Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

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Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

Post by killerboye »

Hello everyone,

I am here to ask if anyone can explain what's going on with the servers and stuff.
Okay I know that the SM is slowly dying out sadly. Less and less servers are populated, so less servers to choose from.
To make it clear to anyone that reads this, I don't play SM regularly, mostly I play it when I am bored and want to have some fun. I first played it before release, and that's already a while ago (150 hours into it right now).

Let's get back to the point now you know my background. I find it very stupid that I cannot even play on all populated server, because of restrictions. I guess everyone here has played it a ton, so your rank is probably (almost) maxed out 100k LP and you can get into every server. I remember a while back that there were Ubisoft dedicated lobbies to play Elite, but now it looks like Paragon is the only one that has a decent player count every day.

For other gamemodes there is no problem, because all of them (or most) don't have a LP limit or smth similar.
I can understand that Elite needs to be taken seriously, but with the people that play it regularly, there is none else new or plays it from time to time like me, that can join. FYI if anyone of Paragon reads this, I am just over 40k, but don't have 100 wins at all. So how is anyone supposed to get that many wins nowadays if there are no other servers for elite. I guess I can join a small server, but mostly they are full or I'll get kicked out if they see my rank.

I am not the best, but I know how to play and I'm decent with obstacle for example (there are luckly no restrictions).

So you probably already know what I want to suggest, remove that limit please. I think many people that play it from time to time or people that got the demo recently, want to try it out. What's fun about sm if the best (most comp) gamemode (Elite obviously) is not available to play or try out. Also right now there is a over saturation of empty servers, what a waste.

I hope I made my point clear, it's just so damn long ago that I played Elite.
Btw I now play mostly Battle and Obstacle. Siege maps are often not much fun and royal is death.

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Re: Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

Post by burningschnitzel »

Hello Killer,

I am Schnitzel and responsible for the Elite Servers of Paragon. We made this restrictions to handle the massive amount of smurf accounts. They destroy the teambalance function of the matchmaking lobby and are not helpful to provide a nice game. The only way of controling this is by the number of wins an acc has. I am sorry, that you have this problem, but somehow we have to prevent this smurf flood :/

However if you play a little bit on smaller server until you have 100 wins (Btw... How many wins do you have?) and then feel free to join matchmaking.

For further Questions write me a PM or join our teamspeak server.


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Re: Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

Post by killerboye »

burningschnitzel wrote: However if you play a little bit on smaller server until you have 100 wins (Btw... How many wins do you have?) and then feel free to join matchmaking.
I don't even know, that's also a problem. Where do I find my wins?
Btw I forgot that every game mode counts their LP separately... I have 42k on SM, but like 19k on Elite :/

Seriously?! Are there even smurfs in sm... Is it so hard to add a restriction so only payed accounts can play on your server? It's just not even reasonable that you still can try out the game for free if I payed full price years ago...

My Maniaplanet account name is exactly the same as here on the forums if you want to look it up please.
I probably don't have even half of the wins :/

I am wondering do you not have a no restriction server? Probably, of course it's always empty I guess.

Can you otherwise make a exception for me and add me to a sort of whitelist, so I atleast can get in?
I am so irritated that since the start every 'title' has their own ranking (lp). Points don't represent skill.

If a dev can read this, I would be happy. I know you want to avoid smurfs but in that way the very small community is split again :( I would be pleased if you would have a better solution.

You can always ask me anything or check my account that I am not a smurf.
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Re: Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

Post by burningschnitzel »

You can check your wins while you are on a server and check your player profile :)

Seriously?! Are there even smurfs in sm... Is it so hard to add a restriction so only payed accounts can play on your server? It's just not even reasonable that you still can try out the game for free if I payed full price years ago...
Yeah this endless demo could lead to more players but atm there are just loads of smurfs :/ The free period is like WinRar xD

Sure we have other elite servers and there are ppl on it quite often, they have no restrictions and arent that high ranked like the Gold Lobby which is the server with restrictions :/

The problem is that too low ranked players would have no fun on a match server where echelon 8s or 9s are rushing as hell :/

But I think about it, maybe I can find a solution :)
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Re: Servers and their restrictions (e.g. Elite)

Post by killerboye »

Alright, I actually have no problem with people rushing me. I like that others are better than me, then you learn it much faster. I'll see what servers I can join. In every fps I play aggressive, same in sm. Just just have to play smart and don't expose yourself when you are defending.

Still wondering why everyone left the ubisoft servers, I guess the smurfs ruined it.

Ah LOL, 75 wins I have! xD
Didn't know, I play so much back in the day. That's probably not a lot compared to others xD
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