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Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 00:35
by Xpowaspa
great tutorial you have here. Greatly detailed and concise. Just what I wanted

EDIT: Here's my attempt at following the steps. I'm proud of the results even though I couldn't get the same effect with the circles (might be because I'm using CS4)

Also I've noticed a couple things...
- The purple things are the bit between the brake lights (I changed them to grey in the above picture)
- Anything done to the front lights won't be visible to anyone using low settings (the low version doesn't use glass)

Finally I see your point on the front lights. I think the main issue is that the actual size is considerably larger than the actual space given in the here's a case in point

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 15:40
by Skybreaker
First of all thank you guys, and maybe girls, for all your positive feedback. Many of you are writing me private messages about this stuff... i can answer all of them, but not all at the same time. Sorry about that :/

Thanks to Balmung for the explanation of the glasses.
Also I've noticed a couple things...
- The purple things are the bit between the brake lights (I changed them to grey in the above picture)
- Anything done to the front lights won't be visible to anyone using low settings (the low version doesn't use glass)
I know about the purple lines... but imo they're needless, because you have a big outline. Of couse you can also paint this stuff, and give it a glow ;)

And yes. I also noticed that in my tutorial that you have to set bloom to medium or maximum settings in game. Turning bloom off will cause not to show the glow effects.

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 15:45
by Trackmaniack
Skybreaker wrote:First of all thank you guys, and maybe girls, for all your positive feedback. Many of you are writing me private messages about this stuff... i can answer all of them, but not all at the same time. Sorry about that :/

Thanks to Balmung for the explanation of the glasses.
Also I've noticed a couple things...
- The purple things are the bit between the brake lights (I changed them to grey in the above picture)
- Anything done to the front lights won't be visible to anyone using low settings (the low version doesn't use glass)
I know about the purple lines... but imo they're needless, because you have a big outline. Of couse you can also paint this stuff, and give it a glow ;)

And yes. I also noticed that in my tutorial that you have to set blur to medium or maximum settings in game. Turning blur off will cause not to show the glow effects.
And by blur you mean bloom, right? ;)

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 15:54
by Skybreaker
of course i do :/ ... soooo tired atm ... need to go to bed :P
Edit: just edited xD

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 16:08
by Xpowaspa
yeah, you got a point with the purple bit, it's hardly noticeable unless you drastically change it's colour IMO.

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 14:04
by diabLo-Designz
I play around with the glow effect and have a little problem^^ ... 8AAC41719/ ... 5E551C071/

The glowing part at the ground, why it glow? i just added a little line around the diablo-designz but now the line is at the ground too...anyone know how to stop the double usage from this part?

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 14:48
Been playing aronud with lights myself lately, didnt notice that glass part though.
Good to know. ^^

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 17:04
by Trackmaniack
diabLo-Designz wrote:I play around with the glow effect and have a little problem^^ ... 8AAC41719/ ... 5E551C071/

The glowing part at the ground, why it glow? i just added a little line around the diablo-designz but now the line is at the ground too...anyone know how to stop the double usage from this part?
Could you possibly post a picture of your skin at night? The lights in the painter aren't very bright... :-? I think I know what you're talking about, but the aforementioned pic would be very helpful.

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 17:27
by diabLo-Designz
My englisch is so terrible....sorry :roflol: ... 4431DBEA9/ ... DB7D44C53/

The quality sucks, dont know why...but i think you see what i mean....

And wow xD glows too much around my name xD damn, stupid preview^^

Re: SkyLights - Tutorial (front and rear car lights)

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 18:39
by Skybreaker
i know you problem very well... i don't know why but on the picture below you can see a part of the back of the car. the red marked area (not exactly but almost) is your problem.


this area is also the same area below the front and rear bumpers. so if you paint anything in there, it will also happend like your result. it sucks very hard. because in my skin i want this to be white. but if do so, it'll be also a thinn white stripe below the bumpers... and that looks like s***.

i don't know if there's a workaround or something. but sometimes things are like they are... :(

Edit: Also check your alpha layer if you painted over that area.

Edit2: Yes. Just checked it by myself. It's below the marked area. Like diablo said, almost the center of this part.