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Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 23:49
by ProCup
Royal - Friday

Download: NO! MY MAP C: (Release Coming Soon! :D)

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 23 Aug 2013, 20:03
by Pufa91

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 14:24
by Akbalder
Since the update of sm.mania-exchange, it isn't possible anymore to search a map by gamemode. :(
It was useful to find new maps fro a server. ;)

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 14:08
by Eole
In the search section at the bottom of the page you have a "Toggle Advanced" link that display more search parameters. Then you can select a specific MapType.

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 08:33
by Akbalder
I still think that the gamemodes should be more visible. It's very important in Shootmania. ;)

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 09:43
by torriz
For some reason, if u press "Install & Play" on maniaexchange - Maniaplanet tells you that you need to have Trackmania2 C, even for SM maps. :0010 :roflol:


Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 08 Nov 2013, 09:18
by maurorobert
Hello everybody!

So a while ago I started working on the map below and I would like to finish it during the following weeks.

However I am wondering if this map would actually be considered playable considering the size and scale of the buildings. Also most maps I've played are pretty much symmetrical and this map has somewhat different, though balanced sides. So would this be a feasable map for large matches or did I push the engine too far and am I wasting my time on a benchmark map?

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 08 Nov 2013, 11:04
by TMarc
You map looks indeed very unusual but quite interesting.
I recommend you upload it to Mania Exchange, where users can give you directly comments.
You can also update your map easily there.

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 08 Nov 2013, 12:26
by maurorobert
Thanks :) Is it ok to publish unfinished maps there? I will check it out...

Re: Mania Exchange: Share your maps

Posted: 08 Nov 2013, 22:01
by TMarc
sure, you set a "Release Status" there :) :thumbsup: