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The next big thing...

Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 05:14
by Filipe1020
Well, Valley is released, which only left one thing, Questmania, or atleast, a new installment of Shootmania, but I don't think Nadeo will take that long to reveal anything about QM.

So for that further do, how do you think QM will be? Based on something like WOW with a mix of other RPG's? Inspired by Final Fantasy? Or something more competitive?

Well, I am actually really curious how that ManiaPlanet style of games will fit in a RPG, since TM and SM is about creating maps, splitted in different rounds and being really competitive for the best record, and most of the RPG's is about upgrading and fighting monsters with different attacks and more (I'm not really an RPG player to know)

No I am not going to bother Nadeo to show anything about QM now, I can wait and see what they will come up with to surprise us, I will play lot's of Valley, because I'm still excited with it (even more than I was in Canyon) but in the mean time, let's share our ideas, curiosities and imaginations over the next installment shall we? :pop:

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 14:48
by On-Arap
I guess they'll try something like Guild Wars (first edition), like a mode only sPvP (for the competition), and a mode PvE/PvP with other "mini-mod" like you've in Minecraft, create by the community.

And if they'll do that, I'm affraid that they'll split their time on both "big" mod, and at least, the game will not be as good as it'll be if they were focusing on only one mod. (for example : Guild Wars 2 : Too much mode, none really finish)

And why not an "map editor" for something like in Wildstar : "Create your guild/personnal-house"
So much posibility ^^

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 15 Jul 2013, 23:09
by coolsnake
I'm expecting Yogventures basically. An easy to use create-your-own-adventure editor thing and the use of maniascript for the more advanced stuff.

I do wonder how it will look. Making it look cartoony would be a serious change in graphics style compared to the other mania games.

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 15:49
by Demented
Will it be Classic RPG? or Action RPG?
The original Legend of Zelda was about exploring a world, finding items, unlocking doors etc... and I could see this type of "Action RPG" being a lot of fun to build and create in. The classic style though would require a lot of scripting I would think.

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 16:31
by w1lla
Abilities?, Tutorials?, Squares?, Cards?, Decks?.

Its a quest for the mania it seems :thumbsup:

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 00:19
by MatheusKS
I have the feeling that QuestMania will be similar to the Dragon Warrior.

The first Dragon Warrior had big maps, with villages, castles and hidden monsters. In the villages, the player can buy things, sleep... In the castles, the player can obtain informations about the journey, talk with kings...
In the exterior environment (forests, fields), hidden monsters, like dragons, slimes, ghosts, evil magicians, attack the player.

I think it will be interesting. QuestMania may include a weapon system, a in-game exchange market, and another cool things.

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 16:54
by Demented
A "Creature Creator" such as in the game Spore would be really cool in a game like this.

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 16:13
by Demented
Hmmm, not sure why but, I got a email "Watching this topic" notification. It happens sometimes I guess, but there hasn't been anything new posted here for about a year and a half. A year and a half since this topic was being discussed. I was sure we'd hear Something about QM by now.
Is it still proposed?
Will it come in 2015?
Will we hear something in 2015?
What will the editor be like?
Can we create Characters/Creatures in it?
Will it be online only or have solo capabilities?
Only the mighty Nadeo knows... ;)

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 16:42
by TMarc
If there was spam, the moderation team removes it. Still you get notification because of the soam...

Currently there are no new news regarding QM, and there will not be news that soon.

Re: The next big thing...

Posted: 01 Jan 2015, 16:31
by Demented
Thanks TMarc,
No, I don't think it was spam. I get email notification all the time for topics I'm "Watching", but they usually only come when there has been a reply or update to a topic. It was just weird to get one from a topic that was dormant for so long.
I haven't really seen or head anything either regarding QM. I do hope they still plan on launching it at some time..."When it's ready".

[EDIT]-(Three years later)
Funny, re-reading this now, I guess back then I didn't realize what he meant was - people (or bots) spamming a topic sends out an email notification. :oops:

I do still hope to see QM sometime in the not too distant future. Hopefully while I'm still young enough to function outside the matrix. ;)