[SMART] Install help please!

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[SMART] Install help please!

Post by silentgreen »

I'm trying to install SMART on my server but I'm having trouble following the installation guide. I'm getting lost at the setting of the ablsolute path to my php.exe and mysql part. I can't find the php.exe file to set a path to it and I'm not sure what the mysql credential stuff is. Can anybody help me with this?
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Re: [SMART] Install help please!

Post by askuri »

PHP is needed to run SMART. The easiest way for you is downloading xampp: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html#628 the best is you choose the Installer: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/f ... &download=
XAMPP is a package of servers like Apache as a Webserver, MySQL as an SQL Server and some others and PHP.
After installing XAMPP you can start it with with xampp-control.exe (in the startmenu or in the installation folder).
Now click on start next to MySQL and start next to Apache. Next open your browser and type http://localhost/. Choose a language if xampp ask. Now you must set a password for MySQL and for the XAMPP we control panel.: http://localhost/security/index.php in the browser. Now enter a password for the MYSQL SuperUser "root" and a user (also root if you like) and password for the XAMPP Web panel.
Now type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and enter your MySQL user root and the password you have choosen (first passwords).
Now click on Databases (first tab on top) and fill in the textfield "smart". After this choose a collation. We take utf8_unicode_ci.

This was the hardest. If you are under windows right click on the smart.bat in the smart folder and click on Edit.
Here you set the path to the php.exe between the quotes.Don't change smart.php to anything else. The php.exe is located in the XAMPP folder in \php\php.exe.
Example: C:\xampp\php\php.exe
Next step is setting the whole path to the dedicated_cfg.txt. This file is the in that you specified the ports, the serverlogin and so on. This is my one: K:\SRV\ManiaPlanet_2.0\Dedicated\UserData\Config\dedicated_cfg.txt
mysqlusername is "root" (without quotes).
mysqlpassword is the password you set in the security check.
mysqldatabase is "smart" (without quotes)
mysqlhostname is "localhost" (and again without quotes.) now save the file with "file" and "Save". Close the window.

Now you should be able to start smart by clicking smart.bat.
Note that the MySQL Server everytime have to run when you want to run smart. If you want to open the Web Panel again start Apache to. But please do nothing if you don't know what you do!!!
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