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by Alinoa
14 Jun 2021, 09:41
Forum: Title Packs
Topic: TrackMania² Island // 11-19-22
Replies: 86
Views: 212990

Re: TrackMania² Island // 07-07-21

GG guys :pil :D :clap:
by Alinoa
10 Jun 2021, 15:41
Forum: Ladder Servers
Topic: [Canyon] Information about 100K servers
Replies: 50
Views: 105819

Re: [Canyon] Information about 100K servers

Here is the list of the current servers in Canyon RoC, running on Sundays between 15:00 and 18:00 GMT.

100k Servers (server login) running until August 2021 included:
  • DeRMulti1
  • server100ktm2
Happy Gaming!
by Alinoa
08 Jun 2021, 14:13
Topic: Shadows calculation insanely long with a 5700xt gpu
Replies: 11
Views: 42710

Re: Shadows calculation insanely long with a 5700xt gpu

Hi Harest, AMD team is unable to reproduce the issue, we can see GPU UTIL reaching 90%, against the claiming 3% max. They created more than 20 blocks, instead of the mentioned 5-1-1 setup in STR, but still unable to reproduce the issue while computing shadows using high mode. Configuration Used: GPU...
by Alinoa
07 Jun 2021, 09:39
Forum: Support
Topic: [TM2] CLE - Compte en mode demo, steam achat
Replies: 4
Views: 7479

Re: [TM2] CLE - Compte en mode demo, steam achat


Le support devrait te répondre. Il faut parfois patienter un peu.

T'avais bien contacté le support en allant sur ce site : ?

Belle journée :)
by Alinoa
04 Jun 2021, 16:12
Forum: Ladder Servers
Topic: [TM²Stadium]Information about 100K servers
Replies: 29
Views: 41880

Re: [TM²Stadium]Information about 100K servers

Here is the list of the current 0k/100k server of TM² Stadium (until September 2021 included), running on Sundays between 15:00 and 18:00 GMT. To find them easily, you have just to enter the server login into the ingame servers browser: nrl100k DERDIRTROUNDS90K You are welcome to send a message on ...
by Alinoa
28 May 2021, 18:45
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Useful links
Replies: 53
Views: 148896

Re: Useful links

Many thanks for the editing Miss :)
by Alinoa
27 May 2021, 17:26
Forum: Trackmania Turbo
Replies: 4
Views: 10057


Hi Opreax,

We would need more detailed information for the Amd team. Could you please give us the following information?
Steps to reproduce the issue
Any known configuration (GPU and drivers) where the game used to work fine

Thank you :)
by Alinoa
27 May 2021, 17:26
Topic: Shadows calculation insanely long with a 5700xt gpu
Replies: 11
Views: 42710

Re: Shadows calculation insanely long with a 5700xt gpu

Hi Harest,

We would need more detailed information for the Amd team. Could you please give us the following information?
Steps to reproduce the issue
Any known configuration (GPU and drivers) where the game used to work fine

You don't encounter this issue on TM 2020, right?

Thank you :)
by Alinoa
17 May 2021, 10:26
Forum: Maniaplanet
Topic: Bug sur l'affichage des serveurs et les chaînes
Replies: 2
Views: 6092

Re: Bug sur l'affichage des serveurs et les chaînes


Le problème est réglé.

Bon jeu :D

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