0018FC80: 0077F9B6 
    0018FC84: 45B42B10 
    0018FC88: 0018FE70 
    0018FC8C: 00E97019 
    0018FC90: 00585FD2 
    0018FC94: 0077F920 
    0018FC98: 0077F9B6 
    0018FC9C: 45B42B10 
    0018FCA0: 036C4590 
    0018FCA4: 445A1810 
    0018FCA8: 00000000 
    0018FCAC: 445A1810 
    0018FCB0: 0018FD00 
    0018FCB4: 0018FD00 
    0018FCB8: 013654E0 
    0018FCBC: 0018FE70 
    0018FCC0: 004E2C22 
    0018FCC4: 445A1810 
    0018FCC8: 004E2C63 
    0018FCCC: 00584A52 
    0018FCD0: 445A1810 
    0018FCD4: 00584A78 
    0018FCD8: 445A1810 
    0018FCDC: 445A1810 
    0018FCE0: 006AA222 
    0018FCE4: 00000002 
    0018FCE8: 445A1810 
    0018FCEC: 006AA82B 
    0018FCF0: 0018FCF8 
    0018FCF4: 00000000 
    0018FCF8: 00000002 
    0018FCFC: 013654E0 
    0018FD00: BE8F5C00 
    0018FD04: 0A5D1BB0 
    0018FD08: 00000000 
    0018FD0C: 00000001 
    0018FD10: 00000002 
    0018FD14: 00000045 
    0018FD18: 00000003 
    0018FD1C: 004E2C22 
    0018FD20: 0A5D1BD8 
    0018FD24: 004E2C63 
    0018FD28: 00584A52 
    0018FD2C: 0001BFCE 
    0018FD30: 00584A78 
    0018FD34: 0018FE70 Ebp copy
    0018FD38: 00ED786B Called from address 0x00EA1C88
    0018FD3C: FFFFFFFF (1st Parameter)
    0018FD40: 0018FD94 (2nd Parameter)
    0018FD44: 00B3ECE7 
    0018FD48: 00015245 
    0018FD4C: 3DCCCCCD 
    0018FD50: 77041246 
    0018FD54: 00000001 
    0018FD58: 445A1810 
    0018FD5C: 00000000 
    0018FD60: 049AF2A0 
          Linked to file="<virtual>D:\Games\ManiaPlanet\GameData\ManiaPlanet.ManiaPlanet.Gbx"
    0018FD64: 13A8BF5C 
    0018FD68: 0D177580 
    0018FD6C: 44592840 
    0018FD70: 00000001 
    0018FD74: 00000001 
    0018FD78: 0A5D1BB0 
    0018FD7C: 3DCCCCCD 
    0018FD80: 13A8BF30 
    0018FD84: 00000000 
    0018FD88: 00B88F47 
    0018FD8C: 13A8BF5C 
    0018FD90: 00015245 
    0018FD94: 036C5920 
    0018FD98: 00B91F6B 
    0018FD9C: 00000011 
    0018FDA0: 77041246 
    0018FDA4: 00000020 
    0018FDA8: 036C5920 
    0018FDAC: 00B7AD33 
    0018FDB0: 00000000 
    0018FDB4: 0365EE20 
    0018FDB8: 77037809 
    0018FDBC: 04EE0743 
    0018FDC0: 00C50B1E 
    0018FDC4: 036E4D30 
    0018FDC8: 0370EA00 
    0018FDCC: 00CAF1C2 
    0018FDD0: 770405BA 
    0018FDD4: 00CAEB64 
    0018FDD8: 25156165 
    0018FDE0: 00000000 
    0018FDE4: 0018FEBC 
    0018FDE8: 00000000 
    0018FDEC: 00000320 
    0018FDF0: 000001C2 
    0018FDF4: 00000000 
    0018FDF8: 00F6BAC0 
    0018FDFC: 00CB17F5 
    0018FE00: 00000330 
    0018FE04: 000001E8 
    0018FE08: 00400000 
    0018FE0C: 00000320 
    0018FE10: 000001C2 
    0018FE14: 00000000 
    0018FE18: 00F6BAC0 
    0018FE1C: 00000030 
    0018FE20: 0000008B 
    0018FE24: 00CAD6E0 
    0018FE28: 00000000 
    0018FE2C: 00000000 
    0018FE30: 00400000 
    0018FE34: 0C45066B 
    0018FE38: 4941018D 
    0018FE3C: 00000000 
    0018FE40: 00000000 
    0018FE44: 0363E0F2 
    0018FE48: 00000000 
    0018FE4C: 00C80456 
    0018FE50: 00000200 
    0018FE54: 00000000 
    0018FE58: 0240044E 
    0018FE5C: 1991102C 
    0018FE60: 0000044E 
    0018FE64: 00000240 
    0018FE68: 79A12367 
    0018FE6C: 25156155 
    0018FE70: 0018FEAC Ebp copy
    0018FE74: 00EE4EE9 Called from address 0x00ED786B
    0018FE78: FFFFFFFF (1st Parameter)
    0018FE7C: 00CAECDB (2nd Parameter)
    0018FE80: 00400000 
    0018FE84: 00000001 
    0018FE88: 25156205 
    0018FE8C: FFFFFFFE 
    0018FE90: 00000000 
    0018FE94: 00000001 
    0018FE98: C0000005 
    0018FE9C: C0000005 
    0018FEA0: 0018F414 
    0018FEA4: 0018FE88 
    0018FEA8: 0018F414 
    0018FEAC: 0018FEEC Ebp copy
    0018FEB0: 00CB8550 Called from address 0x00EE4EE9
    0018FEB4: 242A95D1 (1st Parameter)
    0018FEB8: 00000000 (2nd Parameter)
    0018FEBC: 0018FEF8 
    0018FEC0: 00CAEE57 
    0018FEC4: 00400000 
    0018FEC8: 00000000 
    0018FECC: 0164321F 
    0018FED0: 00000001 
    0018FED4: 25156241 
    0018FED8: FFFFFFFE 
    0018FEDC: 00000000 
    0018FEE0: 00000001 
    0018FEE4: 00CCDBB3 
    0018FEE8: 0018FED4 
    0018FEEC: 0018FF78 Ebp copy
    0018FEF0: 00EE4F20 Called from address 0x00CB8550
    0018FEF4: 00000000 (1st Parameter)
    0018FEF8: 0018FF88 (2nd Parameter)
    0018FEFC: 00CB1BA6 
    0018FF00: 00400000 
    0018FF04: 00000000 
    0018FF08: 0164321F 
    0018FF0C: 00000001 
    0018FF10: 25156331 
    0018FF14: 00000000 
    0018FF18: 00000000 
    0018FF1C: FFFDE000 
    0018FF20: 00000044 
    0018FF24: 01666188 
    0018FF28: 01666198 
    0018FF2C: 016661B0 
    0018FF30: 00000000 
    0018FF34: 00000000 
    0018FF38: 00000000 
    0018FF3C: 00000000 
    0018FF40: 00000000 
    0018FF44: 00000000 
    0018FF48: 00000000 
    0018FF4C: 00000801 
    0018FF50: 00000001 
    0018FF54: 00000000 
    0018FF58: FFFFFFFF 
    0018FF5C: FFFFFFFF 
    0018FF60: FFFFFFFF 
    0018FF64: 0018FF74 
    0018FF68: 00000000 
    0018FF6C: 00000000 
    0018FF70: 0018FF10 
    0018FF74: 707174BD 
    0018FF78: 0018FFC4 Ebp copy
    0018FF7C: 00CB8550 Called from address 0x00EE4F20
    0018FF80: 242A93D1 (1st Parameter)
    0018FF84: 00000001 (2nd Parameter)
    0018FF88: 0018FF94 
    0018FF8C: 759633AA 
    0018FF90: FFFDE000 
    0018FF94: 0018FFD4 
    0018FF98: 77849EF2 
    0018FF9C: FFFDE000 
    0018FFA0: 6E068990 
    0018FFA4: 00000000 
    0018FFA8: 00000000 
    0018FFAC: FFFDE000 
    0018FFB0: 00000000 
    0018FFB4: 00000000 
    0018FFB8: 00000000 
    0018FFBC: 0018FFA0 
    0018FFC0: 00000000 
    0018FFC4: FFFFFFFF Ebp copy (seems to be wrong : FramePointer has been omitted ?)
    0018FFC8: 778871D5 Called from address 0x00CB8550
    0018FFCC: 199DB374 (1st Parameter)
    0018FFD0: 00000000 (2nd Parameter)
    0018FFD4: 0018FFEC 
    0018FFD8: 77849EC5 
    0018FFDC: 00CB1C11 
    0018FFE0: FFFDE000 
    0018FFE4: 00000000 
    0018FFE8: 00000000 
    0018FFEC: 00000000 
    0018FFF0: 00000000 
    0018FFF4: 00CB1C11 
    0018FFF8: FFFDE000 
    0018FFFC: 00000000 
    00190000: 78746341 
    00190004: 00000020 
    00190008: 00000001 
    0019000C: 0000330C 
    00190010: 000000DC 
    00190014: 00000000 
    00190018: 00000020 
    0019001C: 00000000 
    00190020: 00000014 
    00190024: 00000001 
    00190028: 00000007 
    0019002C: 00000034 
    00190030: 0000017C 
    00190034: 00000001 
    00190038: 00000000 
    0019003C: 00000000 
    00190040: 00000000 
    00190044: 00000000 
    00190048: 00000000 
    0019004C: 00000002 
    00190050: 1A26EF4E 
    00190054: 00000298 
    00190058: 00000044 
    0019005C: 000002E0 
    00190060: 00000260 
    00190064: 00000000 
    00190068: F33271BA 
    0019006C: 00000540 
    00190070: 0000004A 
    00190074: 0000058C 
    00190078: 0000031E 
    0019007C: 00000000 
    00190080: 2D59495B 
    00190084: 000008AC 
    00190088: 00000032 
    0019008C: 000008E0 
    00190090: 00000300 
    00190094: 00000000 
    00190098: 32CEEACD 
    0019009C: 00000BE0 
    001900A0: 00000042 
    001900A4: 00000C24 
    001900A8: 00000336 
    001900AC: 00000000 
    001900B0: 38505FC8 
    001900B4: 00000F5C 
    001900B8: 0000005E 
    001900BC: 00000FBC 
    001900C0: 00000368 
    001900C4: 00000000 
    001900C8: B1280544 
    001900CC: 00001324 
    001900D0: 00000056 
    001900D4: 0000137C 
    001900D8: 00000398 
    001900DC: 00000010 
    001900E0: 00000009 
    001900E4: 000000EC 
    001900E8: 00000002 
    001900EC: 00000001 
    001900F0: 0000017C 
    001900F4: 000015D0 
    001900F8: 00000001 
    001900FC: 00000002 
    00190100: 0000174C 
    00190104: 000007A0 
    00190108: 00000001 
    0019010C: 00000003 
    00190110: 00001EEC 
    00190114: 00000E8C 
    00190118: 00000001 
    0019011C: 00000004 
    00190120: 00002D78 
    00190124: 00000314 
    00190128: 00000002 
    0019012C: 00000005 
    00190130: 0000308C 
    00190134: 00000098 
    00190138: 00000002 
    0019013C: 00000006 
    00190140: 00003124 
    00190144: 000000CC 
    00190148: 00000002 
    0019014C: 00000007 
    00190150: 000031F0 
    00190154: 000000F0 
    00190158: 00000001 
    0019015C: 00000009 
    00190160: 000032E0 
    00190164: 00000028 
    00190168: 00000002 
    0019016C: 0000000B 
    00190170: 00003308 
    00190174: 00000004 
    00190178: 00000001 
    0019017C: 64487353 
    00190180: 0000002C 
    00190184: 00000001 
    00190188: 00000001 
    0019018C: 00000001 
    00190190: 00000006 
    00190194: 0000008C 
    00190198: 00000001 
    0019019C: 00001598 
    001901A0: 0000002C 
    001901A4: 0000005E 
    001901A8: 0000005E 
    001901AC: 00000000 
    001901B0: 00000000 
    001901B4: 00000000 
    001901B8: 00000000 
    001901BC: 00000000 
    001901C0: 00000000 
    001901C4: 00000000 
    001901C8: 00000000 
    001901CC: 00000000 
    001901D0: 00000002 
    001901D4: 00000024 
    001901D8: 00000038 
    001901DC: 00000000 
    001901E0: 003A0043 
    001901E4: 0057005C 
    001901E8: 006E0069 
    001901EC: 006F0064 
    001901F0: 00730077 
    001901F4: 0057005C 
    001901F8: 006E0069 
    001901FC: 00780053 
    00190200: 005C0073 
    00190204: 00000000 
    00190208: 1A26EF4E 
    0019020C: 0000011C 
    00190210: 00000044 
    00190214: 00000164 
    00190218: 00000260 
    0019021C: 00000001 
    00190220: F33271BA 
    00190224: 000003C4 
    00190228: 0000004A 
    0019022C: 00000410 
    00190230: 0000031E 
    00190234: 00000002 
    00190238: 2D59495B 
    0019023C: 00000730 
    00190240: 00000032 
    00190244: 00000764 
    00190248: 00000300 
    0019024C: 00000003 
    00190250: 32CEEACD 
    00190254: 00000A64 
    00190258: 00000042 
    0019025C: 00000AA8 
    00190260: 00000336 
    00190264: 00000004 
    00190268: 38505FC8 
    0019026C: 00000DE0 
    00190270: 0000005E 
    00190274: 00000E40 
    00190278: 00000368 
    0019027C: 00000005 
    00190280: B1280544 
    00190284: 000011A8 
    00190288: 00000056 
    0019028C: 00001200 
    00190290: 00000398 
    00190294: 00000006 
    00190298: 0069004D 
    0019029C: 00720063 
    001902A0: 0073006F 
    001902A4: 0066006F 
    001902A8: 002E0074 
    001902AC: 00690057 
    001902B0: 0064006E 
    001902B4: 0077006F 
    001902B8: 002E0073 
    001902BC: 00790053 
    001902C0: 00740073 
    001902C4: 006D0065 
    001902C8: 006F0043 
    001902CC: 0070006D 
    001902D0: 00740061 
    001902D4: 00620069 
    001902D8: 0065006C 
    001902DC: 00000000 
    001902E0: 0000006C 
    001902E4: 00000001 
    001902E8: 0000010C 
    001902EC: 000001D0 
    001902F0: 00000002 
    001902F4: 0000002C 
    001902F8: 000002DC 
    001902FC: A14CFBA7 
    00190300: 01CA0424 
    00190304: 00000001 
    00190308: 00000000 
    0019030C: 00000000 
    00190310: 00000000 
    00190314: 00000000 
    00190318: 00000000 
    0019031C: 00000000 
    00190320: 00000001 
    00190324: 00000000 
    00190328: 00000000 
    0019032C: 00000000 
    00190330: 000000B8 
    00190334: 0000030A 
    00190338: 00000000 
    0019033C: 00000000 
    00190340: 00000000 
    00190344: 00000000 
    00190348: 00000000 
    0019034C: 0069004D 
    00190350: 00720063 
    00190354: 0073006F 
    00190358: 0066006F 
    0019035C: 002E0074 
    00190360: 00690057 
    00190364: 0064006E 
    00190368: 0077006F 
    0019036C: 002E0073 
    00190370: 00790053 
    00190374: 00740073 
    00190378: 006D0065 
    0019037C: 006F0043 
    00190380: 0070006D 
    00190384: 00740061 
    00190388: 00620069 
    0019038C: 0065006C 
    00190390: 0070002C 
    00190394: 006F0072 
    00190398: 00650063 
    0019039C: 00730073 
    001903A0: 0072006F 
    001903A4: 00720041 
    001903A8: 00680063 
    001903AC: 00740069 
    001903B0: 00630065 
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    001903B8: 00650072 
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    001903C0: 00380078 
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    001903F8: 00340031 
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    0019041C: 006E0069 
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    00190424: 002C0022 
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    00190484: 00780000 
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    001904B0: 0073002E 
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    001904D8: 00350039 
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    001905B8: 00000000 
    001905BC: 00000000 
    001905C0: 00000000 
    001905C4: 00000000 
    001905C8: 00000000 
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    0019088C: 00330064 
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    00190898: 00630036 
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    0019090C: 00000000 
    00190910: 00000000 
    00190914: 00000000 
    00190918: 00000000 
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    00190928: 00000000 
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    72D60000-72D7C000: IPHLPAPI.DLL
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    049D0000-04A2C000: nvStereoApiI.dll
    032F0000-03382000: igdumdx32.dll
    00400000-014B4000: ManiaPlanet.exe
    00250000-0025A000: LPK.dll
    - You did.
    - And...
    - ...I didn't.
    Posts: 156
    Joined: 11 May 2012, 09:25

    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by Kak0 »

    Hi Chevron !

    Are you sure you put the assets in the right folders ? For instance, the path to the skin file must be "C:\Users\Chevron\Documents\ManiaPlanet\Skins\Models\Minion\"
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    Posts: 595
    Joined: 07 Apr 2011, 16:41

    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by Chevron »

    :oops: I wrongly placed a bot skin.
    - You did.
    - And...
    - ...I didn't.
    Posts: 23
    Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 12:03

    Re: How to use bots in your title packs

    Post by Applepie »

    Is it possible to change the team of the bots without scripting?
    Because when I try to create a horde map, bots without path are in the red team and bot with path are in the blue team :?
    Post Reply

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