Hello everyone, since a lot of people are requesting someone to update Tm2Unlimiter, I decided to create something similar to it (I didn't update Tm2Unlimiter, because it was too hard for me).
So here's MpEditorUnlimiter !

With this utility, you can overlap blocks. Unfortunately, for the moment, you can only remove overlapped blocks by doing an undo.
Instructions to use MpEditorUnlimiter (4 possible way to use it):
1- ManiaPlanet already started -> just start my executable.
2- ManiaPlanet not started and your game is installed in C:/Program Files (x86)/ManiaPlanet -> start my executable and game will automagically start.
3- ManiaPlanet not started -> put my executable in your game directory and start it.
4- Other way -> start ManiaPlanet <-> start my executable
And here's a screenshot from in-game editor :

Important -> I highly recommend to frequently save your map since undo can crash the game (and other things too)
Tips / tricks :
Changelog :Tipiizor wrote:You can use air version of blocs on ground with mpunlimiter.
To do that, place a bloc in the air, use copy paste, select cut, and then paste it on ground.
(contrary works too)
v0.1 - Initial release
v0.2 - Added auto update (let's wait and see if it's working

v0.3 - Added MpEditorUnlimiter updater (program will update if there's a new version)
v0.4 - Added key ('L') to enable/disable overlap + added key ('B') to enable/disable blocks clips
Download link : MpEditorUnlimiter v0.4
(Credits to Arc_ since my tool is based a lot on Tm2Unlimiter

Here are 2 virus scans for people who are septic about my tool :