[ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by kripkee »

Yep, and you can still use it in the "PC"-version in mediatracker "cam1/behind". But hey :teub:. A lot of other racing games have 5 or 6 cams, but [...]
I have the feeling TMTurbo is a port from Maniaplanet and wasn't really new "recoded" for consoles/pc.
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by i7mean »

"fun" "simple"... f*cking arguments.
Looks like this game was made for 8 years old and no one else. A third cam isn't simple? Their brain will crash if they see another cam possible? wadafuq.. Oh maybe it's also because of that there's no leaderboard, it would be too complex for their little brainies. F*ck off. I know some 40y old people playing TM.
I mean it's good to put some Homer Simpson quotes in the loadscreen, but they'd better spent time on some other things.

Sry for bad langage.
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by TMarc »

Why do you apologize if you're willingly bad guy here? :roll: ;)

Everything was written by Hylis here: Target of Turbo.
The choice was made by Ubisoft and Nadeo, and there is nothing we can do about it.
To complain afterwards perhaps releases some frustration, but it does not bring anything.

Not knowing, only guessing: Turbo will not see any major change, only necessary fixes.
So, probably not a camera change. And certainly not if you continue blaming and criticizing them like that.
I can tell you, nobody likes to be criticised in such a way, especially not the French people, because they are easily upset then :lol:

We should now all focus on Maniaplanet, and take Turbo as it is: as snack or in-between meal.
Take it, or leave it. Simple and fun :lol:

It's only sad for all those who had preordered it and don't like it.

And now, it would be great if you would behave and do not be bad anymore, thanks :)
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by Florenzius »

I agree. Some small improvements/bug fixings and done. A perfect game and it makes fun :0010 :thumbsup: :thx:

The other way: It would be good too to include ManiaPlanet into it or include it completely into ManiaPlanet. ManiaPlanet for consoles etc.

Because that:
TMarc wrote:We should now all focus on Maniaplanet, and take Turbo as it is: as snack or in-between meal.
Take it, or leave it.
is a big mistake! As small snack a better game with less features? Nadeo/Ubi, please (if you read that) realize the community-improvement-ideas and don't have two similar games! Don't do it like me: Lake and Seaside (almost the same), because i finally want to put down ManiaPlanet and take TMT. Merge these two softwares. The good Turbo-Design (for shootmania ofc too) and all maniaPlanet features in one game for pc and consoles: ManiaPlanet. So we can make it able to play SM on console too and it will be fun ;)
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by Darkhawk »

TMarc i really appreciate what you try to do here but this is nothing else than trying to mute us and this is bullshit!

Since Release all we ask for is adding something the other games had. It's no big deal at all and could even be hotfixed in since it's already in the game, but hidden behind the mediatracker!

Oh yeah right this was too harsh feedback, right? :? should i write an apology post now? or do you intedn to just delete this post and done? like what you always seem to do when criticism is too high..
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by TMarc »

Again insults, even if partially hidden :roll:

If you absolutely do not want to understand that there is always the choice of a nice and an unfriendly way to ask for things, but always keep doing it the unfriendly way, always causing undesired and artifical trouble, then yes, there will be mute, by the admins (this is not in my hand, I only want to help you avoiding that).

But this is not my intention here.
I'm only tired of these useless rants, because they do not bring anything.

I'm only reminding you to be friendly and to express your frustration and your wishes almost in a neutral or friendly way.
This does not mean you have to be happy with everything.
I see deception because many expectations were not met. This is OK.
But I also lots of see bad words (sh*t, f*ck and others), insults and hatress recently, which is absolutely not appropriate here.
All this causes a bad mood which is definitely not in the intended spirit of the Trackmania community.

If you are that much frustrated about a - let's say it like this - silly game,
then you should think yourself if you have really understood the concept of Turbo,
and why you don't look for something else instead, like possible improvements of Maniaplanet, which are more likely to be realized if many ask for it, or in worst case, into a game where you think you would be less stressed.

Maniaplanet and Trackmania², perhaps later even Trackmania³, is not "dead" as some are always trying to propagate.
Yes, it has not many player, count is decreasing or almost low stable, except perhaps Stadium.
Yes, the community is separated. Even more since Turbo and multiple forums.
Yes, Turbo does not have many useful features we are all used to have since years.
Don't forget, I'm also Trackmania player since years and I also see where Turbo has its flaws.
Still it is a nice game. It has some things which many were missing in Maniaplanet, e.g. nicer menus and interface.
Sure, not everyone's choice.

All this does not make Turbo a ugly bad game and Nadeo a ugly bad developer, because they don't do everything we might want.
All those who claim they would have done it better: please, do it yourself, show that you can build such a game with all features and perfect communication, and this during 15 years.
Oh, you can't? How can this be? You said it is easy and not much work...

I have not seen any game where the developers were there for such a long time and where (sure, not always) user feedback is welcome, and where there is more or less often a response from the developers.
Many other games are just sold as they are, and Turbo is one of those.
Discussion about Turbo is, if we stay realistic, futile.
Therefore any overheat because of missing features is just waste of energy and of time.

Guys, really, keep the church in the town, and keep calm.
The "old" "Camera 1" is not there? The camera which is there in Turbo is not that bad.
Some are used to that view already since the first Trackmania.
But all those don't say anything, because they are happy.
What is more important? To work on a feature that is requested by a few hundred of unhappy users, blocking one or two developers for some months, or to work on features which will make happy thousands of players?

Turbo for itself is not the end of Trackmania, hopefully.

Nadeo and Ubisoft did their choice, and regarding Turbo, we have to accept it.
Regarding Maniaplanet, it is different.

Again, keep calm (this does not mean quiet), friendly and respectful.
That's only what I'm asking here.
Thanks :)
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by Whitestar »

I won't complain (much) about the "missing" camera, other than to say that I think it is a strange design choice. For one reason and one only: With the default camera the car sometimes gets in the way of seeing things (looking ahead).

And that's not whining, that's a fact. And it applies to both console and PC players. Which means it affects gameplay on all platforms.

I read Hylis' message that it's a design choice, and that's fine. In my opinion it's a poor design choice though, because it sometimes gets in the way of your driving.

So TMarc, people should still be allowed to express their opinions about it, as long as they do so in a factual and polite manner without resorting to name calling and bad language. I get that you are tired of the endless rants (I feel the same way) but forums are for discussions, and there is nothing wrong in giving legitimate critique of game features, even if nothing will probably be done with it.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. Now back to playing. :)
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by TMarc »

Absolutely right, Whitestar, and you're showing a good example for the kind of posts I would prefer here all the time :thumbsup:
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by Algone »

especially not the French people, because they are easily upset then :lol:
It's a bull shit!
I'm french :gobananas:
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Re: [ALL?] Missing camera mode (mp/tmn num1)

Post by TMarc »

Algone wrote:
especially not the French people, because they are easily upset then :lol:
It's a bull shit!
Not at all. I have lived long time in France, and I have French colleagues. Unfortunately it is true for a significant number of cases of what I have observed myself.

But it is not only the French.
Actually, Everybody is upset if you tell them they don't work or they only produce "shit"...
Many try their best, not only for themselves, but also for others.
To then read that the own work is "only shit" is very disappointing and not fair at all.

Therefore, please avoid such silly and offending writing.
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