The rotating server, or "Channel", has two variations of this mode: Royal Fun and Royal XP. With all due respect, these variations are garbage.
- Royal "Fun" isn't even "Fun", it has a maximum of 3-4 maps and all the power-ups end up doing is give unlimited rockets to everyone (due it it being by far the most common power-up)
- Royal XP is on another level. It has only 2 maps, but the main issue is the existence of guided missiles. "Fun" also has guided missiles, but they are rare and random. "XP", on the other hand, allows you to have guidded missiles constantly after you played one full game. Sure they only last one round, but you can rebuy them over and over, because they are cheap as heck - so they are de facto permanent. They are also way too strong, increasing your ammo and recharge rate for free, as if auto guidance wasn't enough. What the fuck. Who is the genius who decided having permanent guided missiles belongs in Shootmania?