Search found 74 matches

by TorbenX
05 Sep 2011, 06:58
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Algemene feedback over de beta
Replies: 5
Views: 1824

Re: Algemene feedback over de beta

Hey, even een vraagje: klopt het dat alle LP van de spelers wordt gereset zodra het spel echt wordt gelanceerd? (dus 4 real, geen beta?)

Ik hoor dat namelijk overal.
by TorbenX
20 Aug 2011, 10:54
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Feedback over de Nederlandse vertaling
Replies: 21
Views: 5186

Re: Feedback over de Nederlandse vertaling

Online staat er 'favourites' i.p.v. 'favorieten' of 'favoriete servers'.

Ik denk dat je dat allang hebt gezien of mogelijk verbeterd, maar alsnog. ;)
by TorbenX
28 Jun 2011, 11:29
Forum: Off-Topics
Topic: Image battle
Replies: 424
Views: 79118

Re: Image battle


by TorbenX
07 Jun 2011, 16:35
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Messaging and Notification System aka Facebook
Replies: 18
Views: 3773

Re: Messaging and Notification System aka Facebook

Everything is linked to Facebook these days. Maybe there will be a tool available to install that shows/notifies you about buddies etc., just like Messenger does if you receive a new e-mail or something like that. (I think that'll work better and you don't need a Facebook account that way. Just you ...
by TorbenX
07 Jun 2011, 07:06
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Canyon: Screenshot/Video/Article Collection
Replies: 622
Views: 123442

Re: Screenshot/Video/Article Collection

The new trailer looks good, the screens look good, the engine sounds WONDERFULL...I am really looking forward to this!
by TorbenX
07 Jun 2011, 07:00
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: TrackMania 2 : Canyon Trailer
Replies: 17
Views: 21777

Re: TrackMania 2 : Canyon Trailer


Er zitten een aantal hele mooie dingen bij, waaronder wat nieuwe blocks, de car-engine (klinkt HEEL SWEET) en ik heb nog wat nieuwe skins weten te spotten.
by TorbenX
27 May 2011, 08:31
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Maniascript
Replies: 67
Views: 15688

Re: Maniascript

Some one needs to create rain and ice physics... that would be epic (ice in the desert :lol: ) Already done since 1 year. :) Snow, rain, fog. You mean there are different kind of car physics? Don't think this is true. Not psyhics, but it is possible to create rain or modify the enviroment to make i...
by TorbenX
27 May 2011, 08:28
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Nieuwe ideeën voor TM²
Replies: 21
Views: 7940

Re: Nieuwe ideeën voor TM²

Ik mik altijd alle ankers aan, maar bij het over de kop slaan roteert ie niet mee.
by TorbenX
23 May 2011, 16:11
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: [Race & Editor] Starting Grid
Replies: 12
Views: 3220

Re: [Race & Editor] Starting Grid

El_Cid wrote:People still asking collisions? rofl
I think you meant to post your reply here?

This isn't about collisions.
by TorbenX
23 May 2011, 16:11
Forum: Trackmania 2
Topic: Races! (with colisions)
Replies: 14
Views: 3958

Re: Races! (with colisions)

Maybe it will be possible to create something like this using Maniascript, but it's not Mania-like to have collisions in TrackMania. That's my opinion.

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