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Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 06:45
by oliverde8
bass wrote:Bump because it's really a nasty bug and I cannot run latest dev for any fixes because this still lingers....

Code: Select all

Perhaps it started after updating to the latest dev.. many (not all) players are getting what is deccribed as a dark screen upon entering the server.. exit and re-enter all is fine.. I have not had this issue myself but something is going on and like I said, it started after updating to latest dev console colors update maybe. Any ideas?
There were several others confirming having experienced this.


When you say dark screen? no widgets or dark screen with Maniascript error? I need more information to reproduce :D

btw, you have not told us what mysql version you have for the other bug.

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 14:08
by bass
Wish I had seen it myself but it never happened to me or a number of other players on my server. Strangely it seemed to effect non-regular players of the server. It was always "why is the screen so dark?" No errors or missing widgets reported. This happened around a dozen times so I reverted to an earlier build and it has not been mentioned since.

Pretty sure the mysql was 5.6..from a ubuntu 16.04 LAMP install. I switched back to my previous debian with php5 mysql 5.5 to avoid the issue and all is fine for now.

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 18:46
by reaby
As of I think of this mysterious black screen bug.
I think I know what causes it.
For some reason the fully transparent bounding box goes black, it might be also some sort of bug with maniaplanet + graphics card and/or shader settings.

I changed the bounding box for the menu, so you couldn't right click at when window is foreground layer.
Maybe the bounding box needs to be removed, as the bug seems to bother some players.

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 19:17
by bass
interesting... well i'll def. give it a go if you get around to it :thumbsup:

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 22 Sep 2016, 20:38
by gsxroil

tennismode don't work in mode team

( /team gap 7 = 70 points limites)
( /team gap 1 = 50 points limites)
... :?

Unable to settle properly with the server tennismode


Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 15:25
by reaby

Tennis mode is quite hard to get working at current dedicated server with using API-Version 2013-04-16 to be sure i tested also with 2011-10-06 API version too.

GetCurrentRanking returns 0 for both teams after each run, also forcing scores doesn't work with current dedicated server (both team PlayerID = 255) so both teams will get the same score.

So, I possible can't fix this one,

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 07:23
by reaby
bass wrote:interesting... well i'll def. give it a go if you get around to it :thumbsup:
Removed the bounding box from the menu, so it should be ok to go for dev again!

Last few days fixes includes also:
  • Fixes for widgets highliting
  • Adding more options to VoteManager: players addqueue from mx vote, limits and easier dropdown menu for options
  • Disabled ansi on windows console.
  • Disabled public chat messages logging for console.
  • Advertising widget works again with multiple ads.
  • Fixes pluginslist dropdown box, fixes endrankings to have more space between elements
  • Fixed issue #225 with getCurrentRankings trying to fetch to much data at once
  • Attempt to fix bug with some mysql versions
  • A new widget, Combined records!
Comibed records... As you might guess, it has dedimania and localrecords in same widget!
It loads first locals and then combines them to deditimes. Better time of them is then displayed :)
It has now Top 10 times always visible and your time with one faster and slower, so in total 13 times!

But should it have even less records displayed, like top 5 + 5 around you, total 10 ?
- Or is Top 1 or Top 3 and your own time enough...
- Or perhaps one huge display: top 5 + 25 records around you, total 30 times displayed, though then I would like to have it at scoreboards layer only :)

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 07:41
by mcrobert
Thank you reaby :clap:

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 11:37
by bass
Awesome ty :thumbsup:

Re: FeedBack & Bugs | Your ideas are important

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 15:51
by Palteza
Combined records is a really nice feature !

Would you be able to make it "customizable" ? Like you choose the number of records you want to display ? top 5 + personnal + 3 around - top 10 + personnal +1 around ...
Would be so great :shock:

Good job :yes: