I could imagine, the ManiaHome concept could be used quite a lot more if there would be some more possibilities to retrieve data from maniahome. Some method like
ManiaHome::getPosts($manialink, $offset = 0, $length = 5) returning date, message, icon and a link to the post on maniahome (the page where you can comment on the post) would make it possible to display some kind of "latest posts" on a manialink, maybe even replacing an individual news system of the manialink. I think this would bring a reason for players to favorize a manialink (when they see, what content is usually posted by this manialink) and on the other hand ManiaHome would become more interesting. I think the most players will mainly see notifications about buddies, beeing now friend with someone they don´t know. This flood of almost only messages like this is - I think not only for me - not a convincing reason to really use ManiaHome by the means of it´s possibilities.
Could anyone else imagine something like this being useful?