[Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 beta

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[Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 beta

Post by HaagseSmurf »


I dont know if this problem is Xaseco related or related to the dedicated 3.2.0 beta 1 version. Therefore it is also difficult to know where to report it; in this forum or at http://www.tm-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f ... 6&start=15
To my opinion (but i am not an expert) it is dedicated related, because there were no changes made to the Xasecofiles at the last update, and before both servers worked fine with Xaseco and Dedimania. I also see other updated servers without having any problems with Dedimania.

Our problem is that the dedimania recs on both our Smurfservers are not stored anymore in the dedimania database after installing the above mentioned dedicated at July the 12th 2012.

In the logfile.txt i see repeatedly errors about inconsistent replays when Dedirecs are driven

Code: Select all

End Round
End Map
[07/14,15:59:26] proxxnl won for the 130. time!
[07/14,15:59:26] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for proxxnl: skipped 43782 (15058,31691,43782) race: 3 all: 3
[07/14,15:59:26] [Dedimania] Validation replay inconsistent for tobeu: skipped 44215 (15082,32271,44215) race: 3 all: 3
[07/14,15:59:26] [RASP] Calculating ranks...
[07/14,15:59:27] [RASP] ...Done!
When i look at Userdata/Replays/VReplays i see that there are no new Valid.xxx.Replay.Gbx files stored there since the last update.

The problem remains after rebooting the server and Xaseco repeatedly on both our servers .
There are no problems in the connection with the Dedimania database when i look at the startuplogs on both are servers:

Code: Select all

[XAseco2] PHP Version is 5.4.4-2~dotdeb.0 on Linux
[XAseco2] Load settings [config.xml]
[XAseco2] Load default window style [styles/Card.xml]
[XAseco2] Load default panel background [panels/PanelBGCard.xml]
[XAseco2] Load admin/ops lists [adminops.xml]
[XAseco2] Load banned IPs list [bannedips.xml]
[XAseco2] Load plugins list [plugins.xml]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.localdatabase.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rounds.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.admin.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.help.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.records.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.records2.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.recrels.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.dedimania.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.players.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.players2.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.wins.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.laston.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.lastwin.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.stats.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.server.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.songmod.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [chat.me.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.mxinfo.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.map.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.checkpoints.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.dedimania.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_jukebox.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_chat.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_karma.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_nextmap.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_nextrank.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_votes.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.chatlog.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.style.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.panels.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.donate.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.uptodate.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.rpoints.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [jfreu.plugin.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [mistral.idlekick.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.third-party-plugins-uptodate.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.records_eyepiece.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.fufi.widgets.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.whokarma.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.irc.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.smurfen.roundsnight.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.smurfen.aanmelden.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.roundsjuke.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.teamspeak3_info.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.favourites.php]
[XAseco2] Load plugin [plugin.knockout.php]
[07/14,09:06:04] Try to connect to MP dedicated server on timeout 180s
[07/14,09:06:04] Try to authenticate with login 'xxxxxxxxx' and password 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
[07/14,09:06:04] Connection established successfully !
[07/14,09:06:04] [LocalDB] Load config file [localdatabase.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] [LocalDB] Try to connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' with database 'tm2_s1_xaseco'
[07/14,09:06:04] [LocalDB] MySQL Server Version is 5.1.63-0+squeeze1
[07/14,09:06:04] [LocalDB] Checking database structure...
[07/14,09:06:04] [LocalDB] ...Structure OK!
[07/14,09:06:04] [RASP] Loading config file [rasp.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] [RASP] Checking database structure...
[07/14,09:06:04] [RASP] ...Structure OK!
[07/14,09:06:04] [RASP] Cleaning up unused data
[07/14,09:06:04] Load default admin panel [panels/AdminRightCorner.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] Load default donate panel [panels/DonateBelowCPList.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] Load default records panel [panels/RecordsRightCorner.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] Load default vote panel [panels/VoteBottomCenter.xml]
[07/14,09:06:04] [Smurfen] [RoundsNight] Starting up . . . 
[07/14,09:06:04] [Smurfen] [RoundsNight] [MySQL] Creating table if needed . . . 
[07/14,09:06:04] [Smurfen] [RoundsNight] [MySQL] Table creation done!
[07/14,09:06:04] [Favourite] [MySQL] Creating table if needed . . . 
[07/14,09:06:04] [Favourite] [MySQL] Table creation done!
[07/14,09:06:05] ************* (Dedimania) *************
[07/14,09:06:05] * Dataserver connection on Dedimania ...
[07/14,09:06:05] * Try connection on http://dedimania.net:8082/Dedimania ...
[07/14,09:06:05] Webaccess (dedimania.net:8082/Dedimania.8092): send: deflate, receive: deflate
[07/14,09:06:05] * Connection and status ok! (Dedimania.8092)
[07/14,09:06:05] ------------- (Dedimania) -------------
The files changed on both our servers with the latest dedicated update are:
1) Maniaplanetserver
2) Dedicated.pak
3) Default.system.config.gbx
4) tm.script.txt

No changes were made to the Xaseco files included the dedimania xml with the line <keep_best_vreplays>True</keep_best_vreplays> , the dedicated_cfg.txt .

I hope someone can take a look at it or help me to find a way to solve this problem.


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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by Xymph »

There's been mention elsewhere in the forums of changes to the replay format. So I suspect my ReplayParser no longer works on replays generated by the MP2 dedicated server, and therefore inadvertedly marks the validation replays as invalid.

I plan to update my GBX-related classes (including ReplayParser) sometime this Summer, so that won't solve this problem any time soon. :mrgreen: For now, I suggest you disable the entire 'if' block in functions dedi_get_vreplay and dedi_get_greplay in plugin.dedimania.php that checks for the consistency and generates that warning.
Developer of XASECO for TMF/TMN ESWC & XASECO2 for TM²: see XAseco.org
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by Flighthigh »

Thks Xymph for your Statement. Is it possible that you give us a changed Version of the plugin.dedimania.php

I dont like this operation on an open Heart. Because my php knowledge is not the Best.
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by Xymph »

Flighthigh wrote:Is it possible that you give us a changed Version of the plugin.dedimania.php
Try this - completely untested.
Developer of XASECO for TMF/TMN ESWC & XASECO2 for TM²: see XAseco.org
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by HaagseSmurf »

Thx Xymph,

I am going to try it out this afternoon, have to earn some money at my work before ;)
I will keep you updated.


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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by moo-whazzaa »

I'm also going to test it this evening i have the same issue of having to work for some money...
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by Slig »

Xymph wrote:There's been mention elsewhere in the forums of changes to the replay format. So I suspect my ReplayParser no longer works on replays generated by the MP2 dedicated server, and therefore inadvertedly marks the validation replays as invalid.
And once the script will accept it and it will be sent to dedimania, it's possible that the same problem will also happen on dedimania side, so i have to check it too (on dedimania and on fast) :?
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by Flighthigh »

Xymph wrote:
Flighthigh wrote:Is it possible that you give us a changed Version of the plugin.dedimania.php
Try this - completely untested.
Thank you very much. I hear that it works perfect. :thumbsup:
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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by HaagseSmurf »

Works perfect on our server, thx Xymph for the workaround :thumbsup:
I guess it will stay as a workaround till you know more about the replayparser.
Also beta is still bringing some new updates and therefore its possible some other additions or changes have to be made.

I hope that the accepted dedi's on our script will be accepted on the dedimania's side as well, so already thx in advance Slig for take a look at it as well :D


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Re: [Tools]Invalid Dedimania Recs after installing 3.2.0 bet

Post by moo-whazzaa »

Awsome , it works here as well
TY TY for this quick fix :D :thumbsup:
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