General presentation

Rules for the servers that are running highest ladder matches

Moderators: TheM, w1lla, sbone, le-professionel, laurens92, NADEO

Posts: 3933
Joined: 14 Jun 2010, 11:58

General presentation

Post by Hylis »

Servers for the top of the ladders should respect some rules in order to provide as much as possible a good environment for this sort of progression. When there is no rules, some players are trying to boost their ladder points, in order to appear on top of the ladder. Since many years, there are rules for the servers that operates matches at the top of the ladder. And it is because there are rules to be respected that players have to make a deposit, in planets, to have this type of servers. If they break the rules, we can decide to keep the depot in order to dissuade this players, or others, to break the rules.

With custom titles, custom rules. Later, players will be able to define and link their own rules. At the moment, depots can be made, but no rules are described for custom titles. Title owners do not have access to the moderation of the top servers but can post or contact us if needed. We intend to provide the management interface to Title owners later.

With the arrival of mode creation, we have decided to open a public section for the rules. It will be a place for players to give the rules they wish to be respected for their modes, as well as for Nadeo to write theirs. We may split this forum if much more rules are being described, moving it to player tools.

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