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Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 15:59
by dante979
Hi there,

I have been playing this beautiful game for the last 10y and yesterday while playing I was accused of cheating on a server, all my local records were deleted, apparently my account will be reported to nadeo. what da actual f*ck?

I was playing alone and all of a sudden few guys came to the server (one of them had a top 20 rank, which usually excites me as it means I might learn something new). We started playing. I won literally every race but all of my times were really imho mediocre. We are talking in range from 50th to 20th dedi. 1 hour into playing and I am being accused of being a hacker(!?) and cheating by that top 20 player? What the actual hell!? I thought it was a joke at first because I've won every race (with more than mediocre times) but as the time went by it was obvious he is not joking. Even the admin (who was there) agreed with him. I still thought it was some sort of internal joke but when I saw that those 2 were serious I just left. I saw today that all of my local records have been deleted from the server. What a bunch of sore losers.

I mean I would understand their suspicion if I was breaking some great dedi's. But getting 40th dedi qualifies as being a cheater!?

I really don't need to be harassed and bullied by some losers online. People should just chill. Maybe if you spent more time playing the game instead of branding every one a cheater you would be better at it.

What the hell people!? This use to be such a supportive community.

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 16:13
by hackie
Could you post the name of the server ? Name of other players ?

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 16:25
by dante979
I don't want to do it publicly as it is not about them. Couldn't care less. (but will provide the info to Nadeo privately if needed as this was pure bullying, Imagine if I was a 15y old kid on that server)

I just don't want my account to be suspended after 10y because of some sore loser and his buddy.

It really makes me sad to see this form of bullying on the servers. Seems like this game is an unhealthy obsession to some :/

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 21:37
by TMarc
Please send a PM, also a link to this topic, to Alinoa here, she is our community manager from Nadeo.

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 12:45
by dante979
thank you TMarc. I did that.

I just don't want/need any drama. I would like to continue to play my favorite game without being called a cheat/hacker in front of other players by top players. Like it or not but their words have "weight" and I really don't need to be branded a cheater by people who take this game waaay to seriously.

Chill people and let you records speak for you :pil

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 14:45
by TMarc
Then it would be even more interesting to know this server name, to warn other players to go there.
Instead of accusing they should have asked you to join their team...

IMHO this server should be banned from the list, and both the admin and the "pro" player banned from Maniaplanet for some time, for bad behavior.

If the admin does not like others to drive there, they should make it private.

But it's only said with the little information you gave us, without having the complete picture.

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 16:45
by dante979
Well in that case I already added you to the cc with all the details.
I think it is admirable you guys are taking it so seriously. I was not expecting that. Faith in this community restored :thx:

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 17:03
by TMarc
Thank you :)

The problem is now that nicknames alone don't help.
Nadeo always needs the logins, which get automatically transmitted to them, but only when the abuse report function is used!

At the moment Nadeo has probably only the multiple reports that you were abusing a server.

I hope you can understand that this does not make it easy for Nadeo to take the right measures.

Details will not be given here, and I recommend that you edit your above message and remove login and email from this public information.

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 17:20
by dante979
Erghm, sorry TMarc, I am a bit confused now. Which login and email should I remove from above message?

At the moment Nadeo has probably only the multiple reports that you were abusing a server.
wait what!? Now I'm even more confused!? What do you mean I was abusing the server? How do you even do that?

I understand I agree with everything else that is why I said at one point that I don't think much can be done. I will return to that server and hopefully will be left alone. If not, I now know how to handle it the right way.

Re: Accused of cheating/hacking

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 17:36
by TMarc
It's ok, you already have edited, probably in parallel while I was writing.

What I meant is how it looks to Nadeo at the moment.
You have to wait until they find out etc.

But I would really warn you to go to the same server again.
You would only risk to get banned permanently there (if not already).