Music Server Issues

UASECO is a fork of the XAseco2/1.03 controller for Trackmania and has been overhauled to support the Modescript Gamemodes of Trackmania².

Moderators:, NADEO

Posts: 23
Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 23:25

Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 »

Hi all, I have recently been setting up my own Trackmania 2 server with Uaseco as the server controller. Everything works, dedis, locals, etc, all except the music server, in which I have music files in the GameData\Music directory (in the server folder) as well as UserData\Music directory (as some people say this is what Tm2 uses) as well as putting the music files in the base directories of each (e.g just GameData\). My music_server.xml is this:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
	<!-- override a map's custom music? -->

	<!-- automatically load next song upon next map? -->

	<!-- automatically shuffle songs at start-up & reload? -->

	<!-- allow jukeboxing songs by players? -->

	<!-- strip subdirs when showing song files? -->

	<!-- strip extensions when showing song files? -->

	<!-- read tags from all .ogg songs? -->

	<!-- use read-only cache file? -->

	<!-- filename in main directory to store tags -->

	<!-- full http link to directory holding the song files     -->
	<!-- http server must allow direct download of those files  -->
	<!-- OR a path below the server's "GameData" directory (e.g.  -->
	<!-- "Music/") which allows serving songs without webserver -->

	For song files which are stored remotely you can setup how many bytes will be transfered to parse for OGG tags,
	512 bytes will be enough in the most case, but some files have to retrieve full (because the OGG tags are at the end of the file).
	Adjust this if you miss some Artist/Title entries in <cache_file>. To retrieve the full file, set this to '-1'.

	<!-- list of song files at your music server in .ogg or .mux   -->
	<!-- avoid spaces and special characters in the filenames and  -->
	<!-- http link, and observe correct upper/lowercase characters -->

		<current>{#server}» {#music}The current song is: {#highlite}{1}</current>
		<next>{#server}» {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} loaded the next song: {#highlite}{3}</next>
		<reloaded>{#server}» {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} reloaded music config and cleared jukebox!</reloaded>
		<sorted>{#server}» {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} sorted song list and cleared jukebox!</sorted>
		<shuffled>{#server}» {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} shuffled song list and cleared jukebox!</shuffled>
		<jukebox>{#server}» {#highlite}{1}{#music} jukeboxed song: {#highlite}{2}</jukebox>
		<jukebox_already>{#server}» {#music}You already have a song in the jukebox! Wait till it's been played before adding another.</jukebox_already>
		<jukebox_dupl>{#server}» {#music}This song has already been added to the jukebox, pick another one.</jukebox_dupl>
		<jukebox_notfound>{#server}» {#music}Song_ID not found - Type {#highlite}/music list{#music} to see all songs.</jukebox_notfound>
		<jukebox_drop>{#server}» {#music}Player {#highlite}{1}{#music} dropped his/her song {#highlite}{2}{#music} from jukebox!</jukebox_drop>
		<jukebox_nodrop>{#server}» {#music}You don't have a song in the jukebox, use {#highlite}/music Song_ID{#music} to add one...</jukebox_nodrop>
		<jukebox_empty>{#server}» {#music}No songs in the jukebox, use {#highlite}/music Song_ID{#music} to add one...</jukebox_empty>
		<no_jukebox>{#server}» {#highlite}/music #{#music} is not currently enabled on this server.</no_jukebox>
		<shutdown>{#server}» {#music}{1}$z$s {#highlite}{2}$z$s{#music} disabled server music!</shutdown>
I have no idea why it doesn't work, maybe undef can tell me? Here is the output from the Uaseco logs:

Code: Select all

Active code page: 65001
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] ####[INIT]###########################################################################
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] Checking for required PHP extensions...
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] PHP is using "D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\UniServerZ\core\php74\php-cli.ini"
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "Exchangeable Image Information" (exif): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "File Transfer Protocol" (ftp): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "ICONV character set conversion facility" (iconv): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "Image Processing and GD" (gd): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "JavaScript Object Notation" (json): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "LibXML" (libxml): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "Multibyte String" (mbstring): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "MySQL Improved" (mysqli): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] > Checking "SimpleXML" (SimpleXML): OK!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Config] Load settings [config/UASECO.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [UASECO][WARNING] To increase security you should setup a lock password at <lock_password> in [config/UASECO.xml]!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Config] Adding missing trailing "\" <mapimages_path> from [config/UASECO.xml]!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Config] Adding missing trailing "\" <dedicated_installation> from [config/UASECO.xml]!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Config] Load admin and operator lists [config/adminops.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Config] Load banned IPs list [config/bannedips.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] Setup memory limit to 256M
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [PHP] Setup script timeout to 120 seconds
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Dedicated] Try to connect to Maniaplanet dedicated server at [] (timeout 180s)
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Dedicated] Try to authenticate with login [SuperAdmin] and password [*********] (masked password)[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Dedicated] ...connection established successfully!
[2020-05-26 03:54:44] [Database] Try to connect to database server on [localhost] with database [uaseco], login [madmatt] and password [********] (masked password)
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] ...connection established successfully to a MySQL/8.0.18 server!
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] Checking database structure:
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_authors`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_maphistory`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_maps`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_players`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_playlist`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_rankings`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_ratings`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_records`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_settings`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] > Found table `uaseco_times`
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Database] ...successfully done!
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] Loading plugins [config/plugins.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.modescript_handler.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.manialinks.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.local_records.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/chat.admin.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/chat.server.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.panels.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:46] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.dedimania.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.welcome_center.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.info_bar.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.donate.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.rounds.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.round_points.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.round_autoend.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.mania_exchange.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.rasp.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.rasp_jukebox.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.music_server.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.uptodate.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/chat.records.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/chat.rasp.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.customize_quit_dialog.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] > initialize [plugins/plugin.vote_manager.php]
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] Checking dependencies of Plugins...
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] ...successfully done!
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] Registering events and chat commands...
[2020-05-26 03:54:47] [Plugin] ...successfully done!
[2020-05-26 03:54:48] [MapList] Reading complete map list from server...
[2020-05-26 03:54:48] [MapList] Progressing maps: 0..
[2020-05-26 03:54:49] [MapList] ...successfully done, read 12 maps which matches server settings!
[2020-05-26 03:54:49] [Playlist] Reading map history...
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Playlist] ...successfully done!
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [LocalRecords] Load config file [config/local_records.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Panel] Load default panel background [config/panels/PanelBGCard.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Panel] Load default admin panel [config/panels/AdminAboveCPListSmall2.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Dedimania] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Dedimania] Dataserver connection on Dedimania...
[2020-05-26 03:54:50] [Dedimania] Try connection on
[2020-05-26 03:54:51] [Webaccess] ( send: deflate, receive: deflate
[2020-05-26 03:54:51] [Dedimania] Connection and status ok! (Dedimania.8087)
[2020-05-26 03:54:51] [Dedimania] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] Loading config file [config/rasp.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] Cleaning up unused data...
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Cleaning up `uaseco_maps`
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Cleaning up `uaseco_players`
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] ...successfully done!
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] Checking for environment separation directories for maps from ManiaExchange...
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Found "Canyon"
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Found "Stadium"
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Found "Valley"
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [Rasp] > Found "Lagoon"
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [RaspJukebox] Loading config file [config/rasp.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Load music server config [config/music_server.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Parsing OGG files for ID3-Tags:
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\GameData\Music\CMA-Without_You.ogg": already parsed
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [UpToDate] Load config file [config/uptodate.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [ManiaKarma] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [ManiaKarma] Starting version 2.0.1 - Maniaplanet
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [ManiaKarma] Parsed "config/mania_karma.xml" successfully, starting checks...
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [ManiaKarma] > Set Server location to "Australia"
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [ManiaKarma] > Trying to authenticate with central database ""...
[2020-05-26 03:54:53] [ManiaKarma] > Successfully started with async communication.
[2020-05-26 03:54:53] [ManiaKarma] > The API set the Request-URL to ""
[2020-05-26 03:54:53] [ManiaKarma] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] ********************************************************
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Starting version 1.1.1 - Maniaplanet
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Parsed "config/records_eyepiece.xml" successfully, starting checks...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Registering chat command "/emusic", because <music_widget> is enabled too.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Setup for <features><maplist><mapimages><access_url> is not correct in "records_eyepiece.xml"
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Build and cache all Widget bodies...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Checking Database for required extensions...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Found column `MostFinished`
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Found column `MostRecords`.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Found column `RoundPoints`.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Found column `TeamPoints`.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Found column `WinningPayout`.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Updating `MostFinished` counts for all Players...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Updating `MostRecords` counts for all Players...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Checking entries for the <placement_widget>...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Always"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Race"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Rounds"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "TimeAttack"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Team"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Laps"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Cup"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "TeamAttack"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Chase"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Knockout"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] > Working on all <placement> with <display> "Doppler"...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Reading 1 Song...
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] Finished.
[2020-05-26 03:54:54] [RecordsEyepiece] ********************************************************
> Dedicated:     ManiaPlanet/3.3.0 build 2019-10-23_20_00, using Method-API 2013-04-16, ModeScript-API 2.5.0
>                MatchSettings: maplist.txt
>                Host:
>                Ports: Connections 2350, P2P 0, XmlRpc 5000
>                Network: Send 0 KB, Receive 0 KB
>                Uptime: 1 minute 8 seconds
> Name:          >!MAD!</Valley (madmatt00001), join link: "maniaplanet://#join=madmatt00001@TMValley@nadeo"
> Title:         TMValley@nadeo
> Gamemode:      "TimeAttack" with script "TimeAttack.Script.txt" version "2018-05-14"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PHP:           PHP/7.4.5
>                INI-File: D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\UniServerZ\core\php74\php-cli.ini
>                MemoryLimit: 256M
>                MaxExecutionTime: 120 seconds
>                AllowUrlFopen: true
>                Streams: compress.zlib, data, file, ftp, ftps, glob, http, https, phar, php, zip
>                GD-Lib: Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible), JPEG: true, PNG: true, FreeType: true
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Database:      Server:  MySQL/8.0.18
>                Client:  mysqlnd/7.4.5
>                Connect: localhost via TCP/IP
>                Status:  Started: 2020-05-26 03:53; Threads: 2; Questions: 133; Slow queries: 0; Opens: 3600; Flush tables: 3; Open tables: 0; Queries per second avg: 2.293
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> OS:            Windows NT DESKTOP-832150N 10.0 build 18363 (Windows 10) i586
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> UASECO:        Version 0.9.6 build 2019-03-02
>                Based upon the work of the authors and projects of:
>                - Xymph (XAseco2),
>                - Florian Schnell, AssemblerManiac and many others (ASECO),
>                - Kremsy (MPASECO)
> Author: (UASECO)
> Website:
> plugin.modescript_handler.php                     1.0.5 build 2018-11-22
>                                     1.0.0 build 2018-06-03
> plugin.manialinks.php                             1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.checkpoints.php                            1.0.1 build 2018-07-20
> plugin.local_records.php                          1.0.0 build 2018-07-12
> chat.admin.php                                    1.0.2 build 2019-03-02
> chat.server.php                                   1.0.1 build 2018-08-08
> plugin.panels.php                                 1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
>                                    1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.dedimania.php                              1.0.0 build 2018-06-10
> plugin.welcome_center.php                         1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.info_bar.php                               1.0.0 build 2018-11-16
> plugin.donate.php                                 1.0.0 build 2018-05-08
> plugin.rounds.php                                 1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.round_points.php                           1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.round_autoend.php                          1.0.3 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.mania_exchange.php                         1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.rasp.php                                   1.0.1 build 2018-05-10
> plugin.rasp_jukebox.php                           1.0.0 build 2018-07-20
> plugin.music_server.php                           1.0.0 build 2018-11-16
> plugin.uptodate.php                               1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> chat.records.php                                  1.0.0 build 2018-08-08
> chat.rasp.php                                     1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.customize_quit_dialog.php                  1.0.0 build 2018-05-07
> plugin.mania_karma.php                            2.0.1 build 2019-02-12
> plugin.records_eyepiece.php                       1.1.1 build 2018-11-16
> plugin.vote_manager.php                           1.0.0 build 2018-11-16
[2020-05-26 03:54:59] [Map] Running on Map [Valley Trip 1] made by [chatwiccan] [Env: Valley, Uid: 9A3gVYp5wu5ViolMmNV9OkVTAA2, Id: 3]
[2020-05-26 03:55:00] [Event] Loading Map
[2020-05-26 03:55:00] [LocalRecords] Current record on Map [Valley Trip 1] is [1:08.065] and held by Player [madmatt01]

Code: Select all

[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Load music server config [config/music_server.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Parsing OGG files for ID3-Tags:
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\GameData\Music\CMA-Without_You.ogg": already parsed
This tells me it found it successfully, but nobody on the server can download it, including myself (I can confirm this by pressing the "-" button in-game which shows the music file grayed out). I'm not doing anything different to how I set it up back in 2014-15 to get music on a different server, is this maybe a p2p error or something? As that's all I can think of, the ports I have open are 2350, 3450, 8082 and 5000 UDP+TCP, am I missing one or something? If anybody could help me I would be very thankful.


Update, just got this error

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\Uaseco\includes\core\helper.class.php on line 1238
[PHP Fatal Error] Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded on line 1238 in file D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\Uaseco\includes\core\helper.class.php
Press any key to continue . . .
Is this something to do with it?
Last edited by on 26 May 2020, 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Use code/tags for code or tags
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Re: Music Server Issues

Post by »

MadMatt01 wrote: 26 May 2020, 04:12

Code: Select all

[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Load music server config [config/music_server.xml]
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] Parsing OGG files for ID3-Tags:
[2020-05-26 03:54:52] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\GameData\Music\CMA-Without_You.ogg": already parsed
This tells me it found it successfully, but nobody on the server can download it, including myself (I can confirm this by pressing the "-" button in-game which shows the music file grayed out). I'm not doing anything different to how I set it up back in 2014-15 to get music on a different server, is this maybe a p2p error or something? As that's all I can think of, the ports I have open are 2350, 3450, 8082 and 5000 UDP+TCP, am I missing one or something? If anybody could help me I would be very thankful.
As UASECO could find the song file, the dedicated server should find it too. But you should check the dedicated server logfile too to be sure.
Did you allow/enable P2P in your dedicated_cfg.txt?

MadMatt01 wrote: 26 May 2020, 04:12

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\Uaseco\includes\core\helper.class.php on line 1238
[PHP Fatal Error] Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded on line 1238 in file D:\ManiaPlanet\MAD_Valley_Server\Uaseco\includes\core\helper.class.php
Press any key to continue . . .
Is this something to do with it?
No, but that means that you have a problem, UASECO waits for something that took longer as it should (but that part is missed in your log).
Developer of UASECO, a controller with support of the Modescript Gamemodes for TM².
Visit the official website for more:

Developer of various plugins for XAseco/XAseco2 and MPAseco, visit my lab:

You like what I do? Then award a ManiaStar.
Posts: 23
Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 23:25

Re: Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 »

Thanks for the reply undef. P2P download and uploads are both set to true in the dedicated config, here is the log from yesterday when I had the server up for a bit:

Code: Select all

[2020/05/26 12:53:23] Starting ManiaPlanet date=2019-10-23_20_00 Svn=97219 GameVersion=3.3.0...
[2020/05/26 12:53:23] Configuration file : dedicated_cfg.txt
[2020/05/26 12:53:23] Loading system configuration...
[2020/05/26 12:53:23] ...system configuration loaded
[2020/05/26 12:53:23] Loading cache...
[2020/05/26 12:53:24] ...OK
[2020/05/26 12:53:24] Loading dedicated server configuration...
[2020/05/26 12:53:24] ...Dedicated server configuration loaded
[2020/05/26 12:53:24] Connecting to master server...
[2020/05/26 12:53:26] ...OK
[2020/05/26 12:53:28] Identifying on master server...
[2020/05/26 12:53:32] ...OK
[2020/05/26 12:53:39] Listening for xml-rpc commands on port 5000.
[2020/05/26 12:53:39] Match settings file : MatchSettings\maplist.txt
[2020/05/26 12:53:39] Loading match settings...
[2020/05/26 12:53:40] ...Match settings loaded
[2020/05/26 12:53:40] Autostart server on internet
[2020/05/26 12:53:40] URL: maniaplanet://#join=madmatt00001@TMValley@nadeo
[2020/05/26 12:53:40] Starting server...
[2020/05/26 12:53:40]  - Warning! - 
You seem to be on a private network.
Unless you have configured your NAT,
other players on internet will not be
able to join in...
[2020/05/26 12:53:41] Loading map valley-trip-1_194322.Map.gbx (9A3gVYp5wu5ViolMmNV9OkVTAA2)...
[2020/05/26 12:53:41] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 12:53:41] Script 'Mode:TimeAttack': [LOG]1> [Log] Logs are disabled in the "production" environment.

[2020/05/26 12:53:43] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 12:53:43] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 12:53:45] ...Play
[2020/05/26 12:55:11] Connection of a new player: atom1(
[2020/05/26 12:58:08] Disconnection of atom1(
[2020/05/26 12:59:12] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 12:59:12] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 12:59:12] Loading map A02.Map.Gbx (og0DgEXIZaDqxrRmUL92KPqd8mc)...
[2020/05/26 12:59:12] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 12:59:17] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 12:59:17] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 12:59:19] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:04:44] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:04:44] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:04:44] Loading map fs-valley-1_181829.Map.gbx (5x5S2hdEVQI5IAzkBbFWZytGcA8)...
[2020/05/26 13:04:44] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:04:46] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:04:46] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:04:48] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:10:13] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:10:14] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:10:14] Loading map tm-sunrise_93799.Map.gbx (WUXUacEAiA5EU93E7pw4EITUmLj)...
[2020/05/26 13:10:14] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:10:15] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:10:15] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:10:17] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:15:42] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:15:42] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:15:43] Loading map loop_62068.Map.gbx (kDHYlk3FKFp6ZnObz47pvtXTSGg)...
[2020/05/26 13:15:43] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:15:44] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:15:44] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:15:46] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:16:40] Connection of a new player: madmatt01(
[2020/05/26 13:20:34] Script 'Mode:TimeAttack': [LOG]1614887> [Log] Logs are disabled in the "production" environment.

[2020/05/26 13:20:38] Connection of a new player: atom1(
[2020/05/26 13:26:01] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:26:01] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:26:01] Loading map neyne-the-dudes_57617.Map.gbx (PekHdvD2Ul6ygaIQAW443pCO8i4)...
[2020/05/26 13:26:01] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:26:03] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:26:03] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:26:13] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:32:01] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:32:01] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:32:01] Loading map havefun-valley-sunset_54053.Map.gbx (nWtZQjWJ92jFvXTvk5SVhxN5gzb)...
[2020/05/26 13:32:01] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:32:03] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:32:03] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:32:10] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:37:39] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:37:39] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:37:39] Loading map havefun-valley-sunset_54053.Map.gbx (nWtZQjWJ92jFvXTvk5SVhxN5gzb)...
[2020/05/26 13:37:39] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:37:40] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:37:40] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:37:44] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:43:23] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:43:23] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:43:23] Loading map lc-mini-001_184329.Map.gbx (6YriqhyUKhFAKpyrdiza8v3o0Wd)...
[2020/05/26 13:43:23] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:43:25] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:43:25] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:43:33] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:49:09] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:49:09] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:49:09] Loading map lc-mini-002_184666.Map.gbx (evbw69GcG2Of946D0FGGccaoOH6)...
[2020/05/26 13:49:09] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:49:11] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:49:11] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:49:19] ...Play
[2020/05/26 13:54:55] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 13:54:55] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 13:54:55] Loading map trail-blazer2-ft-comp_52207.Map.gbx (ymChxSbt8qaELRK06YbZFXJy_c2)...
[2020/05/26 13:54:55] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 13:54:56] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 13:54:56] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 13:55:06] ...Play
[2020/05/26 14:00:42] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 14:00:42] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 14:00:42] Loading map lc-mini-003_184770.Map.gbx (Z1BUBrJ2EOj3TSjy3sI_ynCN5mh)...
[2020/05/26 14:00:42] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 14:00:46] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 14:00:46] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 14:00:56] ...Play
[2020/05/26 14:06:35] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 14:06:35] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 14:06:35] Loading map ramp-fun_185718.Map.gbx (tl6816IKmVDN1Vk1KkeuDG5N_i6)...
[2020/05/26 14:06:36] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 14:06:37] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 14:06:38] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 14:06:46] ...Play
[2020/05/26 14:11:45] Script 'Mode:TimeAttack': [LOG]4686190> [Log] Logs are disabled in the "production" environment.

[2020/05/26 14:15:55] Disconnection of atom1(
[2020/05/26 14:16:36] Script 'Mode:TimeAttack': [LOG]4976647> [Log] Logs are disabled in the "production" environment.

[2020/05/26 14:22:03] ...Finish
[2020/05/26 14:22:04] ...Exit
[2020/05/26 14:22:04] Loading map valley-trip-1_194322.Map.gbx (9A3gVYp5wu5ViolMmNV9OkVTAA2)...
[2020/05/26 14:22:04] ...Load succeeds
[2020/05/26 14:22:05] Starting Match...
[2020/05/26 14:22:06] ...Synchronization
[2020/05/26 14:22:23] ...Play
[2020/05/26 14:26:06] Disconnection of madmatt01(
[2020/05/26 14:26:38] Disconnection of madmatt00001(
Is this the log you wanted? It only tells you if a player connects/disconnects and the start and end of each map, I can't find anything that shows what music should be played... I checked the GameLog file, but it only tells you if a player chose a song or something and has some sensitive stuff inside so that's not it...

Here is the dedicated config in case I have missed something (minus the sensitive info of course xD):

Code: Select all

		<hide_server>0</hide_server>					<!-- value is 0 (always shown), 1 (always hidden), 2 (hidden from nations) -->

		<keep_player_slots>False</keep_player_slots>			<!-- when a player changes to spectator, hould the server keep if player slots/scores etc.. or not. --> 	
		<ladder_mode>forced</ladder_mode>				<!-- value between 'inactive', 'forced' (or '0', '1') -->

		<callvote_ratio>0.5</callvote_ratio>				<!-- default ratio. value in [0..1], or -1 to forbid. -->
			<voteratio command="Ban" ratio="-1"/>
			<!-- commands can be "Ban", "Kick", "RestartMap", "NextMap", "SetModeScriptSettingsAndCommands"... -->


		<referee_validation_mode>0</referee_validation_mode>		<!-- value is 0 (only validate top3 players),  1 (validate all players) -->


		<clientinputs_maxlatency>0</clientinputs_maxlatency>		<!-- 0 mean automatic adjustement -->
		<connection_uploadrate>80000</connection_uploadrate>		<!-- Kbits per second -->
		<connection_downloadrate>80000</connection_downloadrate>		<!-- Kbits per second -->
		<packetassembly_threadcount>1</packetassembly_threadcount>     <!-- Number of threads used when assembling packets. Defaults to 1. --> 




		<gsp_name></gsp_name>						<!-- Game Server Provider name and info url -->
		<gsp_url></gsp_url>						<!-- If you're a server hoster, you can use this to advertise your services -->

		<xmlrpc_allowremote>False</xmlrpc_allowremote>			<!-- If you specify an ip adress here, it'll be the only accepted adress. this will improve security. -->

		<scriptcloud_source>nadeocloud</scriptcloud_source>		<!-- Specify the cloud storage mode for Titles that use it. Can be "localdebug" or "xmlrpc" or "nadeocloud" (default). "nadeocloud" will work only if the creator of the title subscribed to the cloud service. -->

		<title>TMValley</title>		<!-- SMStorm, TMCanyon, ... -->

		<minimum_client_build></minimum_client_build>			<!-- Only accept updated client to a specific version. ex: 2011-10-06 -->

		<disable_coherence_checks>False</disable_coherence_checks>	<!-- disable internal checks to detect issues/cheats, and reject race times -->

		<disable_replay_recording>False</disable_replay_recording>	<!-- disable replay recording in memory during the game to lower memory usage. -->
		<save_all_individual_runs>False</save_all_individual_runs>	<!-- Save all the ghosts from the match replay to individual ghost.gbx files, in folder {servername}/Autosaves/Runs_{mapname}/  -->

If you need anything else please let me know as other players seem to have this exact issue too (may have been to do with mp4 as it worked in mp3 so would be helpful to find a workaround for it if this is the case xD)

Posts: 23
Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 23:25

Re: Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 »

Hey Undef, if you wanted the more verbose log, then I have attached it here for you as it is over 7000 lines. It includes me choosing the song and skipping to the next map. The song is different because I tried to see if using a loc would help, but it didn't do anything...

(705.34 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
Posts: 112
Joined: 28 Oct 2011, 14:37

Re: Music Server Issues

Post by mooseman2099 »

This would be a nice thing to get working also, I have tried to no avail. Files placed in dedicated server.

I want to direct you to where the Music should be placed - UserData\Music Or should it be GameData\Music This would be a good start. I presume its the GameData as it says in code.

Code: Select all

[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] ********************************************************
[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] Load music server config [config/music_server.xml]
[PHP 8192] Function get_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated on line 299 in file D:\FunStuntTrick\UASECO-master.0.9.7\includes\musicserver\getid3\getid3.php
[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] Parsing OGG files for ID3-Tags:
[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\FunStuntTrick\ManiaplanetServer_2019-10-23\GameData\Music/\LetItRock.ogg": already parsed
[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\FunStuntTrick\ManiaplanetServer_2019-10-23\GameData\Music/\LivinOnAPrayer.ogg": already parsed
[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\FunStuntTrick\ManiaplanetServer_2019-10-23\GameData\Music/\YouGiveLoveABadName.ogg": already parsed

example you written.

Code: Select all

<!-- "Music/") which allows serving songs without webserver -->

Changing direction 'Music\' Is what OP had. I also did this nothing also.

Code: Select all

[2020-06-07 16:01:09] [MusicServer] > Skip "D:\FunStuntTrick\ManiaplanetServer_2019-10-23\GameData\Music/\YouGiveLoveABadName.ogg": already parsed
Also I have placed the files in the as directed nothing.

Code: Select all

[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [Event] End Playing [1]
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [Event] End Turn [1]
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [Event] End Round [1]
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [Event] Player Ranking Updated (Players)
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [Event] End Map
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [MusicServer] Setting next song to [LetItRock.ogg]
[2020-06-07 15:54:17] [UASECO] Successfully autosaved [D:\FunStuntTrick\ManiaplanetServer_2019-10-23\UserData\Maps\MatchSettings/maplist.txt]
[2020-06-07 15:54:18] [Event] Player Ranking Updated (Players)
[2020-06-07 15:54:19] [Event] Begin Podium
[2020-06-07 15:54:39] [Event] End Podium
Silence - only game noise no tunes only when you first load it up. Would be nice to get a tune on while playing.

Also made TRue php both.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 23:25

Re: Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 »

Silence - only game noise no tunes only when you first load it up. Would be nice to get a tune on while playing.
This is exactly what I get too. It's been a month and I've tried everything from tweaking the source code a little to putting the server inside a tm2 folder to see if that makes a difference, but nothing. I'm starting to think mp4 broke this functionality, I would try it with other server controllers, but I think they all use online music servers and no longer use local songs... (at least just by looking at pyplanet that is) don't get me wrong, external hosting is a nice idea, but since uaseco's musicserver doesn't support https, I cannot use Google Drive :/ might be a possible workaround for this

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Re: Music Server Issues

Post by »

MadMatt01 wrote: 27 Jun 2020, 01:55
Silence - only game noise no tunes only when you first load it up. Would be nice to get a tune on while playing.
but since uaseco's musicserver doesn't support https, I cannot use Google Drive :/
Who said that HTTPS can't be used? Did you tried it? What error are in the logfiles then?

About the local music: Maybe you're right that the dedicated server didn't support this no more. I need to test that, but I never tried it... may be take some time.
Developer of UASECO, a controller with support of the Modescript Gamemodes for TM².
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Re: Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 »

Who said that HTTPS can't be used? Did you tried it? What error are in the logfiles then?
I tried before using google drive and messing around with some of the code. However on closer inspection, the music server code can only parse http links and times out with https links (gives an error 400 or something) as the code does not support https (there is no handshake) so it fails. In the end I gave up (this is also why all the music servers are http links and not https links for this reason). If you could add support for https and allow songs to be downloaded separately (aka no music server or common directory) then I will accept this as a valid solution, as it does not chew up bandwidth unlike locally hosted files xD

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Re: Music Server Issues

Post by » wrote: 28 Jun 2020, 20:43 Who said that HTTPS can't be used? Did you tried it? What error are in the logfiles then?
I should have said that, because you were right, HTTPS was broken and has been fixed, available at github. Thanks for the report and sorry that I took that long. :thumbsup:

EDIT: This fix could only be used with 0.9.7
Developer of UASECO, a controller with support of the Modescript Gamemodes for TM².
Visit the official website for more:

Developer of various plugins for XAseco/XAseco2 and MPAseco, visit my lab:

You like what I do? Then award a ManiaStar.
Posts: 23
Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 23:25

Re: Music Server Issues

Post by MadMatt01 » wrote: 06 Jul 2020, 15:22 wrote: 28 Jun 2020, 20:43 Who said that HTTPS can't be used? Did you tried it? What error are in the logfiles then?
I should have said that, because you were right, HTTPS was broken and has been fixed, available at github. Thanks for the report and sorry that I took that long. :thumbsup:

EDIT: This fix could only be used with 0.9.7
Thanks man! Really appreciate it being a long time fan of Xaseco/Uaseco. However, would it be possible to add direct download links for each song individually instead of one music server? E.g song1 and then link1, song 2 and then link 2? Or <song></song> then <link></link> something like this? As I think this is the system pyplanet uses and would be cheaper than renting music server websites (I could just use Google Drive xD) again thanks so much

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