NEWS 17-03-2018 - eXpansion² Beta getting closer - New website

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NEWS 17-03-2018 - eXpansion² Beta getting closer - New website

Post by oliverde8 »

NEWS 17-03-2018 - eXpansion² Beta getting closer - New website

We have recently been quite quite, we are taking our time to get things done right. We worked quite a lot during a period of a month. Between work and eXpansion I was quite worn out. So this 2 last weekends we took things easy.
It's quite hard not to over burn ourselves on the project, we have obligations in real life that has priority even through they are not always fun, and expansion is a fun project so we sometimes tend to over do it.

So we have geared down our efforts in order to keep our strength for the month to come.

Does this mean we have done no work on eXpansion, no quite the contrary. Just a few hours ago we launched our new website. Basically there are 2 website now : The first one is a symfony 4.0 website, and the other one is the previous website hosted with github pages. So you can contribute to the documentation and help us make it better.

As you might be aware currently the Alpha is in progress. The alpha intends to get the core of eXpansion as stable as possible. 3 alpha versions were already released. Meanwhile we have already started working on the beta.
Here is a small sneak peak of what we will have in the beta.

In game configuration :

One of the big features of the first version of eXpansion was the ingame configuration. Like eXpansion1 eXpansion2 intends to make things for server admins as easy as possible. In order to do that we have rebuilt a configuration system in eXpansion2.

We have as expected completely rethought the system, in eXpansion 1 config was separated in different places, there was the global config and config added on each plugin individually. This made it difficult to group relevant configurations.

In expansion2 each config element has a path, the menu is automatically updated to give access to each config.


We then have access to a config window :


There are still some details to finish as you can see.

The new system is much easier to use for developers as well. Basically each config is a service (as everything else in symfony), and you can create your own config classes to handle custom behaviours or validation rules, you can also add custom ui renderers for each config and display them as in any particular way you would like.

Paths allows the grouping of configs, so any plugin can come an add an entry in the look & feel section for example.

Some widgets :

We also started to work a bit more on the widgets.

For now we are not putting to much effort in the "race" widgets. Theye are not a priority as there is a lot of debate on how to they need to be displayed to be useful and not a nuisance. We hope other developers will like what we are building and well be interested to build their own "Hud" as we used to call it back then.

A first step to multi servers :

We also did a complete overhaul on the way eXpansion connects to the dedicated server. The way it was handled before forces the connection even for the most basic symfony console commands and didn't allow putting in place multi server configuration.

The first step consisted of having all services use a dedicated connection factory service instead of using the connection directly. So we don't have a Connection service as we used to. This means we will have more flexibility in the future to put this in place.

Other changes :

We also have now a crude support to mx-karma; we plan to have a generic widget that can be plugged either to the local karma or the mx-karma. It's still in the process of being thought out.

We have some better developer tools that displays warning when eXpansion is in dev mode, and also makes debugging memory slightly easier.

We are doing good progress, there are some big tasks remaining but globally the we are able to move faster then I thought we would at first so, that's a good thing.

Dedimania plugin has also been started, not sure if it will be done for the beta, more probable to have it ready for the Release candidate.

We tried a twitch stream developing, it turned out quite okay, so we will probably try out something like that again.

Developper for The next generation, Clean and Powerfull controller eXpansion for your SM & TM server . Working on eXpansion² with full MP4 support and many other awesome features...
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