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[Pending]Crash on startup

Posted: 21 Dec 2013, 01:00
by osaka-san
As simple as that. The last update has rendered my game unplayable simply because once it gets to the "loading titles" screen it crashes back to desktop. I've tried with an older version, unticking optional updates, copying titles to the folder, minimal install and valley install... Even tried with a copy i had lying around from before resetting my laptop into day 1 state and it still doesn't run.

Re: Crash on startup

Posted: 21 Dec 2013, 11:58
by TMarc
Which version are you using?
I presume Steam, since the regular Steamless version has not had any update since longer time :?

Most probably it is a second issue with your PC.
Which antivirus software are you using? Did you check the firewall again?
The update of ManiaPlanet (if it was the exe) might have lead to "breaking" something else, or you forgot to execute it with administrator priviledges then.
Try executing ManiaPlanet.exe or perhaps also Steam with Admin rights once.