(Outdated) MpEditorUnlimiter

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(Outdated) MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by phil13hebert »

Edit : Since ManiaPlanet 3 brought the mixmapping, this tool is and will stay outdated. You can use the official mixmapping in-game.

Hello everyone, since a lot of people are requesting someone to update Tm2Unlimiter, I decided to create something similar to it (I didn't update Tm2Unlimiter, because it was too hard for me).

So here's MpEditorUnlimiter !


With this utility, you can overlap blocks. Unfortunately, for the moment, you can only remove overlapped blocks by doing an undo.

Instructions to use MpEditorUnlimiter (4 possible way to use it):
1- ManiaPlanet already started -> just start my executable.
2- ManiaPlanet not started and your game is installed in C:/Program Files (x86)/ManiaPlanet -> start my executable and game will automagically start.
3- ManiaPlanet not started -> put my executable in your game directory and start it.
4- Other way -> start ManiaPlanet <-> start my executable

And here's a screenshot from in-game editor :


Important -> I highly recommend to frequently save your map since undo can crash the game (and other things too)

Tips / tricks :
Tipiizor wrote:You can use air version of blocs on ground with mpunlimiter.
To do that, place a bloc in the air, use copy paste, select cut, and then paste it on ground.
(contrary works too)
Changelog :
v0.1 - Initial release
v0.2 - Added auto update (let's wait and see if it's working ;) ) + ground block can now be placed in the air
v0.3 - Added MpEditorUnlimiter updater (program will update if there's a new version)
v0.4 - Added key ('L') to enable/disable overlap + added key ('B') to enable/disable blocks clips

Download link : MpEditorUnlimiter v0.4
(Credits to Arc_ since my tool is based a lot on Tm2Unlimiter :thx: )

Here are 2 virus scans for people who are septic about my tool :
Last edited by TMarc on 24 Dec 2014, 11:33, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by eyebo »

Works great!!! :thumbsup:

Thanks for this great tool!
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by Tipiizor »

Ah putain tu déchires !
Comme ça fait du bien d'utiliser un outil aussi pratique, t'es un tueur :D
Énorme merci !

Est-ce que tu dois update l'outil à chaque update maniaplanet ? (si oui, est-ce que c'est galère ?)

Sinon pour effacer les blocs une fois que la map est save, c'est certainement possible avec map edit, non ?
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by BK-ZD50 »

Very cool and fine :D

(can you make the Hack-Buttons? For change the Block Valous?)
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by nikooo26 »

Great amazing work!

You rock! :clap:
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by wraith »

wow just got a link to here from a friend while i was off line...wow i will be downloading it
thanks for this brand new tool !
hope you be updating it on future updates ?
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by Whitestar »

Sounds good! :)
What are the benefits of using this contra MapEdit?
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by phil13hebert »

Thanks for great comments :D
Tipiizor wrote:Ah putain tu déchires !
Est-ce que tu dois update l'outil à chaque update maniaplanet ? (si oui, est-ce que c'est galère ?)
Malheureusement, oui je dois updater l'outil à chaque mise à jour, mais dans un futur (rapproché j'espère), j'essaierai de le modifier afin qu'il s'auto-update :clap:
BK-ZD50 wrote:(can you make the Hack-Buttons? For change the Block Valous?)
Unfortunately, I'm not advanced enough to do this (p.s. _Arc is pro but me I'm new to this kind of thing :thx: )
wraith wrote:hope you be updating it on future updates ?
I'll try to update it, but as I said to Tipiizor in french, I'll try in a near future to make it with auto-update :clap:
Whitestar wrote:What are the benefits of using this contra MapEdit?
You can do blockmixing while you are in the editor, so this means that you don't need to put two blocks, then save map, then go in MapEdit, then change coords, then reload map in-game.

With my tool, you can put the two blocks in realtime in the editor :thumbsup:
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by Ozon »

Cool Tool! Works almost perfectly! But alot of bugs are still there!
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Re: MpEditorUnlimiter

Post by phil13hebert »

killaprodtm wrote:Cool Tool! Works almost perfectly! But alot of bugs are still there!
Yeah I know, I just wanted to publish it fast so that at least, people can use it :)

Btw, I just updated my tool to v0.2 -> I added auto update. This means that my program is supposed to always work even if there's an update of maniaplanet (let's wait and see when there will be an update ;) )
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770 @ 3.40Ghz
RAM: 8GB DDR3 798MHz
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