What new block do you want to see?

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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by null8fuenf10 »

The Waterfalls Blocks, would be so nice.
The Underwater Tunnel, would be also unbelievable! :clap:

Then the non-directional TurboBlocks with adjustable Speed, in different colours!

This are very nice ideas!

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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by Demented »

Hey Thanks Buddy!
I actually tried making a waterfall in the track L036 JujuFalls o-o
It works ok but only when viewed from certain angles, thus it was placed in an area only really visible from a certain place (At the first Checkpoint it is off to the right ahead of you)
From other angles the water seems to flow sideways or uphill. :lol:
Real waterfalls that you could actually splash through into a tunnel or cave would be fun though. Or even ones you drive through sideways to clean the dirt off your car.
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by emmanuel19 »

Hello, I'm still looking for someone who can create this kind of trees for stadium to have a more realistic decoration.

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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by null8fuenf10 »

Demented wrote: 16 Sep 2018, 16:30 Hey Thanks Buddy!
I actually tried making a waterfall in the track L036 JujuFalls o-o
It works ok but only when viewed from certain angles, thus it was placed in an area only really visible from a certain place (At the first Checkpoint it is off to the right ahead of you)
From other angles the water seems to flow sideways or uphill. :lol:
Looks pretty nice! :thumbsup: Nice Try, buddy! :clap:

null8fuenf10 :pil
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by Demented »

Thanks null8fuenf10. I tried another way to do waterfalls in Canyon with animated signs in the distance between cliffs, but that didn't work either and I ended up changing them back to animated "down" signs.
I know one reason Nadeo does or doesn't do certain things is to keep the game playable on fast and slow PC's and getting into heavy particle effects and animated graphics starts cutting into framerates on slow PC's. I do think it's smart that Nadeo keeps the game playable for a wider group of players but can still look great for faster PC's. But I'd also still love to see flowing water. Hey we did get splashes in shallow water in MP4 and I'm still liking that.

@emmanuel19: I hope someone can help you out with that. To have them embeddable they need to use textures already ingame and I'm not sure if Stadium has a texture set that would work really well for realistic trees. A person could make their own textures but then the items would need to be linked and not embeddable. Somebody with a good imagination might come up with something for you.
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by Skyslide »

i can do some palms, maybe trees soon, aslong i dont looooose my motivation again, im fixing the competition titlepack blocks atm and redo my dirt set for the competition titlepack, i need some testers, dirt mappers, anyone interested?
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by Demented »

Normally I would be into helping with something like that but right now I've just got too many other commitments going on :cry:
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by ToaOfJustice »

  • Fan with adjustable speed: If this type of block were pointing up from the road, it could do anything from upsetting your downforce to letting you fly over mountains! If the fan's wind was horizontal, it would blow your vehicle in a particular direction. How difficult would it be to drive in a crosswind? Could a headwind help you slow down? How fast would your vehicle go with a tailwind and a turbo block? Would you be able to overcome the suction of a fan pointed in reverse? In all cases, the blades would be have a grill in front of them, so your vehicle wouldn't be damaged by the blades. (This idea was inspired by the fan block in LEGO Stunt Rally, but that one only points up at a single speed.)
  • Trampoline with adjustable flexibility/tension: It's already possible to bounce off water. Would it be possible to engineer a flexible solid surface to achieve the same effect? Unlike water, it would be possible to drive over this type of block at low speed, since it would be solid.
  • Brake with adjustable strength: Driving your vehicle over this type of block in any direction would reduce speed. It could look similar to the free wheeling blocks, but with a red X pattern. An alternate pattern could be red octagons.
  • Oscillating platform with adjustable speed: Up and down oscillation would be an elevator. Side to side oscillation would require precise timing to drive on the platform. Forward and reverse oscillation would allow a vehicle to ride for a while (like a ferry).
  • Spinning obstacle with adjustable speed: Horizontal and vertical spinning should be possible. (This idea was inspired by the obstacle at the start of LEGO Racers 2's Beyond the Dome.)
  • Ground variants of Lagoon's roller-coaster blocks
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by Demented »

Those are some really interesting ideas. :thumbsup:
I like the "Trampoline" and "Oscillating platforms" ideas. They would be fun and funny to add to tracks.

A few times I've suggested something similar to Oscillating platforms. (Items that can be set to follow a Vector Path) The items could have animated parts (like the wheels on trains) or just be single image objects. Then, when placing the object in a map you click a button "Create Item Path" and are presented with something similar to the Custom Camera in the Mediatracker, where you can position the object at a "Keyframe" then move it on a timeline to another (maybe interpolated) Keyframe and so on until you have your path laid out, then choose a path type to follow;
Once: (object follows the path to the end then stops)
Ping Pong: (object follows the path to the end then reverses and follow it back to beginning)
Loop: (object follows the path to the end then jumps to the beginning keyframe and starts over) Looped should have an option to snap the last keyframe to the first keyframe for seamless loops.
Setting up a path, as I said, could work the same way as we set up custom cameras now with the exception that instead of moving the camera positions around you actually click on and drag the object to where you'd like it (so you see how it looks on the map) and adjust the X-Y-Z-Roll-Yaw positions at each keyframe.
So, you could set up your "Oscillating platform" using this method and make a sliding platform, an elevator, a ferry boat or with looped paths even a pod of Orcas surfacing and diving through the water. Maybe a biplane flying through the canyons, a UFO landing, a convoy of trucks crossing a road or just a confused Duck swimming in a circle. :o
I think Item Paths could be a really fun tool to add to MP.

Since this idea isn't really a block I think I am going to start a new topic for things like this: What new feature would you like to see?
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Re: What new block do you want to see?

Post by DocRBP »

while the magnet blocks are a bit finicky i do kind of like what you can do with them. only wish there was a version with stronger pull and one that does not accelerate your car, so you could make upside down sections etc without flying off at 500km/h or dropping down when loosing grip etc(mostly refering to Canyon, not entirely sure how magnets work in the other games).
(also kind of refering to the magnet texture and not that much the stock magnet blocks/pipes etc)

Ive been learning the item editor myself a bit and have ideas of maybe trying to make a mall or parking lot set for drifting maps. have experimented with grass terrain which is kind of fun too since it increases drift range due to less grip, but causes you to fly off on ramps at high speed which sort of sucks (magnets to the rescue).
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