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Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 08:07
by Leri007
thanks for help and gread defend for me :D.
Finaly somebody wants help and give me some good answer... :thumbsup:
I try to reinstal and uninstal all php...:D
Thnaks a lot.

PS: insomnia if you are support for smart its very bad for them... :roflol:

Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 08:38
by askuri
Ok i think I have to explain, who did / does do whar at SMART...
Vniis the mqin coder of SMART. He is inactive
Yamyam is the main Betatester of SMART.
I am juat someone who likes the Ser ercontroller and would like to help the Contributers with Plugincoding or Supporting.

So in the end noone is really a supporter here. Yamyam doesnt know much about PHP but he do hibest to help.
Iknow (not much but enaugh) about PHP and SMART to help here but I have not much Time for this . And I would not lie to put this Time ina dead Project. Overtaking this Projec is no opton for me. I alao have not enaugh time to maintain SMART.I can just hope vni will get back to here

Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 09:36
by Leri007
OK no problem bro....
So I'll be back if the new version.
Although it is just enough to write the answers.
Thank you
A number of extensions to test different servers and this seemed to me most interesting although I have not run it: D so I needed help. :clap:

Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 13:33
by insomnia-yamyam
Some people just don't know when to stop their disrespect to people who have pushed and supported SMART more then anyone else then vni. In this case i could slap my friend askuri for the fact that he helped you. But he is very very young and he maybe has not enough lifetime experience with thing like that which causes him sometimes to react in the wrong way.

But for the moment SMART as project is INACTIVE/DEAD and not even updated in over three months!
To be clear: SMART 0.5.1 is on beta 1 status, not ready and fully compatible with beta 2 or even beta 3!
So if you expect perfect and 24/7 support for a dead but free project, then you may get it, but mostly you wont even get an answer, that's why i have been nice enough (me idiot) to even answer you, then else you would not even get one single answer! As askuri correctly said: I am the main alpha/beta tester and part of the team sionce the first days, but dont be a programer or having any much clue about php. I just wanted to be nice and to even answer you to not let you stay alone. But you guess right, i wont be so dumb again in future. Beeing nice and friendly is mostly not paying out ...

Everything is said and there are plenty of players as server admins out there who deserve support and know how many work and time we all (vni, askuri, ubm, myself and some more) invested into SMART. And those people show respect and are very welcomed. Others may think about their words and how they react and act.

SMART currently is dead - or inavtive - what is a pitty, as it has become the most popular server controller for Shootmania in just weeks. And maybe ... after the whole beta 1, beta 2, beta 3, beta 4, beta 5, beta 6, and so on chaos and disaster of nadeo is over and SM will be finally release ... in the next several years *lol* ... SMART will be back, hopefully ... maybe .. we don't know yet.

But with the current flood of changes and betas of shootmania and maniaplanet at all, it is not making much sense for us to invest again hundreds of hours into SMART until it is some kind of stable, bugfree and "final". And this is also the reason why i made the proposal to better use any of the other great server controllers for shootmania, until SMART may be back sometime.

If i have been some kind of rude or hard, which always happens if i write in english as this is not my native language which causes sometimes heavy misunderstandings (ask the frenchs *lol*), i may say sorry as most doesnt seem to be hard. But that i have been sarcastic and provocative has been pure purpose, as i am sick of people who do not show any kind of respect and appropriate behaviour. We have got so many love, positive reactions and gratefulness from most of the players, who are thankful to be able to use such a great server controller for free in the last months ... and those are the people which SMART is made for! (But some will stay sadly unteachable for their whole life.)

So have a nice life and may some of us learn out of their fails! :D

Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 16 Feb 2013, 22:32
by chco
Thanks for sharing this info. Although perhaps a bit late ? Would have been nice to see your future strategy for SMART a bit earlier. The only mention in the forum was that insomnia is working on it, but it is a lot of work.
Now it's turned to a dead-project.
Thanks for the work you put into it though, it was looking very promising.

Re: SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)

Posted: 17 Feb 2013, 01:00
by insomnia-yamyam
chco wrote:Thanks for sharing this info. Although perhaps a bit late ? Would have been nice to see your future strategy for SMART a bit earlier.
You are welcome chco!

But i won't say it has been late, everyone could check and see himself how "old" SMART is and when it was released/updated the last time and it is everyones own responsibilty to check if SMART is compatible with the current Shootmania version. The thread topic also includes the date of the latest release:
"SMART 0.5.1 available (Release: 01.11.2012)"

However, we couldn't really share those info earlier as this has been a gradual process and vni as main programer of SMART never made an official statement about the current or future progress/development of SMART.

And we (insomnia as clan or me as main beta tester and developer from the first day) never said that we are working on it. I said that we (the whole developer team) is working at SMART and try to keep all game mode scripts updated and compatible with SMART. But as nadeo made some very false decisions in the past and also started a "patchmania" and released one bugy dedicated server version after each other ... we just lost the motivation and power so this great active project has become more inactive day by day.

You may read my following info and explanation: ... 29#p144160

I hope this helps and thanks for the compliments :thumbsup:
