[28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

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Re: [28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

Post by hackie »

Maybe you should talk to some server hosters where players can rent servers.

I rented once a server at NC1 , wich is a great hoster , but he also did not have the choice to use eXpansion.

I have no good internet to host a good server , maybe for 10 a 15 players to drive on , otherwise I would host one myself.
And I think You need something to do about how things work. ( Tutorial )
There are so many settings on the server but what do all do ? Certainly for people who never setup a server its just a lot of stuff to figure out youre self.

Anyway , I think you did a very good job here with eXpansion and I hope you won't stop with it. :thumbsup:
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Re: [28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

Post by oliverde8 »

hey, Trackmaniacs and also Shootmaniacs eXpansion is moving it is getting so much better.

so I add nothing to the 0.9.7's list of things :) but we have already a great feature for the version after that :D
Reaby has outdone himself today and created something amazing in the core of expansion, it is top secret code and for our eyes only but let say it allows us to catch events that weren't meant to be catched :D

This means we can do miracles.

Second biiiig change is LocalRecords it has been revisited, first we have heat it to extreme temperatures then we have given it a new shape, and using very complicated methods hardened and strengthen it incredibly in order for it to accomplish new tasks.
The plugin has been separated into 2 blocks the record saving part that has no idea what is good or bet, or how to format the score. LocalRecords extends this BaseRecords in order to teach it the essentials of TrackMania record handling.

And yes this means we can finally store in the database scores as well as times. This means trackmania stunt players you will be able to use eXpansion in the future :D

ooo there is also Sm Platform beta that works with points? but that has missing events? but we can get to events that aren't triggered now so yes we just sucedded in having record system work on SmPlatform.

This new system still needs testing, it needs work at the moment it was only tested in SMPlatform we hope to have it working for stunts also, of course we expect other developpers to participate in this project.

Sorry for the loooong message I am happy and tired :D
Developper for The next generation, Clean and Powerfull controller eXpansion for your SM & TM server . Working on eXpansion² with full MP4 support and many other awesome features...
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Re: [28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

Post by tcq »

Sounds amazing :)
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Re: [28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

Post by hackie »

Sounds great Team.

If you need testers for Trackmania , count me in.
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Re: [28/65/14]eXpansion News for 0.9.7 | SOON stable realese

Post by oliverde8 »

We will probably need to do some tests for the local records after the 0.9.7 realese.

I think I can safely say the road map is something like this

->Realese 0.9.7 .......| update master branh with nighty
->Update nighty........| update nighty with current dev & new local record system
->start testing nighty.|
->Work fixes...........| still on master
->Work on future......| on dev again
Developper for The next generation, Clean and Powerfull controller eXpansion for your SM & TM server . Working on eXpansion² with full MP4 support and many other awesome features...

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