ShootMania : Centralized News about the game.

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ShootMania : Centralized News about the game.

Post by Osiris »

All news about ShootMania.
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The environments:
Hylis wrote:
BLaHiTiS wrote:great environments. So do I see that you can use each environment in night time as well ? It kinda looks like snow reinvented :)
yes, for track and shoot, the four moods are available.
For SM, TM², the four "moods" (morning, day, evening, night) will be available
Hylis wrote:c'est certains qu'il sera possible de créer les maps vu qu'on le fait déjà avec grand plaisir :mrgreen:
Translation: "I'm sure that it will be possible to create maps because we are already doing it and it's great fun!"

The first environment that has been revealed is Cryo, click here for some pics

Hylis wrote:The idea is to release around three titles per year, one for each game. I would like to see one TM², one SM and one QM environment each year. Now, this is more like the general idea. We may do less if there is too much work on each, or may be more if we have a better production capacity (it is really not linked to the number of people only, but the quality and ability to be more while keeping deepness)

so, this year, we want to release two title: one TM² and one SM, and ideally, we would like to release three titles next year. But now that we are well advanced on the first TM², we have to work a lot on the first SM.

Game Modes :
Hylis wrote:
Akbalder wrote:Est-ce que ça sera un mode de jeu "classique" (deathmatch, ctf, domination...) ?
De ce côté là, je ne peut pas dire, mais il se trouve qu'on fait nos modes en maniascript, directement depuis le jeu. Pour l'instant, cela nous a réussi. Je ne pense pas que notre préféré ait un nom qui existe.
Je ne sais pas encore comment on va intégrer cela au jeu. Peut-être le fait de faire un ladder par mode. A voir. Mais j'entrerais trop dans des débats interminables à mon avis, et je n'ai pas le temps de faire ça aujourd'hui :mrgreen:
Akbalder askes if there will be a classic gamemode (deathmatch, ctf, domination...)

Hylis answers:
I can not confirm that yet, but it appears to be that we make our game modes in maniascript, directly from the game. For the moment we have managed to do just that. I don't think that our favourite mode has an existing name.

Hylis wrote:le dernier mode que l'on a essayé est entièrement codé dans l'éditeur interne 8-) merci gugli ;)
Hylis wrote:
The latest gamemode we tried was entirely coded with the ingame editor 8-) Thanks Gugli ;)

About capture the flag mode:
Hylis wrote:We will surely make this mode possible, but I don't even know if we are going to use flags for it.

Importation of blocs ?
Hylis wrote:evets, je ne sais pas quand l'import de bloc arrivera. Il est fait en grande partie mais on attendra peut-être un peu, pour éviter le maniaboxon ^_^
Hylis wrote:
Evets I don't know yet when blocimportation will be arriving. A big part of it has been made already, but we will wait for a while to prevent from ManiaChaos

A fun game?
Hylis wrote:heyhey, the game IS fun! Tests we have done so far seems to prove it. Instead of thinking about car racing games, we thought about making a fun game. I think it is the same with ShootMania and it is why it feels more universal than other typical shooters in my eyes. But we still have time before the alpha and we can still mess it up :lol:
Hylis wrote:in TM, some people do competitions, some are here for 10 minutes, and both seems to be possible on SM

SM et l'eSport ?
Hylis wrote:
wells. wrote:Cool. So do you think that TM2 and SM will have their places on the eSport scene ? And what about TMNF which has a big place now on eSport ?
Yes, they will have all their place. But the question is how big and which ones bigger than others.

Time is the answer. Take the TrackMania history and look where we ended. Think maniaplanet the same way. We will start somewhere, in some time, and will see things evolve from there. Maybe we will do a Nations 2, maybe we will not. I don't need a petition for it in order to think to it. But today, it would be useless to do it. If players want to do esport on Nations, the game is good enough in that respect, and it is not a hotkey or customizable interface that would make it a revolution.

So, we are always looking after competition because that's what action multiplayer games are often about at the highest level.
The Gameplay
Hylis wrote:Arnoz31

tu as tout à fait raison qu'il faut probablement pouvoir progresser sans cesse dans un jeu. Le système de classe multiple permet de démultiplier ce temps de progression je suppose, un peu comme les gameplays de TM différent. Mais avec un bon gameplay, comme chacun de TM, il est aussi possible de progresser longtemps. C'est cela que nous devons avoir sans pour autant que la progression soit laborieuse avec des marches de progressions trop grandes.

Je rajouterais que c'est peut-être bien de pouvoir progresser sans avoir à apprendre. Je trouve un peu pénible de devoir connaitre tous les trucs de toutes les classes, leurs meilleures utilisations et leurs points faibles, leurs meilleures armes dans telles ou telles situation etc.

Ca pourrait se résumer par le fait qu'on cherche la profondeur plutôt que la largeur.
Hylis wrote:
Arnoz31, you are absolutely right, in a game one should probably be able to progress endlessly.
The multiple class system multiplies the available time to progress i suppose, kind of like the different gameplays in TM. But with a good elaborated gameplay, like each one in TM, you can also progress for a long time.
That's exactly what we need, but we mustn't make that progression too complicated, with too big steps up.

I add that it could be good to be able to progress without learning new things.
I find it a bit too difficult to have to know everything about all classes, their best applications and weak points, their best weapons in each situation etc.

The ManiaScript :
Hylis wrote:Notre idée, avec ManiaScript, est de faire un langage orienté jeu. Cela veut donc dire qu'il devra savoir manier les principes de sauvegardes, temps réel, interface et réseaux assez facilement. Il doit aussi pouvoir évoluer. Il y a beaucoup à faire dans ce domaine mais on avancera lentement et surement.
Hylis wrote:
Our plan with ManiaScript is to design a game oriented language. That means it should know how to manage savegames, real time, interface and networking with relative ease. It has to be able to evolve. There is a lot to do in this domain but we advance slowly and surely.

Hylis wrote:pour un mode de jeu, un script s'éxécute côté serveur
pour un manialink ou un mediatrack, par exemple, le script s'exécute côté client (protégé)
Hylis wrote:
For a gamemode, a script is executed server side.
For a ManiaLink or ManiaTrack for instance, the script is executed client side (protected).

Hylis wrote:à guise d'exemple, le premier ManiaScript réalisé en interne est un jeu de solitaire type spider qui se lance lorsqu'on roule sur une voie annexe d'un circuit et qui se referme lorsqu'on quitte cette voie.

C'est débile, je sais :mrgreen:
Hylis wrote:
To give an example, the first maniascript we realised internally is a game of spider (the card game) that starts when we enter a certain zone and quits when we get out of that zone.
It's kinda stupid, i know :mrgreen:

Ergonomics and Datamanagement :
refresh wrote:Il serait vraiment appréciable d'avoir une véritable gestion du contenu dans TM², SM et QM:
pouvoir gérer les maps, les voitures, les skins, les blocs et tout autre contenu additionnel directement dans le jeu.

Parce que actuellement, on peut juste ajouter du contenu via le jeu, mais on ne peut pas déplacer, supprimer, renommer, créer des dossiers... Ce serait vraiment agréable car c'est ce qui fait que j'ai un bordel monstre dans l'éditeur de circuits: je ne pense jamais à aller trier tout ça dans Windows avant de lancer le jeu: on ne s'en rends compte qu'une fois qu'on a l'éditeur sous les yeux.
Et puis même... Ca serait tellement plus pratique et "user-friendly" !
Hylis wrote:@refresh
Je ne suis pas certains que ce sera au lancement. Maniaplanet devra ensuite évoluer pour rendre plus confortable un certains usage du système.
Refresh wrote:
It would be really appreciated to have a real data management system in TM², SM and QM:
To be able to manage the maps, the skins, the blocks and every other content directly in the game.
Because right now we can only add things in the game, but we can't move, erase, rename nor create folders...
It would really be nice because that is what made a mess in my track editor: I never think of ordering everything in Windows before starting the game, one only starts realizing it once in the editor.
Even, it would be practical and user friendly.

Hylis responds:
I'm not certain that will be included at launch. ManiaPlanet has to evolve to make certain applications of the system more comfortable to use.
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Re: ShootMania : Centralized News about the game.

Post by MatheusKS »

Encontrei um gameplay do ShootMania, um pouco longo, mas mostra o detalhadamente o jogo em si, os modos (Elite e Joust) e um pouquinho do Maniaplanet 2.0: ... re=mh_lolz
CPU: Ryzen 7 2600; Video: GeForce 1070; RAM: 16GB; also known as The Lil' Electricity Bill Booster. In-game as <MATKS95>
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Re: ShootMania : Centralized News about the game.

Post by LBF »

Eu vi outro vídeo no maniacreative:
Esse não é tão longo...
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