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[Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 10:33
by UrinStein
Hello there,

Since that uptade, wich chanched the Pinging-Icon to that tiny little cross, I am having huge problems to even see that thing.

The Size
Now, since the size of that Pinging-Icon is connected to the size of nameplates, the only way to make it bigger, is by making the nameplates bigger. I actually do not understand why Nadeo is seeing any connection between those two, but I clearly do not. Huge nameplates would just make it even harder to see anything at all.
So either would I need a bigger Icon from the beginning or a way to resize it independantly from other things (that simply do not have anything to do with it).

I bet every Elite Player will ask herself/himself what the f I am talking about: "You can clearly see it!".
Well... yes. In Elite it is no problem at all, since you know exactly what to expect. It is 3vs1 so the only person being pinged is the attacker, who always comes from the same direction and rarely has more than three possible paths to take, so you know where to look, as soon as you hear it pinging.
I play lots of Speedball and there you have four teammates pinging different events like "there's an enemy", "go there" and "give me the ball". Having to fight 5 opponents in the same time, you will struggle to see that ping fast enough to react, since it could be anyone and anywhere.

The style of the icon itself is not too helpful either. At least its red version. It is not $F00 red but a slightly transparent red so it is not "attacking your face" as soon as it is on your screen. Imagine a map with a lot of castle walls and Sunset Mood. The whole map is red! You really have to concentrate to see that red-transparent icon on that orange-red wall. Normally you are dead before you even spot it.
So how about having everyone make their own Ping-Icon, just like everyone uses their own cross hairs?
I would clearly use it!

Individual Icons
Now let's go even a step further and let everyone see your custom Ping-Icon. We already have custom skins, horns and avatars, so that should not be problematic.
Peronally I like knowing who is pinging when I play, so I can imagine what she/he wants from me. But to have a more living example, think of gamemodes like Speedball, Heroes and the new Legends Mode wich all include a special class of player in every team, each carrying either a special weapon or an item and having a special task.
It is in everyone's interest to know who is pinging, since the special class often will mean: "Help me, the enemy is HERE", while the others will mean: "Watch out, the enemy is THERE". I hope you understand, what I mean...

Alternatively there could be just a little "nameplate" next to/over/instad of the icon showing a tiny tiny text everyone could set in their profile for themselves. Three letters would be enough. $-formating would be great too.

Thank you for reading

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 12:04
by dreammyw0w
i like this idea! :D

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 18:27
by -Witty-
Well, that's a very good suggestion, this ping-problem has bothered me a lot when playing Speedball, but also during Elite. I especially like the idea of creating your own personal Ping-Symbol/Icon/Text. :1010

Additional Idea: When the Ping-Icon can be customized, how about making the ping-sound changeable aswell, so you know who is pinging even before you see his ping. ;)

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 21:54
by ddr2
I love the idea to "rework" the ping. Clearly it can be a great tool in mods like speedball and other teamplay / tactical mods.

The way I would prefer it:
  • different pings triggered by different keys ("there is an ennemy there", "I will make a pass there", "I am available", ... )
  • each ping has its own shape and sound ("X", "?", "V", ... )
  • a little label on the ping to show the player's name
Number of pings, each ping's shape and sound should be customized in the script and not by player. That way all signals would be "consistent" between different teams and players (and more easy to understand for streams, spectators, others players etc ... )

The way UrinStein presented it seems nice, but I don't think it should be user-customized in fact :D .

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 23:12
by dreammyw0w
ddr2 wrote:I love the idea to "rework" the ping. Clearly it can be a great tool in mods like speedball and other teamplay / tactical mods.

The way I would prefer it:
  • different pings triggered by different keys ("there is an ennemy there", "I will make a pass there", "I am available", ... )
  • each ping has its own shape and sound ("X", "?", "V", ... )
  • a little label on the ping to show the player's name
Number of pings, each ping's shape and sound should be customized in the script and not by player. That way all signals would be "consistent" between different teams and players (and more easy to understand for streams, spectators, others players etc ... )

The way UrinStein presented it seems nice, but I don't think it should be user-customized in fact :D .

too complex imo.
If u wanna communicate then use TS, ventrilo, mumble or Skype.
+ i'd rather have nadeo working on an ingame voice thingy , instead of overcomplicating the ping.

Custom ping-symbol & color would be awesome. Anything more is overkill.

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 11:19
by UrinStein
dreammyw0w wrote:too complex imo.
If u wanna communicate then use TS, ventrilo, mumble or Skype.
+ i'd rather have nadeo working on an ingame voice thingy , instead of overcomplicating the ping.

Custom ping-symbol & color would be awesome. Anything more is overkill.
I agree, ingame simplicity ftw. I don't even think I'd be able to use all those buttons. :S
Also I'm always in TS anyway.

Maybe a locally customised Icon would be best. I'm just wondering if it was still possible to show who is pinging. The 3-letters-Label-thingy could look like this:

Only the cross should be bigger.^^
Oh and you should be able to choose a size for the label as well, and to deactivate it entirely. :D

(Btw I can only repeat: for US it is much more interesting than for Elite players ;D)

Concerning the Ping-Sound idea:
Could be interesting for matches, but for public games I would definitely deactivate downloads. xD

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 15:49
by ddr2
The idea was to adapt the Ping Radial Menu of LoL for instance :D . If you assume players are on TS then customizing the ping seems useless to me : the pinger can always "attach himself" to its ping by commenting it. You will know who pinged and why. The only useful feature here would be to have a way to make it bigger and independant of name labels.

Because, let's be honest, customized horn is fine but it does not serve any purpose besides being fun :D .

Re: [Suggestion] The Ping (aka Horn in Input Settings)

Posted: 29 Apr 2020, 11:39
by Dmark
ddr2 wrote: 05 Jun 2013, 21:54 I love the idea to "rework" the ping. Clearly it can be a great tool in mods like speedball and other teamplay / tactical mods.

The way I would prefer it:
  • different pings triggered by different keys ("there is an ennemy there", "I will make a pass there", "I am available", ... )
  • each ping has its own shape and sound ("X", "?", "V", ... )
  • a little label on the ping to show the player's name
Number of pings, each ping's shape and sound should be customized in the script and not by player. That way all signals would be "consistent" between different teams and players (and more easy to understand for streams, spectators, others players etc ... )

The way UrinStein presented it seems nice, but I don't think it should be user-customized in fact :D .
I know this topic is really old and SM is currently not the main focus of Nadeo but this feature would be really cool!
And since Apex Legends and other Shooters are using pings in special way I would appreciate it in SM as well :)