Overwriting identical named map(s)

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Overwriting identical named map(s)

Post by diablo182 »

It doesn't seem to be too hard of a job of just making your own folder and calling it for instance "canyon" and then saving all your canyon maps there and saving all valley maps in a folder next to canyon and so on for storm and all the rest of maniaplanet games under the "my maps" folder and of course in the same install. Making multiple installs like one install for canyon and another for stadium would be too much.

If its so easy for us to save our own maps in custom named folders (stadium, storm, etc.) then why can't we do the same for downloaded maps? Say i download a stadium map like: "example" then i go and download a map that is a storm map and its name is also "example" the first "example" map will get overwritten by the storm map i downloaded.. And yes both were made by same creator, if it weren't the same creator then it would get saved under another name.

I don't see anywhere in the game settings or at the maniaplanet launch.exe where i could make the settings to where i can have it the way that i want it unless i am blind? I will show an example of what i mean: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kc7w2o2ia2vvz0a/Example.PNG

More thorough example:
It's just 1 user, i know but picture it as if for every user.

I think this will keep everyone more organized and from overwriting same map and wondering as to where their overwritten map has disappeared to. This would also help those who are on tight/strict download/upload bandwidth cap/limit.

Thank you,
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Re: Overwriting identical named map(s)

Post by TMarc »

Very good proposal, I second this :1010

Same should work for Replays, Screenshots, Skins, etc.
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Re: Overwriting identical named map(s)

Post by diablo182 »

Yea.. i see what you mean.. The map name is also on the name of the screenshot or replay file so therefore can ALSO be overwritten.

Hopefully something will come about and make this situation all better.. Of course will take sometime, its not easy as 1-2-3 hehe
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Re: Overwriting identical named map(s)

Post by MuNgLo »

This is just one of many reasons why a mapmaker always should name the SM mapfile with a mode prefix. Like "Elite - ", "Melee -" and so on..

but yes. The OP has a obvious point and it shouldn't even be hard to fix.
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