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Bases for maps with mixed decorations

Posted: 22 May 2018, 15:22
by Dommy
Stadium in a hidden Valley 64 base.

Honestly I have no idea why nobody has done this before, considering how easy it was to make these maps. Anyway, here's something you may remember from TrackMania United - maps with decorations swapped with different environments!

Most of the things described below are contents of the file inside the .zip package.

This package contains several maps, which can be used as a base for further building in a decoration from different environment. Not every combination is possible in the current build of the game.

Contents overview
Look up the table below to check which environment + decoration combos are available in this package:

Code: Select all

| Decoration (size) | Canyon  | Stadium | Valley  | Lagoon  |  Storm  |
|:----------------- |:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|
| Canyon (32)       |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
| Stadium (32)      |         |    X    |         |         |         |
| Stadium (64)      |         |    X    |         |         |         |
| Valley (32)       |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
| Valley (48)       |         |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
| Valley (64)       |         |    X    |         |         |         |
| Lagoon (48)       |         |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
| Storm Land (48)   |         |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
| Storm Water (48)  |         |    X    |    X    |    X    |    X    |
Use these bases under one of following criteria.
  • In a title pack of TMAll base, where you can mix decorations of all TrackMania environments.
  • Alternatively, by opening decoration origin environment title pack before using the decoration in the other environment. This is mandatory for using Storm decorations in any TrackMania environment and vice versa.
There are some issues with certain environments, which couldn't be solved yet.
  • I was unable to find a way to get Stadium decoration for other environments.
  • Canyon crashes when attempting to use a decoration bigger than 32 x 32 x 32.
  • Valley 64 x 64 x 64 base is crashing the game when used with any environment, except Stadium.
  • Lagoon ground level is 1 block higher then all other environments.
  • Canyon block size is 64 x 16 x 16 m, thus leaving gaps when using Canyon decoration with other environments. Canyon will clip into every environment decoration (except Canyon).
  • Storm block size is 8 x 2 x 8 m, thus leaving gaps when using Storm decoration with other environments. All environments (except Storm) clip into Storm decorations.
  • Lightmaps don't work proparly beyond base's original construction area.
  • Valley's water color rendering method causes Storm and Lagoon decorations water to appear in stripes pattern.
Download options
You can get your hands on these bases in several ways:

Valley in Storm land base during sunset.

Lagoon in Canyon.

Stadium in Lagoon.

Stadium in Storm land base, ground levels match perfectly.

Canyon in Valley 32 base.

Re: Bases for maps with mixed decorations

Posted: 22 May 2018, 16:02
by adamkooo2
This is really awesome!! :3 :1010 :thumbsup: