Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

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Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by PapyChampy »


Just a quick reminder, for those of you who would like to use the official maps for your servers/other purposes.
The main title Storm maps are also within the game.

To access them, choose the "Load Map" option in the menu. Press the upper left arrow icon to go back into the files, and you should have " Dowloaded" "My Maps" and "ShootMania".

The maps, depending on the game mode (Melee, Royal, Battle, Siege, Time Attack) are in the "Shootmania" folder. To access the map files in windows, press the folder icon on the upper right menu.

For the different Titles (Joust, Elite, Heroes) the maps aren't on the same location.
I will create mappacks to sum this up a bit, so it can be easier for players to get them.

Mappacks :

- Elite (Updated 27 08)

Contains 19 maps. ( 11 previous maps : Some have been updated ! : Archways, CastleCrasher, Cloister, Collided, CrossRoads, Fortress, LeapOfFaith, SolarFlare, TheCastle, ValorCross, WatchYourBack) (8 new maps : desreveR, Enclosed, EyeOfTheStorm, FaceToFace, GreenValley, Helios, HighGround, Upwards)

I've included 19 maps in total, so that a rotation could be done. Players have been playing for too long on the same maps, and it will be nice to have a mappool rotation around every 3 months.

For now, the next mappack will ideally be a mix of previous maps and new ones. Feedbacks are welcome, and Ubisoft servers will be set up tomorrow with the 8 new maps for practice. :thumbsup:

In the future, it would be nice if some players' maps could be implemented too for the mappacks.

Thanks ! ...

And here is the new official mappack :

Maplist : CastleCrasher / Cloister / Collided / CrossRoads / desreveR / FaceToFace / GreenValley / LeapOfFaith ...

- Joust : (Updated 27 07)

Contains 11 maps (BrightSide, DuskDuel, Irrigated, JumpToWin, MorningRuins, NarrowMinded, NightGlider, RideTheHill, Tangled, UnderTheBridge, WatchYourStep) ...

- Heroes

Contains 3 maps (NastyCaves, PassingThrough, ValleyRemix)
Probably some more to come if needed. ...

Thanks. :)
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by NJin »

The Maps are great! :D But what's with "JumpToFrag" ??? || Instagram || Twitter || Twitch || Discord: njin

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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by PapyChampy »

JumpToFrag has been converted as a Melee map.
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by fastforza »

I can send you the Nadeo account details for MX if you want to upload any Nadeo maps to MX. ;)
Mania Exchange - Share your maps!

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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by PapyChampy »

That's very kind and useful from you. :thumbsup:
I had begun to do this with my personal MX account, but it would be much better that way.

Thanks ! :thx:
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by MuNgLo »

Thx for the pack. You should look into having the whole pack as a dl on SM-Exchange.

And for those that are lazy here's the maplist structure for the playlist.

Code: Select all

		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - CrossRoads.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - Collided.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - TheCastle.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - WatchYourBack.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - SolarFlare.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - ArchWays.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - ValorCross.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - Fortress.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - Cloister.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - CastleCrasher.Map.Gbx</file>
		<file>ShootMania\Elite\Elite - LeapOfFaith.Map.Gbx</file>

Btw, what function does really ident have?
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by PapyChampy »

I will upload the maps on MX directly with the Nadeo account (Probably this week.)
I'll keep updated the mappacks both here and on MX.

Thx for the Elite playlist ! :thumbsup:
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by jonthekiller »

Ident isn't mandatory, the game generate it automatically (or server controller).
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by MuNgLo »

Yeah, I grabbed it from the server. It just strikes me as odd to use the ident while it clearly works just as well without. So I figured it had some deeper and not obvious function.
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Re: Nadeo Maps - MapPacks.

Post by PapyChampy »

First post has been updated with the Joust and Heroes Mappack.
Maybe this afternoon I'll have time to update the Elite mappack.
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