Here is my big project for ShootMania server, it's a plugins based controller, that can be used to do ... everything ?
It's written in C# using MonoDevelop, and run perfectly on Windows and Linux, plugins is written in C# as well.
I made a plugin called IGAdmin, which allow user to control the server easily in game.
IGAdmin commands :
!admins -> Write the admins list.
!players -> Write players list with the PlayerId and Nickname.
!kick PLAYERID -> Kick player.
!ban PLAYERID -> Ban player.
!addadmin LOGIN -> Add admin with the specified maniaplanet login.
!deladmin LOGIN -> Delete admin.
!map MAPPATTERN -> Change map to specified map pattern (IE: !map Arch, will change the map the ArchWays).
!nextmap -> Go to next map.
!restartmap -> Restart the current map.
!password PASSWORD -> Change the server password to PASSWORD.
Edit IGAdmin__Admins.cfg to modify admins list.
All these commands is to type in the game chat.
SMAdminTools usage :
Windows : Edit Config.ini and run StartWindows.bat.
Linux : Install Mono, edit Config.ini and
Installing Mono on Debian : apt-get install mono-complete
Download on google code :
Source on google code :