New version of the server! ...
This version is compatible with the previous openbeta .
Main Changes:
- Added support for the new Trackmania² canyon blocks
- Added support for Trackmania² stadium
(run with /title=TMStadium and /game_settings=MatchSettings/TMStadiumA.txt ) - Default behaviour for players switching to spectators changed: now they lose their slot as a player by default.
will fix situations like in elite where maxplayer=6 and if a player switched to spec it still didn't allow an other player to connect. (configurable in the config file and via xml-rpc) - Fixed allies related bugs
Had to make a hot fix 2013-02-27b, because of a bug with custom score tables (like in royal mode) not displaying the correct values any more.
If you had already downloaded 2013-02-27, here is the difference patch with only the changed executables: ...