Ladder equivalent

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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by legor »

The system is now turned on :pil (it can take some time for the points to be affected).
Please let me know if there is any issue with this new feature.
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by pyerrro »

It looks cool but confusing, elite and siege are not the same, the way to play each one is really different
for example im well ranked in siege but i am really lame at elite...
anyway, i cant change anything so we will see ^^

i just notice you that it doesn't work for me yet (rank 5 in elite and 1 in siege)
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by fleo »

It'd be weird to share the same rank in both modes but we're talking about the half! It doesn't really correspond to your skill, but that's a hint about how good you can play. You're not a beginner in Elite if you've played hundred of hours in Siege, but you're not a pro neither, that's the point ^^

I think it'll take the usual time to be display, ladder are refresh every 12 or 24hours I believe.
Follow me on my maniaflash. Try the new elitealternative! Feedbacks on this post. :thumbsup:

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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by legor »

pyerrro wrote:i just notice you that it doesn't work for me yet (rank 5 in elite and 1 in siege)
Why do you say that it's not working ? How many points do you have in Elite and Siege ? Did you play Elite and/or Siege today ?
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by pyerrro »

legor wrote:
pyerrro wrote:i just notice you that it doesn't work for me yet (rank 5 in elite and 1 in siege)
Why do you say that it's not working ? How many points do you have in Elite and Siege ? Did you play Elite and/or Siege today ?
I have 5800 lp in elite and 1400 in siege, i've played both today to answer your question...
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by legor »

Do you use the "pyerrro" ManiaPlanet account ? If so I think that you have now 58K LPs in Elite and 29K LPs in Siege (that is to say 50% of the points in Elite) which seems to be what is expected.

Maybe you hadn't played any match in Elite yesterday after the system was turned on, which is required for the points to be updated in Siege.

Can you confirm that it's working for you now ?
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by MrA »

This whole idea is very good.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by sadzealot »

pyerrro wrote:It looks cool but confusing, elite and siege are not the same, the way to play each one is really different
for example im well ranked in siege but i am really lame at elite...
So what if they're not the same? 98% of the game-mode on attack is to dodge rockets and hit lasers. On defence it's all about hiding behind cover and spamming rockets. It's not like it's a great deal of tactics going in to either game-mode and the maps are usually so simplistic finding your way and/or safe passage doesn't take many rounds.
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by bas_ekkelenkamp »

sadzealot wrote:So what if they're not the same? 98% of the game-mode on attack is to dodge rockets and hit lasers. On defence it's all about hiding behind cover and spamming rockets. It's not like it's a great deal of tactics going in to either game-mode and the maps are usually so simplistic finding your way and/or safe passage doesn't take many rounds.
Why are you even around sadzealot, if you hate a game this much then why are you wasting your own time here in the forums? Didn't you say you were leaving this community forever a while ago?
If you aren't after all, at least stop posting useless unrelated stuff all the time. There is no reason for you to post something like this, the worst thing is that basically everything you said in this post is completely flawed and shows why people should not take your posts seriously. If you really believe everything you just said is true, try to educate yourself with the game more before posting next time, because all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.
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Re: Ladder equivalent

Post by sadzealot »

bas_ekkelenkamp wrote:
sadzealot wrote:So what if they're not the same? 98% of the game-mode on attack is to dodge rockets and hit lasers. On defence it's all about hiding behind cover and spamming rockets. It's not like it's a great deal of tactics going in to either game-mode and the maps are usually so simplistic finding your way and/or safe passage doesn't take many rounds.
Why are you even around sadzealot, if you hate a game this much then why are you wasting your own time here in the forums? Didn't you say you were leaving this community forever a while ago?
If you aren't after all, at least stop posting useless unrelated stuff all the time. There is no reason for you to post something like this, the worst thing is that basically everything you said in this post is completely flawed and shows why people should not take your posts seriously. If you really believe everything you just said is true, try to educate yourself with the game more before posting next time, because all you're doing is making a fool of yourself.
Why are you still making maps Bas? Haven't you been told on many enough occasions most people think your maps are completely horsemanure? Oh wait, now Nadeo will come and censor my post I guess, so allow me to tell you one thing

My post was merely a reflection over the previous guys post about sucking at one gamemode despite being ok at another... so I tried to explain to him that if you can handle it in one gamemode, you can handle it in others because of how similiar the gamemodes are!

It's about ducking rockets on attack, and hitting lasers... and on defence it's about being behind cover and spamming rockets! That's almost ALL of the tactics that goes into most modes, especially the ones mentioned.

For you to come here and write a seriously ad hominem post towards me because you disagree with my views on the game is nothing more than bull and your post should be removed for being off-topic.

But instead it'll probably now be me who'll get censored here. Pul mordi!

It's stupid posts like this that's the reason I don't care anymore. I made sense for a full year on this forum, was being nothing but respectful and constructive in most of my posts and I got ignored by Nadeo (or lied to by Nadeo). And I also got tired of the Nadeo fanboys who sit around licking their sphinxter all day long not having a single critical thought in their head themselves.

But hey, I'll make you a deal! Nadeo can refund me for the game they tricked me into buying with their lies and I'll go away!

Or better yet, they can apologize for said lies and I'll go away!
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