Maniaplanet Update #3 Changelog

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Maniaplanet Update #3 Changelog

Post by Hylis »

Maniaplanet 3 Beta 3 Changelog

Main changes:

Maniaplanet as a better game operating system
- Improved user interface for buddies, news & servers browser
- A central store to easily explore & play user made titles
- Improved support for custom data like 3D objects
- Optimizations: CPU & GPU

Maniaplanet to allow more diversity for
- modes: thanks to many features for the script
- actions: thanks to a dedicated tool, including making of weapons
- maps: thanks to the ability to remove constraints from the editor
- atmospheres: thanks to mods or real time ambiance track

Trackmania upgrade
- Multienv possible and a Trackmania 2 title with all modes
- Carmix possible in multienv title: Select any TM² car in Canyon or Valley
- Scripted mode all redone to open to even more custom modes
- Solo: add ghost & medals to custom campaigns

Shootmania upgrade
- netcode: major improvement thank to an innovative netvision layer
- gameplay: new freelook key, progressive walljumps, more stamina etc.
- many more gameplay blocks: teleport, force field & gates, slides, sound blocker etc.
- many more visual blocks: for bunkers, fences, woods, stones, walls, signs etc.

- the universal demo


List of changes:

- Easier matchmaking hosting
- Manialink designer
- The sound blocker block
- TM custom modes support
- Custom UI possible for mode makers
- ms in scripted modes
- Metadata for items in maps (copy/paste compatible)
- Map editor / MT remote control (open to clip, close info)
- Map editor: Rightclick + ctrl = reset orbital rotation (easier item placement)
- Map editor: can define Macroblock/item root directory
- Storm: Sound blocker fan block
- Storm: actions icons for laser pad et tech plateforms
- Trackmania: custom AccelCoef & ControlCoef between 0 & 1 for custom car 'quality'
- Replays: Items in replays
- Open the item editor and action maker from the map editor
- Low quality skidmarks in spectator mode for TM
- Fix: TM legacy respawn time at the end of the track
- Fix: Skins in MT
- Fix: Test title pack
- Fix: Buddy system
- Fix: custom paint car icon broken
- Fix: Elite slow capture when force field
- Fix: OnProjectileEnd never fired
- Fix: multiflash car lights
- Fix: laser deny issues in FFA
- Fix: library saves in script occasional troubles
- Fix: loading of locators stalls in multiplayer
- Fix: Have to reset the skin in MT to have them work when shared
- Fix: Car reflect in shooting
- Fix: Rendering preview jittering
- Fix: Fog

Maniaplanet 3 Beta 2.1 Changelog

- updates to siege and elite
- updates to the matchmaking
- performance increase with water reflexions in fast/very fast.
- fixed the "modwork" texture reload
- steam buddies fixes.
- P2P and vehicle skins fixes
- many crash and bug fixes

Maniaplanet 3 Beta 2 Changelog

- New: Matchmaking easier hosting
- Change: improved station overlay server browser
- Change: map size limit at 2MB
- Fix: redownload of titles if the environment is not updated
- Fix: buddy chat: split the line if longer than displayable
- Fix: Title musics overlapped Maniaplanet sound in home menu
- Fix: solo medal rankins table were not switching after a race
- Fix: (partial) Regular crash on driver loss. It will now recover, but with a lag.
- Fix: crash on alt tab when using non D3D9 EX on XP
- Fix: more space for automatic overlay button for further translations
- Fix: Lobby are listed in Matchmaking list

- New: Stadium 64x64 No Stadium decoration for custom titles
- New: (TM2) Select any TM² car in Canyon or Valley
- New: Team Attack mode
- Change: (Canyon) Backward driving slowed down
- Change: (Valley) Backward driving slowed down
- Fix: TM multilap issue
- Fix: Car light issues
- Fix: (TM2) back in select new map works
- Fix: TM scripted mode lags divided by 5 on actions (respawn for example)

- New blocks: Storm centered doors & force fields
- New blocks: Storm animated custom sign in metal walls
- New: Script: Respawn at last CP: Bool CanRespawnPlayer(CSmPlayer) Void RespawnPlayer(CSmPlayer)
- New: option: on/off on beacon colors (ping for ignorant noobs ^_^)
- Change: Stamina max +20% reload +10%
- Change: Storm pole & checkpoint visual update in very nice
- Change: (Siege) (Option) switch weapon
- Change: (Elite) Number of dodge replaced by distance of dodge (if <10 cm)
- Change: (Elite) Allies protection on rockets removed
- Fix: neutral plateform does not remove ammo & other similar issues
- Fix: Bumpy wood slides
- Fix: Insta reload
- Fix: Teleport through tunnels & force fields
- Fix: fog on some materials was missing: teleport, bumpers etc.
- Fix: better handling of the 64 bases limit (poles, doors, etc.)

- New: (Option) MT clip: in clip only
- New: (Option) MT clip: is cycling
- New: bloom track in ambiance
- New: Fog color control in MT
- Fix: TM2 (partial) Spinning wheel in online replays
- Fix: fog fading on low configuration
- Fix: MT ambiance track requires validation message
- Fix: Playsound in MT does not cut the sound so abruptetly when leaving the track
- Fix: MT: can more easily add a block at the end of a block in a track
- Fix: rendering of teleporter in HQ shoot and some other animated stuff
- Fix: switching to Anchor does not make the camera move anymore

Action Maker
- New: Help window for anim editor
- New: (Option) Disable sparks on hit
- Fix: Pose are edited with the custom model
- Fix: CSmActionEvent::EType::OnProjectileEnd triggers

Maniaplanet 3 Beta 1 Changelog
- titles: most popular titles visible in a store
- titles: tool for automatic update of title
- titles: medals ranking work on solo modes from custom titles
- titles: ability to make a title update from lan to simplify lan development
- titles: missing pictures in titles fixed
- titles: any pak files will download only what is necessary inside the file itself, include title pak files.
- titles: as long as your file is available to download, a proxy of the file may done by us to decrease your bandwith usage, like a CDN
- buddies: offline mode available at launch or after
- buddies: remove from ingame
- buddies: addbuddy does not exit lobby
- buddies: serverinfo from buddy are available
- buddies: chat history is kept
- buddies: message are sent to offline buddies when they connect
- ladder: loss of points at high level if a player switch from continent in his profile
- ladder: number of players per echelon depends of the number of players on the continent
- planets: number of planets on the servers visible on the player page
- planets: bug of 600 planets is fixed
- script: can trigger a Mediatrack track
- script: rotate pictures
- script: possible to hide the interface (to make a custom one)
- script: faster handling of arrays
- script: can update the server script without restarting the server
- script: minimap tools and helper services
- script: playsound function
- script: a manialink can be added over intro
- script: possibility to add a Manialink track to a mediatrack to code the replay interface
- script: a service to convert an ingame Manialink to mediatrack manialink to help code replay interface
- script: modes does not crash after 20 days
- script: issue for labels with globals is fixed
- script: api to make layers of Manialink in the browser
- script: 2D coordinates to render the 3D viewports
- mediatracker: a global ambiance track to the map is available
- mediatracker: define the name of the screenshot or the video at save in the shooting interface
- mediatracker: an option to upload your video to youtube directly
- mediatracker: a fog track with sky fog parameter
- mediatracker: car buble is visible
- mediatracker: depth of field issu fixed
- items: start, spawn and checkpoints can be made as items
- items: static lights in items
- items: items are visible in replays
- items: maximum number of items fixed
- items: grid placement issues fixed
- manialink: 2D & 3D conflict fixed
- manialink: working stylesheettags
- interface: rolling demos in the titles is possible
- interface: minimize or close directly of system bar
- interface: a menu to copy the server join adress in copy/paste memory
- interface: improve browser visibility of on/off status
- interface: automatic mode of station sorting that mix most recent & manuel customisation with drag&drop only
- commands: batch of videos & lightmaps work with maps with items.
- commands: direct access to solo maps maniaplanet://#campaign=A03@TMValley or #campaign=#1,3@TMValley
- optimisation: SS2 to win CPU perfs (pressforward may not validate)
- mods: xml for atmospheric settings: sky (fog & light) and HDR (bloom, tonemap)
- mods: good reload of all sounds
- render: better fog on particles & characters
- render: automatic downsize of rendering precision for particle potential increase of GPU fillrate
- map editor: air macrobloc placement
- map editor: right click speed as efficient as right ctrl
- server: can move from spectator to player on private servers

- all modes are redone in script
- new mode: team attack
- script: general improvement of scripts for Trackmania
- script: coordinates of other players, but limited in precision due to specific netcode
- solo: it's now possible to add ghost & medals to custom solo campaigns
- server: relay servers operationnal
- replays: when you click on replay, you can now select: play against, watch or edit (new)
- replays: can switch of car model in the simple replay editor
- clublink: team name displayed

- gameplay: you can bind a freelook key: strongly suggested space or right click, to look in a different direction as you move
- gameplay: walljumps are progressive
- gameplay: hitbox is now a cylinder with a sphere on the head.
- gameplay: jump are possible underground
- gameplay: arrows does not splash on water and bounce on power wall
- gameplay: powerjump cost half stamina than before (on power platform blocs)
- gameplay: you can (try) to ping an ally to make your ping appear only for him after (experimental)
- gameplay: different ping per ally possible to know who is making the ping
- gameplay: default sensitivity settings are changed (and are updated automatically from your previous settings)
- gameplay: a dedicated sensitivity multiplier available for freelook mode
- crosshair: digital values available
- crosshair: arrow crosshair can be customised fully
- bots: aerial bots possible
- bots: can have a different size
- bots: looking coordinates available (AimYaw, pitch and direction)
- bots: not part of the ladder anymore
- script: can decrease the jump, like the speed: param JumpPower dans CSmPlayer
- script: you can have the information on which material the player is on
- script: totally unactivate the Shootmania visible shield: HasShield=False
- sctipt: can hide the timer
- script: can stay ingame while spectating: useful for helping others in obstacle if managed in the mode.
- script: unactivate walljump & progressive jump in custom mode
- mediatracker: shootman is visible from external camera in ingame mediatracker
- netcode: a new netvision layer to optimse the perception
- netcode: bullet explosions are client side when on static objects
- netcode: small improvement in upload of information speed
- render: issues with seeing through polygons clipping in near plane fixed
- render: better handling of water plane clipping and underwater
- moods: update of moods settings: all the ligthmaps of Shootmania Storm should be computed again (can use a batch command line to do this)
- items: TM models can be imported as items
- profile: can define a posture for the podium
- modes: new score table
- modes: AFK management integrated
- Royal: Multi teams mode. If there's enough players on a map they will be divided in several teams depending on the number of spawns.
- Elite: when simultaneous, laser has now priority in various conditions: rocket, time etc.
- Elite: number of rockets 'dodged' is displayed
- Elite: Removal of the tie break system. It's replaced by a hard points limit, instant win for the team reaching the limit first
- Elite: to be tested: if allies are shot by a rocket, they are briefly protected (similar to rocket denied & laser reload)
- Elite: UI in replays (all your recent Elite replays can be download from the replays menu: press F9 to remember favorite replays while playing)
- Elite: press F8 to adapt your UI
- Elite: beta 2 settings are not supported anymore
- Siege: no more miss team mate info in team modes (ex: siege)
- Siege : Complete rewrite of the mode. The intermediate Goals are replaced by Gates. For each defender spawn you can now have one or several Gates.
- Combo : Display the respawn timers of the items in spectator mode
- Blocs: teleport base & teleport bloc: stay on the base, and use action button (right click) on the teleport to teleport yourself
- Blocs: force field: 3 armors to open and they close again quickly. you can go through when connected to your base (your colour)
- Blocs: gates: stay 3.5 seconds on the base to open them, and they will close after. you can go through when connected to your base (your colour)
- Blocs: metallic walls
- Blocs: 45° bumpers
- Blocs: Stone walls, roof & stairs building blocs
- Blocs: more aerial bunker blocs
- Blocs: more fences
- Blocs: more wood sliding blocs
- Blocs: fire lamps blocs

Experimental features: beware of your creation when using them and to the possibly "no compatibility" of them in a future updates
- a multienvironnement title of Trackmania 2
- Action maker: weapon or animations
- Item editor: bots, pick up, spot and decoration
- Air mapping: can place blocs without having to place the pillars and can cut the pillars directly.
- Mix mapping: can place ghost blocs without constraints, without services and with risks of visual glitches
Posts: 3959
Joined: 14 Jun 2010, 11:58

Re: Maniaplanet 3 Changelog

Post by Hylis »

Eole Changelog here (partial)



* Addition of the S_AFKIdleTimeLimit setting, allow to set a minimum idle time before the game mode set a player in spectator mode.

* Matchmaking integration.
* Removal of the UseProtectClanmates setting.
* Display the distance of the rocket dodge instead of the number of dodge.

* Base for creating modes with matchmaking. It's still a work in progress so it will evolve a lot in the next few weeks.

* Matchmaking integration.
* Addition of the S_RequiredPlayersNb setting, allow to set the number of player required to play an Elite match.
* Removal of the annoying sound after hitting a player in warm up.

* If your map contained forcefields you need to revalidate it for them to work properly.
* Matchmaking integration.
* Addition of the S_UseWeaponSwitch setting, allow the players to change weapon freely during the round instead of choosing one at the beginning.
* The map end duration is now of 25 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
* The scores table is hidden when the podium is shown to see the players winning and loosing poses.

* New mode, basically a time attack but in team.


* Addition of the EchelonToInteger() function, allow to convert an echelon to an integer (between 0 and 9).

* SetPlayerColor() and UnsetPlayerColor() can now take a CScore instead of a CPlayer as argument.
* The player overlay when eliminated is less opaque.
* The player map ranking is better integrated in the player card background.

* New library, allow to play custom sounds from a game mode script.

* Addition of the GetUser() and GetScore() functions to get a CUser or a CSmScore from a player login.

* The keys to select your weapon will always be 1 or 2 and not 1 or 3 for the nucleus by example.

* New library, allow the players to switch weapon while playing. Currently used in the new Siege mode.
* Fixed the Runtime error: [Libs/Nadeo/ShootMania/WeaponSwitch.Script.txt : 176, 33].

* Addition of the GetUser() and GetScore() functions to get a CUser or a CSmScore from a player login.

* New library, allow to manage more than two clans. Currently used in the new TeamAttack mode.


* If your map contained forcefields you need to revalidate it for them to work properly. They're not consider as gates anymore in the map type.

* If your map contained forcefields you need to revalidate it for them to work properly. They're not consider as gates anymore in the map type.


* Fixed a bug in the capture gauge UI script

* All while loop now exit if the values of ServerShutdownRequested or MatchEndRequested are set to False

* Fixed the Gate.IsActivated bug
* New XmlRpc method "Siege_SetProgressionLayerPosition" to move the progression layer

* Fixed the Gate.IsActivated bug
* New XmlRpc method "Siege_SetProgressionLayerPosition" to move the progression layer


* Hide the slider background at initialization

* Better draggable and tooltip modules

* Better documentation of the functions

* Better Documentation of the functions

* Functions to hide/show the scores table individually for each player
* Functions to apply a ratio to the scores table width and height. I's now easier to change the size of the content and background together.
* Functions to change the background color of a player card.
* The customizable footer text is now top aligned instead of bottom aligned, allowing to add line breaks in the text.
* Compatibility with old user mode scripts. The library hides the default scores table in the Build() function instead of the Load() function.

* New method "LibXmlRpc_GetPlayerRanking"
* New callback "LibXmlRpc_PlayerRanking"

* New method "LibXmlRpc_GetPlayerRanking"
* New callback "LibXmlRpc_PlayerRanking"


Note: the links to the documentation doesn't work yet. I'll push the doc to GitHub once the update will be released to the public.

Major features

For players
* General : New scores table (New design, display tags, display AFK, new script, ...).
* TrackMania : all game modes converted to script.
* TrackMania : basic support of clublinks.
* ShootMania : AFK management integrated in all ShootMania game modes.
* Combo : Display the respawn timers of the items in spectator mode.
* Royal : Multi teams mode. If there's enough players on a map they will be divided in several teams depending on the number of spawns (eg: 4 spawn = 4 teams).
* Siege : Complete rewrite of the mode. The intermediate Goals are replaced by Gates. For each defender spawn you can now have one or several Gates that stop the progression of the attackers until they destroy it.
* Elite : Protect your clanmates from the attacker by shooting onto them.
* Elite : More robust winning condition check.
* Elite : Removal of the tie break system. It's replaced by a hard points limit, instant win for the team reaching the limit first. Default is 15 points on normal map and 20 points on decisive map (last map of a BO).
* Elite : Save the UI (players names, scores, hits) in the replays.
* Elite : Press F8 to customize some parts of the UI.
* Elite : Removal of the Beta2 setting.

For scripters
* Update of the documentation on GitHub.
* New Landmark (replace the spawn/goal blocks) and Action API.
* Manialink library : easily add animations, draggable frame and tooltips in your manialink. See the "library-manialink" manialink ingame for a demo.
* ScoresTable2 : rewrite of the previous library with more customization, flexibility and ease of use in mind.
* Layers2 library : usability improvements of the old Layer library.
* CustomUI library : create customizable user interfaces.
* Markers library : ease the creation and management of markers.
* MiniMap and MiniMap2 libraries : create and customize different types of minimaps.
* AFK library : the library can now be controlled through XML-RPC.
* Shootmania/Map library : new library to deal with the new LandMark API.
* Shootmania/MultiClans library : new library to manage more than two clans.
* TrackMania/TM2 : rewrite of the TM library with basic functions for TrackMania.


* Function MB_PlayersPresentationSequence(): can now be interrupted by a vote next/restart map. There's also a new +++PlayersPresentationLoop+++ label inside the loop.
* The outro sequence doesn't exist anymore.
* The ScoresTable2 library is now included in ModeBase by default.
* MB_SetScoresTableStyleFromXml(): allow to define a custom style for the scores table.
* Addition of two new labels: +++BeforeLoadMap+++ and +++AfterUnloadMap+++.
* Addition of the MB_UseOnNewLabels to disable the ***OnNewPlayer/Spectator/Bot+++ labels.
* The AFK management is now integrated in this script and turn off by default with the setting S_AutoManageAFK.

* Fix the UI rules bug. The rules are now reset at each new map.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Use the new Landmark API.
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Moved the AFK management to the ModeBase

* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Display the respawn timers of the items in spectator mode.
* Send an XmlRpc callback on warm up start and end.
* Use the new Landmark API.
* Use the new Action API.
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Use the group timers of the WarmUp2 library.
* Fixed the combo bug when starting a game with less players than the maximum amount.

ShootMania/ModeSport (Base for Elite and Heroes)
* In matchmaking mode, if all the players from a team are allied they can choose their attacking order before the beginning of the map.
* Compatibility with the temporary allies of the matchmaking lobby.
* Addition of the S_RestartMatchOnTeamChange setting (default value: False). The match will be restarted if the players from the previous map are not the same after map change.
* Hit details of each player in the EndTurn XmlRpc callback.
* Send an XmlRpc callback on warm up start and end.
* Addition of the S_UseLegacyCallbacks setting to enable the JSON callbacks (default value: True).
* Better winning condition check. There's now a double loop on the events array to discard OnHit and OnArmorEmpty events to prevent two winning conditions to be activated at the same time.
* Removal of the tie break system. It's replaced by a hard points limit, instant win for the team reaching the limit first. Default is 15 points on normal map and 20 points on decisive map (last map of a BO).
* Replacement of S_SleepMultiplier by the S_QuickMode setting (default value: False). When turned to True all waiting times will be divided by 2.
* Addition of the S_DisplaySponsors setting (default value: True). Display or not the attacker sponsor at the bottom of the screen in spectator mode.
* Addition of a #Command to force the reload of the clublinks.
* Reload the clublinks at each player change during the warm up.
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Use the new landmark API.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Use the groups timers functionality from the WarmUp2 library.

* Changes from ModeSport (see above).
* UseProtectClanmates activated, you can shoot on your clanmates to protect them.
* Save the UI (players names, scores, hits) in the replays.
* Display the number of rockets dodges of the attacker.
* Removal of the Beta2 setting.
* Default number of points to win a map is now 9 instead of 6.
* Addition of the HitDist on the OnHit XmlRpc callback of all weapons.
* Addition of the HitDist on the OnNearMiss XmlRpc callback.
* A player living a game before the end of the map won't win LP at the end.
* Correctly displays the loss of LP on the scores table.
* Correctly displays the echelons on the scores table.
* Displays the points limits in the scores table.
* Display the player with the most rocket dodge in the scores table.
* Displays the number of armors of the attacker on the bottom right of the screen.
* Press F8 to customize some parts of the UI.
* Better UI message management. The "The goal can now be captured." message is now a StatusMessage and not a BigMessage anymore.
* Use the new landmark API.
* Use the new Layers2 library.

* Translations fix
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Use the new landmark API.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.

* Default time limit setting is now 45 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Send an XmlRpc callback on warm up start and end.
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Use the new landmark API.

* It's now possible to turn off the points or time limitations in the settings.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Use the new Landmark API.

* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* User the new Layers2 library.
* Use the new landmark API.

* Multi teams mode. If there's enough players on a map they will be divided in several teams. The rules are the same than in classic Royal with some specificities:
* There's as much team as spawns block.
* All players are spawned at the same time in their respective team spawn block.
* Players in the same team can't eliminate each other.
* Once only one team remains, the game becomes again a free for all and everyone can eliminate each other.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Small UI improvements.
* User the new Layers2 library.
* Moved the AFK management to the ModeBase.

* Fixed a bug that could prevent players to see the level up UI.

* Complete rewrite of the Siege mode. The intermediate Goals are replaced by Gates. For each defender spawn you can now have one or several Gates that stop the progression of the attackers until they destroy it.
* The previous mode is still here but is now renamed SiegeV1. The new mode is called Siege.
* SiegeV1 will be compatible with the SiegeArena et SiegeV1Arena MapType while the new Siege will be compatible only with the SiegeV2Arena.

* Lib WeaponSelection2 integration.
* New UI.
* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Use the new Landmark API.
* The mode is compatible with the new Gates blocks.
* The script is now MatchMaking ready.
* Moved the AFK management to the ModeBase script.

* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Lib Layers2 integration.
* Use the new landmark API.
* Attach all the layers to UIAll instead of individual players.

* Script conversion of the Cup mode.

* Script conversion of the Laps mode.

* Basic mode structure for TrackMania.
* Integration of the Clublink library.
* Integration of the WarmUp library.
* Automated end map sequence.

* Basic mode structure for TrackMania rounds modes (Rounds, Cup, Team).
* Setting S_UseTieBreak: allow a map to end on a tie or continue to play until a winner is found.

* Script conversion of the Rounds mode.

* Script conversion of the Team mode.
* Setting S_PointsGap: minimal points gap between the two teams when one of them reach the points limit.

* Script conversion of the TimeAttack mode.


* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Complete rewrite of the library with a lot of new functionalities. The old functions should still be working.

* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Function Updated(): return True if the clublinks were updated since the last call to this function.
* Functions Reset() and ResetAll(): allow to reset the clublink of one or all clans.

* Function HexToRgb(): convert an hexadecimal Text color to an RGB Vec3 color.
* Function HexToHsv(): convert an hexadecimal Text color to an HSV Vec3 color.

* New library allowing to create Manialinks customizable by the players. See the [documentation]( ... tomui.html) for more info.

* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Improvements on the visual of the Slider module.

* Function StringifyMinimal() for the events: do not send the MissDist parameter anymore.
* Function StringifyMinimal() for the new CSmMapLandmark class.

* This library is now deprecated, use Layers2 instead.
* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Function SetType(): allow to change the type of a layer.

* Updated version of the previous Layers library.
* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Functions Create() now return a CUILayer instead of a Ident.
* Function GetName() to get the name of a layer from its Id or from the Layer object.
* Functions Destroy() / Create() / Attach() / Detach() / Update() do not return a Boolean anymore (Void instead).
* Functions Attach() / Detach() / DetachAll() / IsMissing() can take a CPlayer as argument instead of an Ident of player.
* Functions AttachReplay() / DetachReplay() to add a layer in the replay layers array.
* Functions SetVisibility() / Show() / Hide() to hide or show a layer.
* Function Get() to get a layer from its name or id instead of GetFromName() and GetFrameId().
* Function DestroyAll() to destroy all the layers created with the library

* Utilities functions for Manialinks. At the moment the major features are the animations, tooltips and draggable modules. See the [documentation]( ... alink.html) for more info.
* An example manialink is available ingame at this address : `librarymanialink`.

* Removed and replaced by TrackMania/Map.Script.txt and ShootMania/Map.Script.txt

* Function SetVersion(): save the version number of the MapType in the map metadata.
* Function GetVersion(): get the version number of the MapType used from the map metadata.
* Function SetObjectivesFromAuthorTime() for TrackMania. Set the time objectives of a map based on the author time
* Function ObjectivesAreValid() for TrackMania. Check if the objectives times are valid.

* New library to ease the creation and management of xml markers. See the [documentation]( ... rkers.html) for more info.

* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Functions SetDefaultBigMessage() / SetDefaultStatusMessage() / SetDefaultAllMessages(): allow to set a default message to display when no timed message are shown.
* New overloads of SendBigMessage() and SendStatusMessage to send a message to a whole clan.

* New library to create a custom radar/minimap.
* Marker functionality to add specific points on the minimap.
* Ping functionality to highlight a point on the minimap to all the players.
* Customization of each point picture/size/color/visibility.

* New library to create a minimap using the built-in mini map feature. See the [documentation]( ... imap2.html) for more info.

* Function PlaySound(): allow to play a sound to all players.
* Function Solo_SetNewRecord() for TrackMania.

* Updated version of the previous ScoresTable library.
* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* [Server side customization]( ... table.html) with an XML file.
* You can now create or destroy any number of columns (even the default ones).
* Several predefined and easy to use columns are included (points, best time, nickname, maniastars, avatar, ...).
* There's also several predefined styles for the scores table. So you can in one line create a scores table with a number of default columns. eg: SetStyle("LibST_SMBaseTeams") and you'll have a scores table ready for teams mode. The styles can be combined with each other with several call to the SetStyle() function.
* Each column can have its own style (textstyle, size, color, alignment, ...).
* Each column can have a custom script associated with it if you want to create more advanced columns (eg: changing the color of the columns depending of its value, updating the columns values from the UI instead of the game mode script, ...).
* The columns can be reordered easily (points first, avatar in the middle, nickname last, ...).
* The footer only contains one customizable text now (with an optional custom script).
* The name of the server the player is playing on is displayed in the footer.
* The scores table can have any number of players columns or row given there's enough place to display them (you can create a scores table with three players columns in team mode if you want).
* The background of the scores table is customizable and you can make it change depending on the environment the player is. It's useful in TrackMania if your mode is playable in Valley, Canyon and Stadium and that you want different visual without having to write a version of the mode for each environment.
* You can add a foreground image that will be display over the scores table.
* The background and foreground are colorizable.
* Function Show() / Hide() / Attach() / Detach() to manipulate the scores table layer.
* Possibility to display the tags of the players in a column.
* Display a new icon under the players who are AFK.
* And much more ... See the [documentation]( ... able2.html) for more info.

* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Addition of an Unload() function.

* This library is still a work in progress. It's used to display tips to players.

* This library is now deprecated, use Top2 instead.

* Compatibility with TrackMania.
* Function UnsetRecord(): Allow to remove a player from a top.
* Share the logins of the players in the tops with the Interface library.
* UI Improvements.

* Function ForceMatchWinner(): Force the winner of a match.

* It's now possible to control the library through XmlRpc. Check the [documentation]( ... y-afk.html).

* A toolbox for debugging ShootMania modes. It's still a work in progress.
* Direct access to the "Styles"/"ML-Styles" manialink.
* Add/Remove bots on the fly from the UI.
* Turn on/off the collisions between players.
* Turn on/off the weapons hit detection between players.
* Turn on/off the ally system.
* Change the EndTime value.

* New library to deal with the new Landmark API.
* Function GetMapTypeVersion() to get the version number of the MapType used to validate the map. Be careful as it's up to the MapType to save this version number. All Nadeo MapType do it, but that might not be the case of user created scripts at first.
* Several functions to manipulate the MapLandmarks:
* Function GetLandmarkXXX() to get a landmark with the XXX component from its Tag and Order
* Function GetXXX() to get a XXX landmark component from its Tag and Order
* Function GetXXXCount() to get the number of XXX landmark component in the map

* A library to manage more than 2 clans.

* A small library to display informations on the right of the screen.

* This library is now deprecated, use ScoresTable2 instead.
* Check that the diodes exist on the side of the scores table before attempting to colorize them in the script.

* Functions SpawnPlayer() : two versions of each function for the compatibility with the new landmark API.
* Function GetPlayer() : find a player from its login.

* Better scores sorting in the small scores table.

* Small UI fix on text size.

* This library is now deprecated, use WarmUp2 instead.

* Functions Enable() / Disable(): allow to enable or disable the order selection for a group.
* Function GroupExists(): check if a group exists.
* Function DestroyGroup(): destroy a group.
* Function Stop(): now return True if the a map vote or server stop is requested.
* Function SetGroupTimer(): link the number of players present/ready in groups to a timer to end the warm up.
* Better reset of the ready state of the players after a script restart.
* Small UI fix.

* This library is now deprecated, use WeaponSelection2 instead.

* Rewrite of the WeaponSelection library. It now works like the WarmUp2 library. You can create groups of players that will have to choose a weapon in defined list.

* Functions BeginWarmUp() / EndWarmUp(): send a callback at the beginning and the end of the warm up.
* Function Siege_OnCapture(): specific callback for the capture of a Gate/Goal in Siege.
Function OnCapture(): now use the Landmark API.
* Addition of the WarmUp_GetStatus method and WarmUp_Status callback to know if a mode use the WarmUp library.

* Lib ScoresTable2 integration.
* Use the new Layers2 library.
* Use the new landmark API.

* The EliteStats library saves the end state of the turn in Elite (win/loss of atk, remaining atk armors, renaming def).

* Utilities functions for TrackMania maps.

* Rewrite the previous TM library.
* The ladder related functions are now in the Mode library.
* You'll find several functions to manage the player spawning in this lib.
* Function GetPlayer() : find a player from its login.
* Function TimeToText() : convert an Integer time (milliseconds) into a Text time (hh:mm:ss:mmm)
* Function TextToTime() : convert a Text time into an Integer Time
* Functions InjectMLTimeToText() and InjectMLTextToTime() to add this functionalities into ManiaLink scripts.

* Several UI modules to use in TrackMania.
* SmallScoresTable module: displays the small scores table on the right side of the screen at the end of the round.
* TimeGap module: displays the time gap between the players on the bottom of the screen.

* WarmUp library for TrackMania. It's included by default in ModeBase.

* TrackMania counterpart of the ShootMania XmlRpc library.
* Send a script callbacks for the different TrackMania events: OnStartLine, OnWayPoint, OnGiveUp, OnRespawn, OnStunt.
* Send a script callback at the beginning and end of each ModeBase section.


* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.
* Reset all the anchors to their default properties when loading the map type.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.
* Small UI fix.

* Removed and replaced by SiegeV1Arena and SiegeV2Arena

* MapType for the old Siege mode.
* Support for the new Gate block.

* MapType for the new Siege mode.

* Save the map type version in the metadata.

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