ExeC eSports

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ExeC eSports

Post by execesports »

ExeC eSports is an organizaition that was created 2011 by alan.

We have chosen to start up a team in trackmania 2 (Tech) and we hope somehow to do something positive things for your community. Maybe our organization can reach out to more people and maybe they decide to try the game out.
And as long as there are teams in trackmania there will also be a competive side do not forget that.

We spoked with alot of people and got told that "building a team is not easy" - ye, we know that, we also know it takes time to build a strong team. But we are going to spend time on this becuase we would like to make TM2 shine with a brand new team that will exist for a very long time.

ExeC eSports will be playing on eXeS tournament with the people they have now.
After the tournament the team will change alot, we will start recruiting all over again, try to make us even stronger. (there is still spots open for eXeS tournament).

Our webiste is under construction and our Trackmania, LoL and Cs:Go team will come up there as fast as our designer gets the time to work, but i can still share the page with you if you just want to take a look.

Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Exec-Esports-T ... 9/?fref=ts <--- Trackmania facebok.
https://www.facebook.com/execesports/?fref=ts <---- our org page with 2118 likes.

How do i join ExeC
- You can add mrweezi he will be our trackmania publisher and will be working on other sections aswell. He will mostly not drive in the future just be the guy who posts update, streams and helps out with other things.

- You have to always strive to push ur limits even if the maps sucks.

- You dont really have to be a pro by the moment u leave an application in here or contacting mrweezi. Just make sure you train well. But the better you are, the bigger are the chances.

- Show respect, get respect.

Do you have sponsors?

- Yes we do have sponsors and wich means the team will get gaming gear for a much cheaper price, thats nice huh? The best thing is that more sponsors are coming up. More information about that will be posted on website and facebook pages.

Links to our sponsors:


Wanna join?

add mrweezi ingame or write on:https://www.facebook.com/Exec-Esports-T ... 9/?fref=ts
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