Search found 16 matches

by invader_zim
23 Dec 2023, 21:18
Forum: Support & Bug Reports
Topic: Validation Code
Replies: 3
Views: 9387

Re: Validation Code

Hey everyone, sorry for reactivating this old thread but currently I've the same issue as Cruup. I've bought a new PC and installed ManiaPlanet today. When I try to pay for a car skin I always get the message that the validation code is invalid. I've created a new code via the maniaplanet page: http...
by invader_zim
09 Jun 2020, 13:27
Forum: Track-Editor
Topic: Circuit Screen austauschen (Stadium)
Replies: 4
Views: 3294

Re: Circuit Screen austauschen (Stadium)


ah ok, dann werd ich mal ausschau halten nach den Blöcken. Dachte das man damit wohl die großen Anzeigen vom Environment ändern kann, also die großen Anzeigen vom "Stadium".

by invader_zim
09 Jun 2020, 13:25
Forum: General Tools
Topic: Loc file creator
Replies: 5
Views: 9001

Re: Loc file creator

Thx :D And good luck with the work around :thumbsup:
by invader_zim
06 Jun 2020, 15:12
Forum: Track-Editor
Topic: Circuit Screen austauschen (Stadium)
Replies: 4
Views: 3294

Circuit Screen austauschen (Stadium)

Hallo zusammen, hab hier im Forum geschaut aber nichts passendes dazu gefunden. Und zwar hab ich mir heute mal das MX Sign Pack 2019 runtergeladen. Da sind auch "Circuit Screens" bei. Die Dateien hab ich wie gewohnt in den Skins Ordner gepackt ("Skins\Any\CircuitScreen"). Jetzt f...
by invader_zim
06 Jun 2020, 08:21
Forum: General Tools
Topic: Loc file creator
Replies: 5
Views: 9001

Re: Loc file creator

Hi nighthawk, wow that's strange :shock: I've written the tool with C# and used some external frameworks. But I think all of the frameworks are "clean". The tool has no upload or download function or something like that. I'm a little bit confused about the virus warning :? I've checked the...
by invader_zim
05 Jun 2020, 21:56
Forum: General Tools
Topic: Loc file creator
Replies: 5
Views: 9001

Loc file creator

Hi everyone, Every time I had to create loc files I was annoyed that I had to do everything by hand. So one day I wrote a small console program that does it for me. But since the program was not really user-friendly I gave it an interface. Maybe this is also interesting for you. The program is quite...
by invader_zim
05 Jun 2020, 19:35
Forum: Workbench
Topic: How do you change the waypoint banners?
Replies: 9
Views: 5459

Re: How do you change the waypoint banners?

Today I also looked how to change the banners. With a normal JPG it doesn't work. After a little googling I found this thread and converty my picture into a DDS file, and then it worked. If anyone else asks how to change the banner picture, here a short instruction: 1. Create an image with a ratio o...
by invader_zim
01 Apr 2016, 21:54
Forum: Trackmania Turbo
Topic: Quick fix
Replies: 65
Views: 64836

Re: Quick fix

The esc-key doesn't work for me while video shooting.
by invader_zim
02 Dec 2014, 20:14
Forum: Maniaplanet
Topic: [Nützlich] Linksammlung
Replies: 3
Views: 2855

Re: [Nützlich] Linksammlung

Ist schon ein paar Tage alt, aber wie sieht das aus BestNoob, brauchst du immer noch Hilfe? Hatte vor Ewigkeiten mal ein paar Tutorials geschrieben (für TMNF) und wollte mein Wissen wohl gerne Teilen jedoch kein Plan was derzeit gebraucht wird etc. Also wenn du noch Hilfe brauchst oder der gleichen...
by invader_zim
28 Feb 2013, 20:15
Forum: Werkstatt
Topic: [Painter] Nur ein Canyon Auto Teil bemalen (DL inside)
Replies: 14
Views: 16601

Re: [Painter] Nur ein Auto Teil bemalen (DL inside)

Klappt echt super! :thumbsup:
Erleichtert einem das lackieren ungemein

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